How quickly to remove the symptoms of hemorrhoids, how to fight at home, what tools to use?

Hemorrhoids - this is a common disease to date. As a rule, 80% of people had to deal with it. It can arise in people of different sex and age.

One of the characteristic symptoms of hemorrhoids is pain, which can not always be combated simply and quickly. It is this symptom of the disease that gives the most discomfort and unpleasant sensations to a sick person. As a rule, more than 40% of patients complain of prolonged pain in the anus, which can be removed by different methods.

Any person should know that it is necessary to treat after consultation with the doctor, as it is possible to do harm to one's health without taking off painful sensations.

How to quickly remove hemorrhoids by yourself?

For sure, many people in order to quickly fight hemorrhoids adhere to folk recipes, as they are most harmless and accessible to humans. The most effective methods used at home are the following:

  • Compress with ice. On the anus area, you need to attach a bag of ice slices for 15-20 minutes. These manipulations are recommended to be carried out every hour or two, to relieve pain.
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  • Cool baths with herbal decoctions. This method removes only minor pain.
  • Refusal of toilet paper. At the same time after going to the toilet, doctors are recommended to wash themselves with cool water.

Many doctors advise to be treated with herbs that are effective in fighting hemorrhoids. For rapid relief of spasmodic pain at home, you must first prepare a herbal decoction and moisten a sterile napkin in it. Regularly it is necessary to apply a medicinal napkin to the sore spot. For such purposes, the following herbs that relieve inflammation are perfect:

  • nettle;
  • chamomile;
  • century;
  • plantain;
  • Calendula.

For quick relief of pain, it is possible to apply the leaves of the sage to the anus. To achieve a greater effect, it is possible to prepare a gruel on its basis, which will relieve the pain. Surely, many people are aware of the potato's effectiveness in hemorrhoids. Using this root, you can quickly get rid of the pain:

  1. Grate potatoes on a grater.
  2. Put the weight on a napkin.
  3. Place the potatoes in a napkin and apply to a sore spot for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Clean the rear passage with water.

As doctors say, such recipes can fight hemorrhoids only in the initial stages, when the symptoms of the disease can be easily removed.

Means of combating hemorrhoids

If the methods of traditional medicine for hemorrhoids are ineffective, and to remove the pain quickly does not work, you need to continue treatment with medications. To combat the manifestations of the disease, you can use drugs in different forms:

  • candles;
  • ointment;
  • tablets.

Drugs used locally are more common today, since they can achieve a good effect from their application much faster. Many doctors with hemorrhoids prescribe to their patients the use of suppositories, which, dissolving inside the human body, relieve pain and improve the condition of the patient. The choice of candles is extensive, you can find a drug for children, pregnant women, people with bleeding. The most popular candles are the following:

  • Relief. The drug, produced from the liver of a shark, has virtually no contraindications.
  • Anestesol.
  • Procto-Glivenol.
  • Kinkor Procto.

There are even funds with adrenolytic action, capable of quickly fighting with severe pain and stop bleeding. But these drugs have contraindications, so they can be taken only after consulting a doctor. For example, they are contraindicated in the elderly and hypertensive disease.

Many people prefer to choose pain-relieving ointments, which are also effective in fighting hemorrhoids. The most common drugs that relieve soreness quickly are the following:

  • Heparin ointment.
  • Troxevasin.
  • Released.
  • Levomekol.
  • Bezornil - effective even in advanced stages.

Less common form that allows you to remove hemorrhoids, you can name the pill. In the pharmacy, you will be able to find the following tools to quickly eliminate pain:

  • Venarus.
  • Detralex.
  • Pilex.

The doctor may also prescribe the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Ibuprofen, Nyz, Diclofenac.

How to deal with hemorrhoids hirudotherapy?

Sometimes a doctor can prescribe a hirudotherapy for a quick fight against painful sensations during hemorrhoids. Leeches perfectly relieve pain and are located in such a way that they manage to suck blood near the inflamed area, thereby improving the patient's condition. The substances that the leech emits into the human blood act as anticoagulants.

The duration of the fight with hemorrhoids hirudotherapy can only be determined by a doctor. Self-treatment should not be done, because you can only make the disease chronic - you do not have to count on a complete cure.

How to relieve bleeding during hemorrhoids?

People with hemorrhoids who have passed into chronic form are aware of a symptom such as bleeding from the anus. It's painful and unpleasant, so you need to fight it as quickly as possible.

In general, with similar symptoms you need to contact the doctor, but before the doctor arrives bleeding can be quickly and at home, attaching ice to the affected area for 15-20 minutes.

The doctor, for stopping bleeding, may prescribe the drug Vikasol, which is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. In addition, you can quickly overcome the bloody discharge with garlic steam. Another doctor can offer for treatment to use enemas based on the following "ingredients":

  • broth of blueberries;
  • calendula tincture;
  • 1% tannin solution;
  • rhizome grass.

Candles that quickly remove bleeding from hemorrhoids should contain propolis. One of the effective tools is Natalsid. Bezornil can also be prescribed for bleeding, but if they are insignificant. Sometimes, surgical intervention is required to prevent bleeding.

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