Treatment of thrombosis of hemorrhoids, how to treat acute external and internal thrombosed hemorrhoids - ointment, suppositories, folk remedies

Hemorrhoidal thrombosis is a complication of chronic hemorrhoids, which occurs when there is no timely treatment. In the enlarged plexuses a blood clot forms, which complicates blood circulation and causes inflammation. This complication is often accompanied by pain syndrome and other unpleasant symptoms. When thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal node appears, it is necessary to undergo medical treatment, and if everything is very neglected, the doctor can prescribe an operation.

There are both external and internal thrombosis of hemorrhoids, but most often doctors have to face the first option. Therapy should be started at the first manifestations of the disease, so that there is no acute inflammatory process. It is very dangerous to set up the inflamed fallen knot independently, because when injuring it, the possibility of severe bleeding is not excluded, which will be difficult to stop.

Conservative treatment of thrombosis of hemorrhoidal nodes

Treatment of external hemorrhoidal thrombosis is carried out by various ointments and suppositories only if the disease is not started. Basically, the therapy eliminates unpleasant symptoms, the following drugs are often used for treatment:

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  • Levomekol ointment with hemorrhoid thrombosis helps to remove inflammation and prevents its spread to closely located tissues.
  • Ointment Vishnevsky helps reduce pain, relieves swelling, and also copes well with any kind of inflammation. With its use, regeneration of tissues improves and heals all the faster.
  • Anestesol is available as a suppository. Candles help to reduce the pain syndrome is necessary, since a blood clot in the hemorrhoidal nodes usually causes great anguish to the patient. You can also use Orthofen and other pain relievers.
  • To cure acute inflammation of the nodes, the venotonizing drug Detralex, which is used as part of complex treatment, will help. It strengthens the walls of the vessels and reduces their stretching.
  • Thrombolytic agents. With external thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal node, it is better to use ointments, and not candles. Such drugs as Gepatrombin G, Troxevasin, as well as heparin ointment help the blood clot to dissolve without consequences.

If the plexus is small, then conservative treatment usually helps. Correctly selected therapy helps to reduce the inflamed node, it gradually wrinkles and self-correcting, and the symptoms of the disease pass.

How to treat thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal node?

In acute hemorrhoidal thrombosis of internal and external nodes, complex treatment is recommended. In addition to the medicines prescribed by the doctor, the patient must follow simple recommendations at home that will help him recover faster:

  • With external hemorrhoidal thrombosis, it is important to exclude any motor activity, as it can harm, bed rest should be observed.
  • Complications in the form of acute inflammation of the nodes are usually accompanied by intolerable pain, because of this, the process of defecation becomes more difficult. That is why often prescribed laxatives and if necessary enemas.
  • People's remedies that are used at home can alleviate the suffering of the patient. For example, you can make a cool bath of chamomile and sit in it for 10 minutes. You can make compresses from herbs, they will reduce the inflammatory process.
  • A special diet is prescribed, excluded from the ration of the dish, which can irritate the intestinal mucosa and provoke the appearance of constipation. For these purposes, suitable dairy and vegetable diet.
  • It should be washed with water at least 4 times a day, preferably cool.

The above recommendations for the treatment of thrombosis of hemorrhoids are very important to observe. If the disease is not started, they, along with therapeutic ointments and suppositories, will help to remove unpleasant symptoms. Such a complication often happens during pregnancy, in this case, medicines are also prescribed, and therapy includes the same recommendations.

Surgical treatment of thrombosis of hemorrhoid nodes

Acute thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal node - this is dangerous, so most people need surgical treatment, it is not recommended to try to get rid of the disease at home. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, it is not complicated, a small incision is made through which the surgeon removes clots of blood. The incision is not sewn up, it is tightened independently, and after a few days there are practically no traces from the operation.

Some proctologists suggest that patients perform a more complicated operation to remove the thrombosed node, so to speak the very reason for the appearance of this complication. But in the future it is possible to avoid relapses. This surgery also does not require hospitalization, it is performed under local anesthesia.

Sometimes the external node can break through on its own, the blood clot comes out and the patient becomes much easier, the pain passes, but there is bleeding, which is difficult to stop.

Can hemorrhoidal thrombosis be treated with folk remedies?

Thrombosis can cause dangerous complications, so self-medication should not be considered, it is better to address this problem to a proctologist. But in complex therapy, you can use folk remedies that, when properly applied, will benefit. Below are a few recipes:

  • Hirudotherapy. To get rid of the disease can be a common way with the help of leeches. They suck blood, inflamed knot decreases, and then completely withers. Leeches can be obtained in some pharmacies, for a small site, only one individual is enough.
  • Birch tar. It helps to relieve inflammation of the external thrombosed node. It is necessary to lubricate the sore spot with tar until the symptoms pass. And if the site is internal, it is recommended to insert tampons with it into the rear approach.
  • Birch decoction. It is very effective, for its preparation birch leaves( 100 g) are taken and poured with boiling water( 2 liters).Once the infusion is ready, it can be used for sedentary baths in a warm form.

The above methods are effective in combination with medications prescribed by a doctor and only if the disease is not severely triggered, there are no signs of necrosis and life-threatening inflammation. To treat hemorrhoidal thrombosis is necessary in a timely manner. With proper therapy, the patient quickly recovers and unpleasant symptoms do not bother him anymore.

The thrombosed hemorrhoidal node delivers a lot more torment to the patient. Rarely, who can tolerate severe pain, so people with this ailment still turn to the doctor. The faster a person starts treatment, the higher the probability that it will be possible to cure the disease with the help of drugs without surgery. And if timely treatment of the initial manifestations of chronic hemorrhoids, then this dangerous complication can be avoided.

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