How to treat hemorrhoids in a man at home, treatment with folk remedies, methods( methods) at home

Is it possible to treat hemorrhoids independently at home? And how to do it right? Such questions are of interest to many patients suffering from often inflamed nodes. Despite the fact that the pharmacy counters are full of medicines from hemorrhoids, and the Internet contains many recipes used in the people since antiquity, it is strictly recommended not to use self-medication with men. There is a simple explanation for this. Before getting rid of unpleasant symptoms indicating the development of the disease at home, it is necessary to be completely sure that it is caused by it, since the main signs of pathology very often indicate serious diseases of the large intestine or any violations in the organs of the digestive tract. That is why before you get rid of the disease on your own, you need to drop false shame and undergo necessary examinations with the proctologist.

But still know what folk remedies for hemorrhoids can be used for men for prevention or treatment at home, it is necessary. They help to relieve unpleasant symptoms when medication is given. But this applies only to the disease, which is at the initial stages of its development. It is in the early period of the disease that men at home can quickly cope with the manifestations of hemorrhoids. In the same case, when the disease is started, it will require surgical intervention to treat it. Refer for advice to a specialist should the first signs of pathology, since the growing nodes have a very sensitive surface, and this contributes to the appearance of ulcers. This process in the absence of appropriate therapeutic measures almost always leads to the appearance of necrotic phenomena, and without the help of a surgeon can not do.

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Home treatment of hemorrhoids in men

When the disease is detected in the early stages and to get rid of it does not require placement in the hospital, the specialist will select the most correct method of complex therapy, consisting in the use of local medications. It is carried out together with the use of suitable drugs in the specific case, prepared according to the recipes of traditional medicine. It should be remembered that for any prescribed hemorrhoids treatment complex at home, men should adhere to the following rules:

  • For the duration of therapeutic interventions, patients need a complete refusal of alcohol;
  • At home treatment of hemorrhoids in men, excessive physical exertion is not allowed, but the lifestyle of the patient should be rather active;
  • Special attention should be paid to the diet. It is necessary to exclude all sharp and fatty foods from it and to increase the consumption of plant fiber.

The main method for treating hemorrhoids in men at home is the use of prescribed ointments, creams and candles prepared by a specialist or prepared independently. It is recommended to conduct it simultaneously with the use of medicinal enemas and sedentary baths with decoctions of herbs. Each of these traditional medicine, which helps to get rid of the negative symptoms of the disease, should be discussed separately.

Folk remedies for hemorrhoids in men

Topical preparations can be bought not only in the pharmacy, but also cooked at home. And for men, the effect of using them during the treatment of a disease will be no less than that of drug medicines. These drugs, made according to the prescriptions of traditional medicine, contribute to the rapid elimination of the inflammatory process and the removal of painful sensations in the anus:

  • The melted lard is mixed with plain linseed, water pepper and oak bark, taken in equal quantities. The composition is brought to a boil and with frequent stirring it is kept on low heat for 12 hours. Prepared in this way, the oil broth must be filtered into a jar. To treat this ointment hemorrhoids at home, it is enough to dab a gauze tampon in it, which the man should enter into the anus at 5 o'clock;
  • No less popular is the simpler method. Cooking in this case does not need anything. When a person's external nodes become inflamed, a gruel is poured on them from raw beets or carrots rubbed on a fine grater. For this purpose, crushed berries of mountain ash are also used;
  • For the treatment of hemorrhoids in the home, men can also use this ointment: with 4 tsp.cream or vaseline oil is mixed with a teaspoon of lime juice. This compound is rubbed into the affected areas of the anus and left until completely absorbed.

Treatment of internal hemorrhoids in men at home

You can get rid of the symptoms of the disease with the help of medicinal microclysters. Such a method of treating hemorrhoids in men can eliminate the problem in a relatively short time, since the components used for this procedure have the property of being quickly absorbed into the intestine. The best for the preparation of therapeutic microclysters, relieving men of hemorrhoids, are decoctions of wormwood, chamomile and marigold. Also for this purpose at home, you can use the juice of raw potatoes or beets, a solution of propolis and sea buckthorn oil. These folk medicine have anti-inflammatory and tonic effect.

For a week to reduce the size of hemorrhoids in men can be used to treat a disease at home with an enema made of wormwood. The conditions for preparing it are very simple. Enough for 6 minutes to boil on low heat in a liter of boiling water 4 tbsp.l.herbs, insist 5 hours and strain. Enemas with this folk remedy are put every day before bedtime until full recovery.

To relieve pain at home with hemorrhoids, it is recommended that men use the following formulation for these procedures: in 2 liters of boiling water, camomile flowers, horse chestnut seeds, crushed oak bark and leaves are padded for 3 hours. After this, the composition is filtered and used to treat inflamed internal nodes.

Sedentary baths from hemorrhoids in men

This folk method of treating hemorrhoids at home is good both at the initial stage of the disease and during the period of exacerbation. Sitting baths with clean cool water effectively help in the early stages of knot development. They are taken for 5 minutes after each bowel movement, but at least 3 times a day. A small amount of potassium permanganate can be added to the water. During an exacerbation of a hemorrhoids it is recommended to men to use for them broth from medicinal grasses. The course of treatment with these drugs is at home for at least 3 weeks:

  • In proportion 2 /3/ 5, the crushed roots of the stalk, horsetail and oak bark are mixed.2 tbsp.l. This collection is filled with 0.5 liters of boiling water. The obtained composition should be held for 5 minutes on a small fire, cool to room temperature and in this form used for trays;
  • Effective treatment of hemorrhoids in men at home is carried out and using 100 g of birch leaves infused for 2 hours in 2 liters of boiling water;
  • When the nodes fall out, the bath is very effective from the flowers of chamomile and sage mixed with oak bark and horse chestnut seeds.4 tbsp.l. This mixture is poured in half a liter of water and infused in a thermos for 2 hours. A bath is taken 15 minutes before going to bed.
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