Diet with exacerbation of intestinal colitis, nutrition in acute form

In colitis, pathological inflammation of the large intestine, any therapy, even with the help of the most modern medications, will be ineffective if not carried out against a special diet. Observe the appropriate diet pitan , selected by a specialist, should not only during an exacerbation of the disease, but also during periods of relapse.

Thanks to a diet with exacerbation of colitis, can significantly relieve painful symptoms of pathology. In connection with the fact that this disease has several forms of development and occurs in each patient in its own way, the selection of the appropriate diet is individual. There are several variants of diets prescribed for this disease:

  • The acute form of pathology involves the use of dishes only in a well-cooked and then wiped form. Soups with such a course of colitis should be only dietary and mucous. Sometimes you can include in the menu and those that have a puree consistency. If a casserole is prepared, it should be served without crust ;
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  • The diet for exacerbation of chronic colitis, accompanied by constipation, provides for the predominance of plant fiber in the diet, it is best if it comes from vegetables such as beets and carrots, offered to patients in boiled and wiped form. The amount of fats in this case increases due to the consumption of vegetable oil ;
  • If the exacerbation of colitis occurs with frequent diarrhea, the goal of the diet will be to reduce the fermentative and putrefactive processes developing in the digestive organs, and the provision of the of the maximum of the of its mucosa either chemically or thermally or mechanically. In the compiled menu in this case, you need to limit the content of carbohydrates and fats.

General diet rules for acute colitis

Since the disease develops in each patient according to individual parameters, the principles of the diet formulated for them by a specialist also differ. For example, a table with the development of its acute form or attacks of chronic colitis, which can be accompanied by constipation or diarrhea. But there are general nutritional requirements that apply to any kind of disease:

  • Food intake should be done only in a fractional way, at least 6 times a day and in the smallest portions. This helps protect the intestinal mucosa from possible irritation of ;
  • Dietary dishes should be prepared in such a way that can not apply nor mechanical , nor thermal damage caused by inflammation due to exacerbation of colitis by the tissues of the walls of the digestive organ ;
  • In nutrition with acute colitis must contain the necessary amount of protein, which can give low-fat varieties of meat - veal, chicken, rabbit ;
  • Animal fats in a diet for acute colitis should be kept in minimal amounts. It is recommended to limit the consumption of butter, sour cream and cheese , as well as completely eliminate fatty meat varieties from the diet;
  • Any fruit juice should only be freshly squeezed, and also diluted with water ;
  • The use of fruits that are allowed in dietary nutrition for exacerbation of colitis, should be only without the skin, as it contains insoluble fiber, capable of causing mechanical damage to the intestinal mucosa.

When compiling any menu, the attending physician is necessarily guided by the course of the disease, as well as its signs. But it must be remembered that if the manifested symptomatology, evidencing the possible development of this pathology, was confirmed, and the doctor appointed the appropriate table, it should be observed strictly, as only thus it is possible to achieve an early remission or complete recovery.

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