The medicine for gastritis of the stomach, effective drug treatment, what medications to treat, what to take?

Gastritis of the stomach - an inflammatory process of the mucosa, which have an acute and chronic form of the disease.

Both types of gastritis of the stomach are treated medically, at home or in the hospital, with the observance of diet and medication. The medicines required for better treatment of gastritis are prescribed by a gastroenterologist on the basis of the analyzes.

Which medications should I take with acute gastritis?

Before treating medication, the patient should drink water, more precisely, several glasses of warm, boiled water without adsorbing drugs, then apply the method of two fingers, induce vomiting and cleanse the stomach. Purification is mandatory to eliminate the cause that caused acute gastritis.

If poisoning is caused by toxic or chemical substances, it is forbidden to drink water independently. In this case, the best gastric lavage will be provided by the probe. Apply a rubber probe with a thickness of 1 cm and a length of 70 cm.

After cleansing, it is prescribed to take medicinal enterosorbents and other preparations.

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Enterosorbents and similar drugs have a sorbing effect on molecules, amino acids and free bile acids, on bacterial cells;absorb toxic substances in the digestive tract and withdraw from the body.

Enterosorbents from gastritis are available in the form of powders, pastes, granules, tablets, capsules and other medicines.

To enterosorbiruyuschim drugs include Activated Carbon, bismuth, Smecta, colloidal silicon dioxide, pectins, kaolin, enterodez, polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate.

When appointing the best effective drugs for the treatment of gastritis, the doctor is guided by a specific clinical case and applies appropriate measures.

If the exacerbation is accompanied by pain, prescribe drug treatment for gastritis. For this you need to take antispasmodics, cholinolytics, antacids.

Such drugs as antispasmodics eliminate spasmodic attacks, affecting the musculature of the stomach, but when taking holinoblokatorov lead to a decrease in acidity, so suitable to get rid of the disease with excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid. These include: No-shpa, Halidor, Mebeverin, Papaverin, Nitroglycerin.

Drugs from the holin blockers group help to stop pain, having a purposeful effect on the receptors of the nervous system. To medicines-holinoblokatoram include: Atropine, Difacilum, Aprofenom, Buskopanom, Haglefenom.

Antacids belong to the group of drugs that neutralize hydrochloric acid in the stomach. These drugs are divided into absorbed and insoluble in water. To the absorbed group of individual substances and substances in medicines include: soda, burnt magnesia, calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, preparations of Reni and Times. They can be drunk to relieve heartburn, they help quickly neutralize hydrochloric acid. To non-dissolving drugs that should be taken to treat the disease medically, include: aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, magnesium peroxide and others.

For vomiting spasms, medications such as prokinetics should be taken that help speed up the transit of the food bolus. Prokinetics are divided into groups:

  • receptor blockers
  • nonselective 1st generation
  • selective preparations of the 2nd generation
  • selective drugs 5-HT-4 and 5-HT3 receptor agonists

Opiate receptor antagonists, hormone peptides and macrolide antibiotics also possessprokinetic properties.

Some medicines from the prokinetic group:

  • Domperidone-Teva
  • Domstal
  • Motilac
  • Motilium
  • Passage
  • Ganaton
  • Cerucal

With toxicinfectious gastritis one should take antibiotics, drink aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, Biseptol.

Amingglycosides are antibiotic drugs that have a bactericidal effect.

Drugs from the group of fluoroquinolones inhibit microbial DNA, disrupting synthesis, which leads to the death of bacteria. Some of them: Levofloxacin, Sparfloxacin, Trifovafoxacin, Lomefloxacin, Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin and others.

For drug treatment of diarrhea, Biseptolum should be taken.

To restore the water-electrolyte balance, which is disturbed in severe acute gastritis, intravenous administration of such drugs is prescribed: glucose, potassium, physiological saline.

Than to treat a gastritis of a stomach medicamentously at a chronic gastritis?

Prior to the beginning, a comprehensive outpatient examination is conducted, in which the causes of the disease are established and appropriate medications are prescribed. You can treat medicamentously with the following drugs: proton pump inhibitors, H2-histamine receptor blockers, prokinetics, selective M-anticholinergics, antacids.

When identifying the bacteria that cause chronic gastritis, Helicobacter pylori eradication is prescribed by preparations of the triple scheme from the first line: a proton pump inhibitor, a pair of antibacterial agents - Clarithromycin and Amoxicillin.

In case of unsuccessful first-line therapy, antibiotic treatment of the second line of four drugs is used: bismuth tricalium dicitrate, proton pump inhibitor, Metronidazole and Tetracycline.

Antisecretory drugs in individual dosage and vitamins U and B5 are used to suppress the secretion of hydrochloric acid.

Drug treatment for gastritis with high acidity

To effectively treat gastritis with low acidity, substitution therapy is prescribed - Acidin-pepsin and polyfermentative drugs - Festal, Mezim.

In rare cases, when the secretion of gastric juice is absent, take a course of anabolic steroid hormones: Phenoboline, Silabolin and others.

Treating gastritis with low acidity

To effectively treat gastritis with high acidity, it is necessary to take antacid preparations that neutralize the increased content of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. As part of these funds are available: magnesium oxide, almagel, calcium carbonate.

Antacids now produce a lot, among them: Maalox, Maisigel, Maimagel and others.

Drugs perfectly cope with their antisecretory, enveloping and adsorbing functions.

How to treat a medicamentally erosive gastritis?

Erosive gastritis is treated in several stages:

  1. normalization of gastric motility
  2. increase in the protective function of the mucosa of the digestive tract

In the first stage, to effectively treat erosive gastritis, prescribe medications that increase the tone of the walls of the stomach. Such drugs as Cerukal or Regal from the first generation or Motilium from the second generation activate the contraction of the muscles of the organ, thus affecting the walls and increasing the tone.

In the second stage, to cure erosive gastritis, prescribe drugs that increase the protective function of the gastrointestinal tract, providing a cytoprotective effect, forming a film on the walls of the stomach. These drugs include Biogaston and Carbenocosol or Dalargin and Metacil, regenerating the mucous membrane.

The effective medications that can be treated with the disease include De-nol and Scrulfate.

De-nol provides all the necessary protective functions, suppresses the Helicobacter bacteria, while increasing blood flow, restoring the damaged gastric mucosa. Treat De Nol according to the scheme: 1 tablet 2 times a day for an hour before a meal.

Sukrufat has all protective functions, enveloping the erosion of the walls of the stomach, in addition to the properties has a beneficial effect on the functions of the digestive system. Treat Sukrulphate according to the scheme: one hour before a meal, 4-5 times a day for 1 g.

Treat Sukrulphate according to the scheme: one hour before a meal, 4-5 times a day for 1 g.

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