Sample menu( table) for chronic pancreatitis

The menu for chronic pancreatitis is designed to provide the most gentle treatment for the digestive system in general and the pancreas in particular. The table is designed in such a way that approximately simultaneously with the sparing regimen for the pancreas will help to increase the secretion of the stomach and try to eliminate the development of metabolic disorders accompanying this disease, minimizing the putrefactive and fermenting processes in the intestine.

Sample menu for chronic pancreatitis

The menu is made not only taking into account the stage of the disease, but also the presence of concomitant diseases, and the operation of the insular apparatus.

So, an approximate menu( table) for one day with chronic pancreatitis can look like this:


  • 55g boiled rabbit and 280g rice porridge with milk without sugar;

Second breakfast:

  • 100 g of calcined cottage cheese and 120 g of baked apples without sugar or honey;


  • 250g of buckwheat soup for the first, 55g of boiled fish and 240g of boiled vegetables, for the third - 180g of compote from dried fruits;
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  • 110g of meat steamed cutlets in vegetable or dairy sauce;


  • 85g baked veal, 130g curd pudding without sugar and 180ml hard tea;


  • Drink 180 g of milk or kefir.

The food should be taken at regular intervals, not exceeding three hours and in an always warm state. Not in hot and not in a cold kind, namely - in a warm.

When creating an approximate menu for chronic pancreatitis, take care to limit the intake of salt and the sufficient amount of magnesium and iron in food. Slightly under-salted food will not excite pancreatic secretion and will have an anti-inflammatory effect.

It is necessary to try to exclude from the menu all products that can influence the secretion of the pancreas. Especially it concerns such stimulating pancreatic secretion products as citric acid, vinegar, sour juices from fresh fruits, sausages, sour cream, fatty creams, buns, chocolate and cocoa, and spices. It is also necessary to take into account the spread of such complications of chronic pancreatitis as diabetes mellitus, therefore it is necessary to exclude from the daily menu about 90% of the sweet consumed in normal life during the remission period of the disease.

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