Cracks in the skin: fingers, in intimate places, between the buttocks, on the heels

The state of the skin is largely determined by the state of human health, since all external manifestations are a consequence of internal causes, and a phenomenon such as cracks in the skin, occurring often enough, can become a manifestation of certain unfavorable internal changes that require timely correction and treatment. The formation of such cracks can be caused by a number of both external and internal causes, as well as their combination, but all of them are largely amenable to elimination.

For the best treatment, you should first identify the causes that have become provocative for the formation of cracks;the methods of diagnosing the skin condition can vary, but they are all aimed at examining the skin and identifying the causes that caused their pathological changes. Cracks in the skin are formed due to the loss of a high degree of elasticity of the upper layer of the epidermis, which under normal conditions has the quality to recover quickly after various kinds of mechanical influences.

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What are cracks in the skin

This is a linear destruction of the skin, cracks can cause a lot of unpleasant subjective sensations, and the main reason for their appearance are internal unfavorable changes in the body, which are accompanied by disorders in metabolism and the functioning of the hormonal system. Because the appearance of cracks, even a small size, should be the reason for conducting a thorough diagnosis in order to detect changes in the operation of internal organs.

When these changes appear in the skin, a burning sensation and itching appear, which accompany all mechanical damage to the upper layer of the epidermis. These symptoms immediately attract attention, introducing disturbances into the habitual rhythm of life. Cracks in the skin can vary in size and length, usually their location is the area of ​​increased skin tension, where it experiences the greatest load, as well as in the places of the deepest skin folds.

Cracks on the fingers near the nails( photo)


With the help of the medical classification, it is possible to conditionally divide the most frequently encountered types of cracks into certain species, depending on criteria such as crack location, type of rupture, its depth.

At different depths, cracks in the skin are divided into two main groups:

  1. Epidermal , which are located in the upper layer of the skin and are more easily curable, leaving no visible traces on the skin.
  2. Dermal cracks in the , which already affect deeper layers of the skin, requiring more serious and complex treatment. After the treatment, they leave visible scars and traces on the surface of the skin.

These two groups of cracks on the skin determine the type of treatment effect, since the epidermal and dermal cracks differ in the depth of tissue damage, which greatly affects the possibility and speed of their cure. To eliminate mechanical cracking of the skin of the dermis, it is necessary to use more potent drugs that allow you to restore as soon as the integrity of the skin, and the normal functioning of the dermis.

Depending on the location of the cracking is determined by the method of therapeutic effect, because in different places of the body cracks in varying degrees are amenable to therapeutic effects. The most common locations for skin cracks are as follows:

  • on the skin of the hands and palms of the - in this area the skin experiences considerable loads due to the fact that the fingers, when in constant motion, cause frequent skin strains and, as a result, the risk of excessive tension and rupture increases;
  • on the fingers and between them - the fingers and the area between the fingers are exposed to frequent and various external influences, which are often quite aggressive, with a gradual thinning of the skin increasing the risk of rupture and cracking;
  • on the skin of the legs : heels, feet, between the toes-legs, also experiencing heavy loads during the day, are mechanically affected during walking and running, and with insufficient care, excessive dryness of the skin in this area and its further cracking can occur;
  • behind the ears and on the neck - behind the ears and in the folds of the skin on the neck can accumulate sweat and pollution, which, with insufficient personal hygiene, can cause skin irritation and increase its susceptibility to external influences, and then to ruptures and cracks;
  • on the coccyx of the - this area experiences loads during sitting, therefore the coccyx region is also considered one of the most susceptible to mechanical influences;
  • on the skin of the penis - lack of personal hygiene, unfavorable external conditions can cause the formation of cracks in the tender skin of the penis;
  • between the buttocks - with excessive sweating, the probability of sweat entering into the area between the buttocks is high, which provokes irritation of this area first, and then the appearance of cracks.

The listed places are not the only ones on which skin cracking can occur. However, it is these areas that are more exposed to cracking with the formation of deep and rather painful cracks that require attention and a number of treatment procedures.

How to deal with dry hands skin, the video below will tell you the video below:

How the

symptom manifests itself The formation of cracks in the skin is accompanied by soreness, depending on the depth of the cracks, itching and burning of the skin are likely, which immediately attract attention and require treatment. The most frequent cause of cracks in the skin is the loss of its elasticity, which is noted with increasing dryness of the skin, so when symptoms such as dry skin, its peeling may become the initial manifestations of deterioration of the epidermis, followed by the formation of cracks of different depths.

Detecting cracks in your skin can be a regular examination of your skin's condition, which allows you to detect any irregularities in its functioning in time. The cracks are rather painful changes in the epidermis, because even their initial stages are accompanied by unpleasant subjective sensations and allow to diagnose their appearance and further elimination with the explanation of the causes of the formation.

What kind of violations does such a sign of

say? With the formation of cracks in virtually any part of the body, we can talk about the presence of a number of disorders in the functioning of the body.

  • So, with the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth, you can put a preliminary diagnosis of "beriberi", since it is with a lack of vitamins of group B that staphylococci, which cause such cracks, become more active and cause weakening of the skin.
  • With cracks in the palms and fingers, a definite stage of dermatitis is usually diagnosed, which is accompanied by skin peeling and excessive dryness. Burning and itching in this case are also inalienable manifestations of the disease.
  • Fungal infections of the epidermis can also cause the formation of skin cracks, in this case, a complex action of broad-spectrum antifungal agents is required.
  • To violations in the body can be attributed and various allergic manifestations, which can also cause skin trauma and the appearance of cracks on it. When dry eczema, which is marked by increased dryness of the skin in the affected area, often enough deep cracks of the skin are formed.

The girl in this video will tell the personal experience of cracks on the skin:


Diagnostic methods can be different for different manifestations of the appearance of cracks in the skin.

  • The most effective include a visual examination of the skin at the site of the lesion, skin scraping and analysis of skin particles under the Wood lamp, histological and cytological examination of the skin.
  • To obtain the most complete picture of the skin condition, a general analysis of blood and urine can be prescribed, as well as a survey of narrower specialists - gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, dermatologist.

Treatment and elimination of the symptom

The treatment procedure depends largely on the cause that caused the appearance of cracks in the skin. The diagnosed diagnosis will allow to increase the degree of effectiveness of the treatment, to eliminate possible drawbacks in its formulation, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism and the presence of concomitant skin diseases.

In children

  • In childhood, to treat cracks in the skin, the use of drugs with a high content of corticosteroid should be completely ruled out, which negatively affects the overall condition of the baby's skin.
  • The most effective are the drugs prescribed against the root cause of this unpleasant phenomenon, in combination with moisturizing and regenerating creams and ointments.
  • Treatment of children should be performed under the supervision of a dermatologist, which will make it possible to exclude the possibility of side effects.

Dry skin and cracks on the heels


For adults, drugs directed against a cause that causes cracks in the skin and a loss of elasticity of the epidermis. When a fungal infection is detected, specialized antifungal agents are used, with allergic manifestations - antihistamines.

Cracks on the skin can be treated and folk remedies, as this video will tell:

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