Recommendations and instructions for the use of ear candles

Gray plugs in the ears often bring discomfort, which you can not cope without the help of a specialist. Not everyone knows how to properly wash your ears in such a case. After all, in the home medicine cabinet there is no suitable professional tool, and the patient does not have the necessary skills.

Given the prevalence of such problems as ear plugs, pharmacies are increasingly interested in ear phytochemicals.

Ear candles

Ear candles are considered a very effective therapy for many problems that arise in the ears. This drug has become popular for the reason that it has a wide range of activities. Candles excellently cope with the following problems:

  • allergy;
  • different forms of sinusitis;
  • chronic headaches;
  • excess of earwax;
  • recurring ear infections;
  • sinusitis.

Ear candles are ignited after they are inserted into the ear. During combustion, draft and vacuum form. They are able to remove small traffic jams, pollution. Essential oils, which are part of the candles we are considering, relieve the inflammatory processes of the ear, paranasal sinuses, throat.

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Vacuum-therapy, pleasant warmth, proceeding at burning of a candle, improve microcirculation of blood, increase hearing, facilitate nasal breathing.


Specialists do not consider ear candles for medicines, they almost never recommend them to their patients. But those of the people who tried them on themselves, members of their family, were satisfied and recommended to all friends.

Ear candle is a tube made of cotton / cotton fabric. It is necessarily impregnated with beeswax .The composition of phyto-candles for the ears is slightly different, but everywhere the main component is beeswax. Such candles can include the following substances:

  • essential oils( eucalyptus, fir, cinnamon, coniferous, mint, lavender, clove, sage);
  • healing herbs, crushed;
  • propolis.

Some candles consist only of cloth impregnated with beeswax, without any additives. Impregnation with wax is necessary to ensure that the fabric burns slowly, creating the necessary vacuum-heat effect.

When the candle burns inside it, air vibration is formed, the pressure is lowered. These effects reduce the pressure on the tympanic membrane. The patient feels only pleasant warmth from warming up, but also feels an easy massage effect. Heat contributes to the softening of the sulfur plug, which is extracted by the return thrust inside the candle.

Guidelines for Composition for Children

The composition of the medicinal product intended for children does not differ from that for adult patients. The ear candles for children include beeswax, propolis. Also, coniferous oil can be included, as in the drug "Children's Eyewear"( Dr. Vera).


Ear candles are designed for ear cleaning. They are used at the following indications:

  • hearing loss;
  • acute chronic diseases of ENT organs( rhinitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, pharyngitis);
  • sleep disturbance;
  • ear plugs;
  • inflammation of the paranasal sinuses( frontal sinusitis, maxillary sinusitis);
  • tinnitus;
  • migraines, dizziness;
  • nervousness, increased irritability.

If candles are used in the treatment of acute processes, the procedure should be performed every four days. When treating chronic forms of illness, you need to perform 2 procedures a week for a month. When using ear candles as a preventive tool, 1 to 2 procedures per month are sufficient.


Despite the fact that the ear candles are referred to folk medicine, there is a clear instruction for their use. It can vary slightly in the treatment of various diseases. Ear candles should be set, adhering to such rules:

  1. You will need an assistant to conduct the procedure.
  2. Preliminary the following items should be prepared: water( glass), wax candles( 2 pcs.), Towel, matches, cotton buds, a protective circle that comes complete with candles.
  3. The patient is offered to lie down on his side. Towel cover the space adjacent to the ear( hair, clothes).
  4. The upper end of the candle is ignited.
  5. A lighted candle is placed in an upright position in the ear canal with a non-burning end. A wax candle should be placed in the ear through the opening of the protective circle. With the correct installation of the candle, the patient hears a slight crackle, the noise of the flame.
  6. The candle should be watched, do not leave the patient unattended.
  7. When the candle has burnt to the mark, it must be extinguished in a pre-prepared glass of water.
  8. After the procedure, the auricle should be cleaned with a cotton swab.
  9. The procedure is necessarily performed on both ears.
  10. After the procedure, it is advisable to rest for 15 - 20 minutes.
  11. It is forbidden to wet your head after using wax candles.
  12. The procedure is recommended twice a week.

On the photo the instruction on use of ear candles


For carrying out of procedure with ear candles also there is a number of contraindications. This drug is prohibited in such cases:

  1. In the presence of purulent discharge from the ear, which can be with genyantritis, purulent otitis.
  2. In the presence of damage to the tympanic membrane, external auditory canal.
  3. In the absence of the tympanic membrane.
  4. If the patient has a tumor in the head region.
  5. If the patient has an allergy to beekeeping products.

Video instructions on the use of ear candles:

How to do at home

Ear candles are in pharmacies. They can also be prepared at home. Consider step-by-step the process of creating an ear candle.

  1. To make ear candles you will need a special wooden mold, which can be made from any kind of wood. The length of the cone to be cut in the tree is 20 cm, and the diameter differs on a narrow base( 0.5 cm) and on a wide base( 2 cm).As a stencil, you can also use a spoke, a pencil, etc.
  2. The purchased beeswax needs to be melt in a water bath, also it can be done on a small frying pan. If beeswax is not available, you can replace it with a paraffin candle.
  3. Linen, cotton fabric cut into strips, the length of which is 50 cm, and width - 5 cm. To impregnate the received tape, it is dipped in hot wax. After all the fabric is impregnated, lubricate the cone with oil. This will greatly facilitate the removal from the form of the finished product.
  4. When the tape is impregnated with wax, it is wound on a prepared cone. The turns should be performed in the form of a spiral neatly, so that there are no crevices between the turns. If the cracks do appear, they are covered with wax. After cooling, the resulting hollow candle is removed from the template.
  5. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can add a few drops of any essential oil to the wax( paraffin).

Reviews about the treatment of ear diseases using ear candles:

Recommended brands

In pharmacies, online stores you can find the phytospecs of the following manufacturers:

  • "Phyto-vellum ear-tip", Reamed( Russia).
  • "Fitovoronki Ear Wonders", Ukraine.
  • "Ear wax candles", Medon( Russia).
  • "Activated composition", Ekonika( Russia).
  • "Phyto-vellum ear", Diaz( Russia).
  • Ear candles for children, Dr. Vera( Russia).
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