Infectious enterocolitis - staphylococcal, viral, bacterial, acute intestinal infection in children

Digestive disorders can be associated with the reception of substandard products. However, often, acute infectious enterocolitis appears along with contamination of consumed food, which has various pathogenic viruses and bacteria. In addition, the possibility of infection with staphylococcal enterocolitis occurs when non-compliance with hygiene rules. Another option for the appearance of an intestinal infection is a person who is a carrier strain. What are the symptoms and treatment of such diseases?

Infectious enterocolitis is an acute inflammatory process that affects mucosal intestinal membranes.

As a cause of the emergence of infectious enterocolitis may come:

  • Infection with various pathogenic intestinal bacteria.
  • The use of low-quality products.
  • Non-compliance with hygiene rules.
  • Insufficient processing of fruits and vegetables.
  • Low immunity.
  • Presence of a chronic foci of the inflammatory process in the digestive tract.
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiency.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
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Diagnosis of viral enterocolitis is performed as follows:

  • Complete collection of anamnesis, in particular, of consumed products in recent days.
  • Patient examination.
  • Conducting tests.

As a mandatory analysis, a bacterial culture of vaginal and vomitive masses is used to identify a possible causative agent of the disease. Also, with an infectious enterocolitis, contact persons are examined to prevent a chronic carrier in a latent form.

Symptoms of the disease are different, along with etiological factors. Thus, the viral enterocolitis is more acute and violent. The body temperature can quickly increase, the patient has a severe chill, there is a general malaise. After several hours, vomiting and multiple diarrhea may occur, where blood streaks are possible in the feces. On average, the acute stage of infectious enterocolitis will last for about 3-4 days, after which the body will recover on its own.

Bacterial enterocolitis develops somewhat more complexly. The clinical picture will not be so pronounced and can consist in the presence of diarrhea, rumbling in the abdomen, in the presence of small painful sensations. With palpation in the case of this disease, a slight swelling of the loops and a strengthened peristalsis will be determined.

Treatment of intestinal pathology is carried out in several stages. First of all, the pathogen is determined by the doctor. In accordance with the results of bacterial analysis, etiotropic treatment of infectious enterocolitis will be prescribed. For this purpose, sulfonamide drugs and antibiotics are prescribed, for example, Enterofuril, Furazolidone and Phthalazol. To reduce the amount of poisons and toxins that are present in the intestinal cavity, due to the beginning of the vital activity of the pathogenic state of the microflora in infectious enterocolitis, sorbents will be assigned, for example, Smectas, activated carbon. To stop painful sensations, it will be necessary to take antispasmodics, for example, No-shpy, Papaverine hydrochloride.

Important for infectious disease is maintaining the balance of water and electrolytes. In some severe cases, with severe symptoms of dehydration, intravenous fluids are administered by drip. In the mild and moderate degree of bacterial disease, the reception of Regidron may be prescribed.

With viral enterocolitis, antibiotics and sulfonamide drugs do not do any good. Only symptomatic therapy is used here. After their course is completed, correction of the intestinal microflora through the intake of probiotics and biotics is prescribed for a month.

Staphylococcal enterocolitis

In infants from the first days of life, breast milk appears as the appearance of staphylococcal enterocolitis in the gastrointestinal tract, especially if the mother has mastitis or nipple cracking. Such a viral disease manifests itself in a secondary way, if the bacteria begin to get out of the focus of a purulent process that is present in the body in children.

In the case of a primary acute disease, the infection enters the body through the oral cavity, and will cause inflammatory processes along with impaired intestinal function and intoxication of the body.

Symptoms of staphylococcal enterocolitis in children are:

  • Increased body temperature, with varying degrees of severity.
  • Occurrence of vomiting.
  • The chair acquires a liquid consistency, the admixtures of greens and mucus are possible.
  • Skin covers pale shade.
  • Refusal of breastfeeding.
  • Weight gain is suspended.
  • The presence of flatulence.

Often in children with intestinal infection, there is an increase in the liver and spleen. Enterocolitis with staphylococcus aetiology will take a long time, and the stool is normalized only after 3-4 weeks of treatment.

Children with staphylococcal disease are placed in isolation in specialized wards. With such a disease, hygienic content, fresh air, and anti-epidemic treatment are provided. Diet in infants with infectious enterocolitis of this etiology will be prescribed in accordance with the severity of the patient's condition.

Antibacterial therapy of a viral disease is carried out with an indicator of sensitivity to the antibiotic of the pathogen. Ampicillin, Amoxiclav, are used in case of severe condition of third generation cephalosporins. Biological preparations include: Colibacterin, Bifikol, Bifidumbacterin. To increase the reactivity of the body in children, vitamin therapy is administered in the usual dosage. Treatment of infectious enterocolitis individually taking into account the premorbid background of the child.

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