Minimal cerebral dysfunction in children: causes, symptoms, treatment and prognosis

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The term "minimal brain dysfunction in modern medicine" appeared only in the middle of the last century. This syndrome manifests itself as a violation of the regulation of different levels of the central nervous system. Such violations lead to changes in the emotional and autonomic systems. The syndrome can be diagnosed in adults, but, in the vast majority of cases, it is observed in children.

That's interesting! According to one data, the number of children with minimal brain dysfunction is 2%, and with another - 21%.Such a contradiction suggests that there is no clear clinical characteristic of this syndrome.

According to the views of neurologists of the 21st century, the term "minimal brain dysfunction" is absent and in ICD-10 it corresponds to a group of disorders called "hyperkinetic behavior disorders" under code F90.

But, rather out of habit, doctors and patients continue to operate with the old concept.

What is this diagnosis - Minimal Brain Dysfunction Syndrome( MMD)

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This disease with its roots always goes back to childhood. Beginning with the younger children, the patients will have slight disabilities of learning and behavior. Most often they are the result of birth trauma. If at school age the disease is started, then in adulthood, it will give serious problems. Among such problems will be difficulties in training and social adaptation, the development of psychopathic disorders.

In ICD-10, this syndrome is found in the section entitled "Emotional disorders and behavioral disorders that begin in childhood or adolescence."He also occurs in the subsections "Hyperkinetic behavior disorder" and "Violation of activity and attention".

The main symptoms of

Depending on when the disease is diagnosed, and if after treatment was diagnosed, the symptoms will be different.

MMD in children

To notice the presence of minimal brain dysfunction in a child is not so difficult. Children with the syndrome will have problems in behavior and training already with the first class .Often, such children also suffer from speech and motor skills disorders, and have atypical neurotic reactions. Such children quickly get tired of any kind of activity, they are irritable and suffer from increased excitability.

If you have any 8 symptoms from this list, you can diagnose MMD:

  1. Constant movements with your hands and feet, the inability to stay long in one place.
  2. Frequent loss of necessary things, both in school and at home.
  3. When you need to sit still for a long time, the child simply can not do it.
  4. It seems that the child does not hear that they are being approached and asked for something.
  5. On external stimuli the child is distracted quickly and easily.
  6. Interrupts others and bothers adults and children.
  7. Can not wait a long time for a break in group sessions.
  8. Speaks non-stop.
  9. Begins to respond, not yet having listened to the end of the question.
  10. Not aware of the possible consequences when involved in risky games. Can itself be the initiator of such games.
  11. When solving problems, he has difficulties that are not related to understanding the natural essence of the problem.
  12. Can not play alone in silence.
  13. Can not concentrate on games or doing one job for a long time.
  14. Not having completed one case, it already proceeds to the next.

The term "encephalopathy" is used in medicine as a designation of various non-inflammatory forms of pathological states of the brain and central nervous system. Parents need to take urgent measures in case of epileptic encephalopathy in children, as the younger the child, the more effective the treatment. What are the first signs of this disease?

Poor sleep and behavioral disorder in young children can be triggered by the presence of benign intracranial hypertension. How to determine whether a child is sick or not, read here.

Manifestation in adults

  • Disturbance of motor function, often this is called "awkwardness".
  • Inability to learn something new.
  • The inability to sit in one place, you want, at least, fidget.
  • The mood changes quickly and without any apparent reason.
  • There is a shortage of voluntary attention.
  • Impulsivity and increased rarefaction.

Causes of minimal brain dysfunction

  • Severe pregnancy, especially during the first trimester.
  • Severe toxicosis.
  • Harmful effects on a woman during the period of the child's birth of chemicals or radiation, microbes, viruses and simply infectious diseases.
  • Threat of miscarriage.
  • Premature or born delivery.
  • Weakness in the process of labor, long labor.
  • Hypoxia of the fetus( lack of oxygen) due to the compression of the umbilical cord around the baby's neck.
  • After delivery, the cause of the syndrome described can be poor nutrition.
  • Infectious diseases transferred to newborns.
  • Poor environmental conditions.
  • Damage to the cervical spine of the baby during childbirth.

The figure shows the appearance of minimal brain dysfunction due to problems with the spine:

Modern science considers minimal brain dysfunction as a consequence of early local brain damage to the infant.

Treatment of

Without drugs for MMD is indispensable, but in the process of treatment they will not come first. In the treatment of minimal brain dysfunction in children, it is important to create a favorable environment in the family. It is she who is more conducive to recovery and discipline:

  • We must go to bed and get up at a certain time. Create a clear schedule for the whole day, so that the usual actions become a signal for the child and synchronize the activity of the nervous system.
  • It is necessary to teach a child to sleep during the day, because such a rest for a weakened nervous system is extremely necessary.
  • All possible changes of a person with such a syndrome should be warned in advance. The warning applies not only to a weekend trip outside the city, but an unscheduled visit by a nanny, cleaning the house and placing toys in their places.
  • It is necessary to invite guests more often, but with the conditions that they do not violate the daily routine of the child.
  • Communication with peers should be strictly limited. For a child with such a syndrome it is useful to be friends with calm children for several years older than himself.
  • In the presence of the child, it is not necessary to find out the relationship between each other. In the education of a child with MMD, the father must actively participate.
  • Mandatory physical education and swimming, a minimum of time at the TV and computer.
  • A child needs to develop fine motor skills.

As medicines can be used:

  • Vegetative sedatives: valerian and motherwort, St. John's wort, Novopassit.
  • Drugs to stimulate metabolism in brain cells, as well as drugs to improve blood circulation.
  • Additional vitamin complexes.

Meningitis is a very life-threatening infectious disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the meninges. At the outset, the disease manifests itself in symptoms similar to many others - restless sleep, convulsions, lethargy. How to recognize purulent meningitis in children and in time to see a doctor?

About the causes of cerebral edema in children can be found here. In the same article, you will learn how to give first aid to a child with edema.

Look at the child's absence of epilepsy see the video in the material http: // bolezni-nevrologii /jepilepsija/ absans-i-soputstvuyushhie-emu-zabolevaniya.html


The specific course of treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. After the course, the child improves sleep and attention, a person with MMD becomes less irritable, clear signs of a symptom disappear. To avoid complications, treatment must begin as early as childhood.

Each parent should, from the very childhood, pay attention to the behavior of his child, especially if the above problems occurred during pregnancy or childbirth. Many of the symptoms of MMD are often perceived by parents as normal child behavior. If there are any doubts, it is best to consult a doctor immediately. The sooner the diagnosis is made, the faster and safer it will be to cope with the syndrome.
In the video, the doctor of medical sciences talks about whether unruly children are a problem of education or a victim of brain work problems - a syndrome of minimal brain dysfunction, attention deficit disorder - to treat or tolerate, disease or personality manifestation:

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