Diagnosis of hemorrhoids, how to recognize, research methods( finger examination), differential diagnosis, how to identify at home?

Faced with any disease, the patient should know that it is necessary to cure him urgently. That the expert could correctly appoint or nominate treatment, it is necessary to pass or take place diagnostics. A disease like hemorrhoids is no exception.

Hemorrhoids are considered one of the most common diseases in proctology. With such a disease, the cavernous bodies expand in the terminal zone of the rectum. Many patients ignore the manifested symptoms, as a result, serious complications appear.

According to statistics, 70% of the adult population is experiencing the symptoms of this ailment. You should know that the disease is divided into two types:

  1. Internal;
  2. Outdoor.

There are also several stages of the disease. The later the diagnosis of hemorrhoids is made, the higher the probability that the disease will reach the last stage.

Before contacting a specialist for diagnosing an ailment, everyone should know how to recognize hemorrhoids:

  • In the anal area, the patient experiences burning and discomfort;
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  • With stools, pain and droplets of blood appear;
  • After defecation the pain does not abate for a while;
  • Cavernous cones fall out.

How to recognize hemorrhoids?

When symptoms appeared, patients are ready to go to the clinic for examination and treatment, but they do not know which doctor diagnoses hemorrhoids. In this case, it is recommended to first contact the registry, where they will select a suitable specialist, capable of diagnosing and recognizing the disease.

First of all it is necessary to visit the proctologist, as he recognizes hemorrhoids exactly. In the event that this specialist is missing for certain reasons, you should consult a surgeon. Despite the fact that he may not have the necessary tools, he can make the diagnosis in the form of visual examination and finger research.

To distinguish at what stage the disease is, it is necessary to conduct various procedures. Depending on what symptoms are manifested, the specialist will send for an additional examination.

Currently, there are the following methods for diagnosing hemorrhoids:

  • Blood test. This study will help to understand whether the patient has anemia or other disease that can occur with frequent bleeding;
  • Differential diagnosis of hemorrhoids should include visual inspection. The specialist will be able to understand how seriously the disease progressed;
  • Colonoscopy. In order to perform an examination of the colon, the specialist should use a tool such as an endoscope;
  • Finger study of hemorrhoids. Such a survey does not need the use of special equipment, it is enough that the specialist had gloves and petrolatum;
  • ultrasound of hemorrhoids, a similar diagnosis is performed if there is a suspicion of the internal form of the disease;
  • Irrigoscopy. Examination of the disease, can be done only after bowel movement. After that, the diagnosis is made using an X-ray.

Regardless of which methods of hemorrhoid examination were performed, in most cases, the specialist sends the patient for the analysis. What tests are given for hemorrhoids, depends on the doctor, but in most cases, it's stool and blood.

Sometimes patients ask if it is possible to diagnose hemorrhoids with MRI?In fact, it is possible to conduct a similar diagnosis. This is done if it is necessary to present a three-dimensional visualization of the large intestine. Usually MRI is performed with the internal form of the disease.

It should be understood that the formulation of the diagnosis of hemorrhoids directly depends on the form and extent of the ailment. Therefore, only a specialist will be able to correctly recognize the ailment.

Diagnosis of hemorrhoids at home

Many people are interested in learning how to recognize hemorrhoids at home. First of all, you should pay attention to such symptoms as burning and itching in the anus.

To detect hemorrhoids in your own home, you can if cavernous formations are located near the anal passage. Patients should know how to identify cavernous formations. To do this, you should gently feel the nodules, with the help of your index finger. It's best to lie on your left side, and then insert your finger into the anus. Do not make sudden movements during the diagnosis, everything should be done smoothly.

Anal hemorrhoid examination should be performed in gloves, previously oiled with petrolatum or oil. Thus, it is possible to protect the colon from damage during diagnosis.

If the cones are deep, they can be found only using instrumental methods, rather than finger examination. To do this, you need to seek advice from a proctologist who can correctly recognize the disease.

If a differential diagnosis of hemorrhoids of the last stage has been made, do not try to cure it with folk remedies. Of course, this does not mean that it is impossible to get rid of the disease by one's own efforts, it is simply difficult to do and there is a risk that serious complications will appear.

To correctly put the diff.diagnosis of hemorrhoids, you need to prepare for the procedures.

Preparing for the investigation of hemorrhoids

After the first symptoms of the disease appear, the patient needs to go to a consultation with a specialist who will conduct the examination. To ensure that it has passed successfully and has no errors, it is necessary to prepare ourselves. Regardless of what tests for hemorrhoids will be carried out, it is necessary: ​​

  • Take about 35-40 grams of castor oil 12-15 hours before the procedures. Do not use laxatives, because they are not effective enough in this case;
  • Before going to bed, after bowel movement, put 2 enemas with an interval of 2 hours. The volume of each enema should be equal to 450-500 milliliters;
  • Early in the morning, before the study, also put 2 enemas. Interval between enemas - 1 hour;
  • To satisfy the feeling of hunger, you can drink a glass of tea. Thus, the diagnosis will be easier to carry;
  • If a colonoscopy is prescribed, then 2-3 days before the examination, additional cleaning and preparatory procedures should be performed.

4 days before the study on hemorrhoids and getting an opinion, you should change your diet. The diet can be universal, it all depends on the individuality of each person. It is best to consult a specialist. From the diet, the following should be excluded:

  • Flour products;
  • Vegetables;
  • Fruits;
  • Legumes;
  • Food is an irritating bowel.

The amount of fluid to be taken should be increased. Thus, you can quickly cleanse your intestines. That in the future will allow to correctly differentiate the diagnosis.

During preparation for the diagnosis of hemorrhoids, the patient is allowed to consume:

  • Cooked chicken meat;
  • Postal soups;
  • Various kind of water-based cookies.

If you comply with all the requirements, the body will be ready for research. The specialist will be able to correctly recognize the degree and form of the disease by conducting the appropriate diagnosis. After this, it remains only to prescribe a treatment that can be performed at home.

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