Sample diet menu for hemorrhoids for a week, recipes for every day

The failure of the gastrointestinal tract immediately affects the state of human health. The formation of nodes in the lower part of the rectum - hemorrhoids, is provoked mainly by disturbances in diet and diet. Therefore, in the treatment of this delicate problem, the issues of organizing proper nutrition are central. With hemorrhoids, the main task is to facilitate the act of defecation, so that there are no traumatic consequences. This task is achieved with the help of a special menu and principles of nutrition in hemorrhoids, including:

  1. Prohibition of products with a fixing effect.
  2. Consumption of food in divided batches at a specific time.
  3. Daily use about two liters of liquid. This amount does not include liquid in the form of tea, juice, compote and which is contained in liquid dishes.

In the menu for hemorrhoids must be present sour-milk products, fruits, vegetables and greens. The diet menu for hemorrhoids should be balanced with nutrients and take into account the individual characteristics of a person suffering from hemorrhoids. So, for example, the presence of duodenal or gastritis disease requires caution when eating foods rich in fiber and coarse plant fibers. A particular approach is the choice of menu products for the treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant women, nursing mothers, elderly people.

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Menu diet for hemorrhoids for the week

Dietary nutrition must be adhered to at any stage and form of the disease, but it differs in acute or chronic form. Different recipes in the menu for hemorrhoids are offered in the postoperative period with internal hemorrhoids or, when there is constant bleeding, infection of hemorrhoids. When the disease worsens, just before the beginning of the diet, the intestine is cleansed by fasting or taking laxatives.

Fish and meat in the diet menu for hemorrhoids for a week should be present no more than twice. The basis of the diet is vegetables in the form of salads, stews, as well as vegetable soups and broths. Oatmeal, buckwheat and other porridges are prepared on water and must be liquid. Completely excluded from the weekly menu for hemorrhoids spices from flour, sweets, as well as foods with high levels of fiber. Drink follows juices exceptionally fresh, plain water, green tea and mineral water without gas. Water should be drunk often, but in no case in the process of eating. If varicose veins of the rectal area is accompanied by constant bleeding, it is recommended to add bran, flax or plantain seed, hemp seed to food. At the same time a day is recommended to consume half a kilogram of vegetables and fruits in a grubby form.

Sample menu for hemorrhoids for a week can recommend the following:

  1. Day one - for breakfast, a liquid porridge buckwheat and a decoction of herbs;for dinner - soup-puree pumpkin, lean boiled meat products and a drink of rose hips;for dinner - a fish made for a couple, a salad dressed with vegetable oil, using beets, carrots, dried fruits, compote. To have a hearty snack, you can eat natural yogurt, you can prepare a couple of slices of soft cheese for a snack, you should drink kefir at night. In general, at night 200 ml of kefir is recommended every day.
  2. On the second day - in the morning you can steam omelet with oatmeal and compote. At lunchtime, vegetable soup with ground chicken meat and compote of dried fruits are recommended, and chicken breast cooked for a couple, fruit salad or mors.
  3. In the morning of the third day, a cottage cheese casserole with blueberries, green tea with the addition of honey. Lunch consists of chicken soup with egg noodles, steam carrot chops, beet salad, raisins and prunes, compote. Supper is offered stewed cabbage with chicken, and washed down with cowberry decoction.
  4. On Thursday, they eat a banana filled with a burger, for lunch a cottage cheese with prunes, a drink with sea-buckthorn. Dinner pearl barley with fish for a couple, a salad of fresh carrots, beets, sunflower kernels, seasoned with sunflower oil and herbal decoction.
  5. The fifth day is unloading when you consume smoothies, juices, decoctions of medicinal herbs, berries, fruits.
  6. On the 6th day you need breakfast from viscous buckwheat porridge, compote, and for lunch you can fish a cutlet with mashed potatoes, compote. Dine with buckwheat porridge with steamed fish and a salad of corn and broccoli.
  7. The Sunday menu should consist of oatmeal porridge with berries and broth of wild rose for breakfast, for lunch soup puree from broccoli and corn, green tea. And dinner - steamed fish cutlets with pearl barley. For snack and snack use natural yoghurt, fresh berries, fruits, bread with cheese, smoothies from persimmons and pears, crackers.

Such a menu with hemorrhoids for each day made by professionals contributes to the effective cure of the disease.

Menu for hemorrhoids for each day

The nutrition menu for hemorrhoids should contain products that normalize the defecation process and exclude products that promote increased blood flow to the pelvic organs. Food should be comfortable temperature and not contain coarse particles that are poorly digested. An exemplary menu for hemorrhoids for each day looks like this:

  1. Breakfast from oatmeal porridge, low-fat cottage cheese with kefir or liquid sour cream.
  2. Noodles or vegetables on chicken broth, braised or steamed fish with buckwheat, vegetable salad with vegetable oil, kefir or skim milk drinks.
  3. For dinner, a choice of meat or fish( only non-fatty foods), steamed, with a garnish of stewed vegetables, kefir or green tea is offered.

For a snack, choose fruit, yogurt, milk shake with fruit or mousse from kefir. Such a daily diet, where there is sour milk products, vegetables, fruit and porridge, cooked on the water, most fully embodies all the requirements that are required for an optimal menu. To obtain maximum effect in the treatment of the disease, dietary nutrition must be combined with other methods of therapy. More often it is an active way of life with accessible physical exercises, walks in the fresh air and folk remedies.

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