Rehabilitation with gastritis

Gastritis is such a disease, which must be constantly monitored so that there is no further development. Continuous prevention, selection of products that are included in the diet and, of course, rehabilitation.

The rehabilitation period includes two mandatory items. This is nutrition and exercise.

Of course, everyone understands that physical activity begins after exacerbation of gastritis. When all the difficulties of the initial healing process are gone, you can start physical training. But, it should be at least therapeutic exercise. Abbreviated as LFK.

The medical and physical culture during the inpatient stay is conducted in two periods. Her technique is based on the dependence of the digestive and secretory functions of the stomach on the nature and weight of the muscle mass of a person.

If gastritis in a patient is observed with normal or increased secretion, then exercise therapy is necessary before eating. It is also recommended before physical exercises and food intake, approximately, for 1-1,5 hours to drink mineral water. Thus, we get inhibition of the secretory function of the stomach.

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When doing gymnastics, it is necessary to correctly combine exercises with breathing. Breathing plays a very important role. In no case should the muscles of the abdomen tense. Everything is done by smooth, slow and rhythmic movements. Exercises usually perform during relaxation, correctly combining static and dynamic breathing exercises. Overexertion is completely useless.

If gastritis is observed with secret deficiency, then rehabilitation in the form of gymnastics is carried out 2 hours before meals. In turn, mineral water should be consumed about half an hour before meals. Complex physical exercises are applied from the usual general developing, but repetitions are not excluded. The amplitude of the movements should also be limited. Exercises on the abdominal muscles are performed with caution.

Periods of rehabilitation of gastritis

Rehabilitation for gastritis is divided into 2 periods, as noted above. Each period should be considered in more detail:

  • The first period - with acute and subacute phases of gastritis development. Necessarily appointed bed rest. Rehabilitation in this case takes place with the use of morning hygienic and therapeutic gymnastics. Also the doctor prescribes therapeutic walking. Classes of physiotherapy exercises are held for 10-20 minutes. The load must be minimal in this case.
  • The second period - the general state of health is improved and passed all the complications. This period will not be as sparing as the first. First, the bed rest is canceled, the free motor mode begins. Also there is a buildup of loads, applied sports-applied exercises. But in this case, rehabilitation should not exclude exercises for relaxation, breathing exercises together with static tension in conjunction with other types of stress. The lesson lasts from 20 to 25 minutes. Load the abdominal muscles with caution.

Rehabilitation for gastritis after discharge from the hospital period is spent in polyclinics, in sanatoriums, in dispensaries, etc. The complex should also include not only exercise therapy, but also massage, and physiotherapy.

Rehabilitation for gastritis - tasks of exercise therapy

The tasks of exercise therapy as rehabilitation are primarily:

  1. Normalization of the central nervous system and neurohumoral regulation of the digestive system.
  2. Prophylaxis and support of the received level of functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Prevention of diseases and exacerbations.
  4. Strengthening the muscles of the abdomen and perineum.
  5. Strengthening the body as a whole.
  6. Achieving tonus and energy.
  7. Adaptation of the person to the general life and forthcoming household loads.
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