Polyp in the pylorus of the stomach

The most important part in the process of digestion, the stomach, is divided into several departments, but these boundaries are conditional and are needed to determine the method of treatment for different pathologies. However, in the places where the stomach passes into the intestine, there is a special department called the gatekeeper. In addition to the separation function, its task is to regulate the process of moving half-cooked food to other departments. When the gatekeeper moves to the small intestine, the sphincter is located, the weakening of which provokes the development of inflammatory processes. With malnutrition, metabolic disorders and regulation, diseases of this important part of the stomach appear as spontaneously overgrown epithelial cells.

The pylorus polyp is a tumor in the form of a spherical or mushroom-shaped body on a pedicel. Rebirth of benign formation in a malignant tumor is registered not less than one and a half percent sick. By classification, they are divided into:

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  • hyperplastic, arising on the background of an already existing gastritis;
  • adenomatous from glandular epithelium and having a high potential of malignancy( degeneration into a cancerous tumor).

Passing through the pylorus into the 12-colon, the polyp on the leg can cause mechanical intestinal obstruction.

Gastric Stasis Polyp - Symptoms and Treatment

Gastric polyps are a very common disease and about seventy percent of cases are noted in the gatekeeper. Single and multiple tumors in the gatekeeper are distributed almost equally, with a slight preponderance towards multiple polyps. The disease is diagnosed in people of different ages, even in children, but most often they develop in individuals in the age range of 40 to 50 years.

As with lesions with polyps of different departments, initially the disease proceeds without symptoms and a pronounced clinic. Refer to a doctor with a feeling of heaviness after eating, with severe pains that occur after a while after eating. Diagnosis of neoplasms in the gatekeeper is possible only after carrying out detailed studies using laboratory, X-ray studies.

The choice of method of treatment depends on the number and size of the growth and histological pattern. The glandular polyp on a thin stalk is removed by an electric excision method using an endoscope. Small, not having a pronounced stem, proliferation of mucosal cells is removed by a diathermocoagulation method. The greatest risks due to the possibility of heavy bleeding occur when the pylorus polyps are removed with a wide leg and a size exceeding two centimeters. In the presence of a multitude of polyps over a large area, a partial resection is performed.

At the same time, after surgical removal of the gastric pylorus polyps, it is always possible to form new tumors or relapse. Therefore, a regular checkup is so necessary and it is especially important to observe the regime of proper nutrition, to lead a healthy lifestyle. To prevent the increase in the number of tumors, it is recommended to carry out prophylaxis. Permanent diet therapy, folk remedies and the selection of special medicines will not only eliminate the consequences of the disease, but also the polyp of the pyloric zone itself.

The most informative method for detecting a disease is an endoscopic examination, in which it is possible to examine the lesion in detail, assessing the size and nature of the lesions. However, it should be noted that frequent conduction of endoscopic research promotes the growth of polyps. In addition, at the same time the spread of malignant formation prone to metastasis is provoked.

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