Tomatoes in pancreatitis, you can or can not eat fresh tomatoes, tomato paste and drink juice with the pancreas?

Since pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the pancreas, when it is aggravated, patients are forced to follow a diet, which makes it easier to manifest symptoms. In addition, properly selected products can completely cure the disease.

Can I have tomatoes with pancreatitis?

Not all patients with pancreatitis know whether pancreatitis can be tomatoes or tomato juice. Most nutritionists agree on the opinion that tomatoes can be eaten in pancreatitis, as they contain a delicate fiber that has a beneficial effect on the digestive system in general and the pancreas in particular. Also, tomatoes are useful in pancreatitis because the fiber allows you to remove cholesterol from the body, which is extremely important for a healthy pancreas condition.

Still, with pancreatitis, one can not eat green, immature tomatoes, which contain many toxins. They inevitably lead to abnormalities in the functioning of the digestive system, primarily because they make digestion difficult, putting a significant strain on them.

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Fresh tomato juice is a healing drink in pancreatitis, as it promotes stimulation of the pancreas. With pancreatitis tomato juice can be mixed with pumpkin and carrot, which increases the chances of recovery.

Fresh tomatoes can be eaten with vegetable oil, adding it when preparing a vegetable salad. In the composition of mature tomatoes are vitamin C, proteins, starch, fiber, mineral, as well as pectin substances. In tomatoes are such vitamins - group B, folic and nicotinic acids, vitamin K, so when treating pancreatitis using this natural product, you can also significantly strengthen the whole body.

Despite the positive effect of tomatoes and juice on the pancreas, nevertheless, when exacerbating pancreatitis, it is absolutely necessary to exclude this vegetable from the patient's nutrition menu. When pancreatitis, when there are no exacerbations of the disease, you can drink 200 ml of tomato juice without the addition of salt. Also useful is stewed tomatoes, when cooking which often add carrots and zucchini.

Moderate consumption of tomatoes and tomato juice in pancreatitis will restore the impaired functions of the pancreas, removing all the inflammatory processes of its mucous membrane.

Tomato paste with pancreatitis

About nutrition of fresh tomatoes in pancreatitis, nutritionists have not yet come to a consensus. However, it is obvious that you can not use products of industrial production when preparing dishes. This also applies to tomato paste.

Many may have a question: "Why?".The answer, as always, is simple. In the production of pasta, dyes, preservatives, thickeners( modified starch), seasonings, including salt, are widely used, which has an extremely negative effect on the pancreas. This "recipe" does not even remotely resemble healthy and healthy food.

With prolonged absence of pancreatitis attacks, you can gradually introduce tomato paste, but always home-made. You can use the following recipe.

It is necessary to take 2-3 kg of fresh mature tomatoes, wash. Cut into small pieces and pass through the juicer. The resulting juice( without skin and seeds) is poured into a saucepan and placed on a slow fire. Brew will have a long time, 4-5 hours, until the juice thickens. After that, it is poured into cans, which were previously sterilized. Roll up the lids.

Thanks to the absence of spices, spices, salt, this tomato paste with pancreatitis can, occasionally, eat.

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