How to quickly relieve a headache at home

1 Some

tips There are a number of activities that can help you get rid of the above problem. It's about massage, stretching and warm or cold compresses.

Research has shown that if people who suffer from headaches do at least a few times a day, then the pain attacks appear much less often. The thing is that massage movements contribute to the restoration of blood supply, relax the body, which in turn causes the disappearance of spasms that cause pain in the head region.

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At home it is important to do the proper self-massage. All movements must be smooth. It is necessary to start from the back of the head, gradually moving to the forehead. Particular attention should be paid to the point located under the occipital mound. This point is responsible for the normalization of pressure.

Doctors advise to do massage in a sitting position. All active points should be pressed with medium strength. Each point should be given at least 1 minute. Most attention should be paid to the forehead, temples and occiput.

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No less popular is the stretch from headaches. Often the above problem arises from the stagnation of blood in the collar zone. A few simple exercises will help ease your health. To begin with, raise your head up, then lower it down. After that, the head should be turned to the right and left sides. Such movements should be repeated for 1 minute. Finally, you need to make circular motions with your head.

As mentioned above, at home you can make very useful compresses from pain. At home, you can make both warm and cold compresses. The type of compresses directly depends on the pain syndrome itself. So, for example, if the pain is of a pulsating nature, then experts advise attaching ice to the temples wrapped in a piece of cloth or a towel soaked in cold water. In the region of the temples, the most important arteries pass, which supply the cerebral cortex with blood. If the pain syndrome is pressing, then on the back surface of the neck you need to put something warm. A warm compress helps to drain blood and lower blood pressure.

2 Phytotherapy

How to remove a headache with the help of medicinal plants? This is a frequently asked question. Everyone knows that medicinal herbs have a huge amount of useful substances. Properly selected herbs will help cope with headaches in the shortest possible time.

At home, the flower tops and leaves of oregano help to cope with the above problem. A small amount of this raw material must be grinded to a powdery state. Spoon the powder should be poured into a cup with 500 ml of boiling water. A bowl of liquid should be wrapped in a warm scarf and set aside for half an hour. Healing liquid must be filtered and taken inside ½ cup 3 times a day.


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You can remove the headache with the following recipe. Finely chopped marinine root( 10 g) should be brewed in 1 glass of hot water for 60 minutes. The resulting consistency must be filtered and drunk 1 small spoon each time until the meal.

At home, you can cook not only the most useful, but also delicious tea: 50 g of dry mint must be mixed with a small amount of cayenne pepper and with a grated ginger root( 1 small spoon).All the ingredients must be mixed and brewed in 1 cup of boiling water for 15 minutes. In the filtered liquid, you need to add a little honey or lemon juice. This remedy will help to cope not only with severe pain in the head, but also prevent the development of colds. With the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, therapeutic tea should be drunk all day( in small sips).

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To remove a headache, tea from lavender will help. Such a drink is prepared quite easily: 50 g of dried flowers should be filled with half a cup of boiling water and put aside for 15 minutes. The formed liquid must be filtered, mixed with a small amount of honey and consumed several times a day.

3 Other home remedies

You can reduce the manifestation of migraine with propolis.

Propolis( 20 g) you need to pour 100 ml of alcohol, wait 10 minutes and drink 40 ml of the consistency 2 times a day. Positive results in most cases appear after 15-20 minutes.

You can get rid of severe pain with various essential oils. At home, you can prepare a mixture of mint and lavender oil. Both ingredients must be taken in equal quantities. A small amount of this product must be rubbed every evening into whiskey. This therapeutic consistency has a very pleasant aroma, which also positively affects the patient's well-being.

The following mixture will help to relieve the headache: 3 drops of lavender oil should be mixed with 2 drops of lemon oil and 2 drops of chamomile oil. Oily consistency should be diluted in 100 ml of pure water. In the resulting liquid, it is necessary to moisten the gauze bandage and attach it to the occiput, temples and forehead.

Many remove the above-described pain syndrome with hot aromatic baths. In a bath of hot water, you should add 3 drops of basil, sage and lavender oil. In such a liquid, it is necessary to lie for at least 20 minutes. Such procedures should be repeated at least 2 times a day.

You can remove the headache with clay. Pharmacy clay( 150 g) should be poured ¼ cup of warm water and place the resulting consistency in an enameled pot. The resulting mixture should be applied a thick layer on the gauze bandage and put on the forehead. To remove a medical compress it is necessary only in a quarter of an hour. This time is enough to ease your health. This procedure should be done every evening before going to bed for 30 days.

4 What else is applicable?

Many patients are interested in the question of how to relieve a severe headache with the help of red wine. This alcoholic drink can even be cured by a strong pain syndrome in a very short time. Dry red wine( 200 ml) must be mixed with 100 ml of fresh aloe juice and 200 ml of natural honey. The resulting homogeneous consistency should be taken orally 1 small spoon 3 times a day.

No less frequently asked question with migraines - how to remove a headache with apple cider vinegar? At home, you can prepare a very useful mixture of apple cider vinegar and honey. Both ingredients should be mixed in equal amounts and dissolved in 1 glass of warm water. A few sips of such a drug per day during meals will be enough.

Before starting to treat a headache with folk remedies, it is necessary to consult an experienced specialist. Such foresight will help to avoid many complications.

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