Disability at 3 degree hearing loss: treatment in children and adults

With hearing loss, hearing is reduced and a person with difficulty perceives people's speech around, and the whisper becomes indistinguishable. Very often, the disease appears in early childhood, but many people have hearing loss after suffering infections and injuries.

Rumor can be dulled and with age. There is a violation of the perception of sounds due to deviations in the work of the hearing aid located in the ear.3 degree of disease is considered a severe hearing loss, when a person has the opportunity to hear only from a distance of 2 meters, and the audibility of sound is at the level of 56-70 decibels. A person can not fully communicate, and he needs an auditory device to restore communication.

Types of

There are 2 types of hearing loss: sensory and conductive. Conductive hearing loss can develop after a mean otitis media, incorrectly observed adenoids, with otosclerosis and pathological changes and violation of the function of the Eustachian tube.

With such a decrease in hearing, there are changes in the eardrum and auditory ossicles.

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Sensorineural hearing loss occurs due to damage to nerve cells in the inner ear. The auditory nerve and the center of the auditory system are affected. Causing a sensorineural hearing loss may be infectious diseases, vascular disorders such as atherosclerosis and hypertension.

Nerve fiber lesions occur due to stress and trauma to the inner ear, the negative effects of certain toxic drugs and chemicals.

Among the symptoms of neurosensory hearing loss is a decrease in hearing in combination with tinnitus and an obsessive headache. Periodically, there is vomiting or nausea.

Symptoms and causes of

Age-related loss of hearing acuity occurs after 65 years. And in children, the hearing decreases after acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the middle ear. Frequent or chronic otitis may cause hearing loss. If the organ appears scars or fissures in the region of the tympanic membrane, they can interfere with the full conduct of sounds. Damage in the middle ear or perforation of the membrane is also possible causes of further hearing problems.

After infectious diseases, for example - measles and influenza, there are some uncharacteristic changes in the auditory nerve and in the innermost ear. All this contributes to the appearance of violations in the perception of hearing and a sharp decrease in it.

With congenital deafness the child can not develop normally, he is noted for a delay in general and speech development. Adults can acquire hearing loss due to their work, where there is noise and vibration. The disorderly use of drugs, poisoning with chemicals, industrial or household chemicals leads to the appearance of hearing loss. If a person suffers from atherosclerosis, his blood supply to the inner ear is disturbed, leading to a loss of normal hearing.

Affects deafness and hereditary factors. Half of the children whose parents suffer from this disease have chances to get congenital hearing loss.

Children who received birth injuries, premature babies, asphyxiated at birth are predisposed to problems with hearing perception. Pregnant women with severe toxemia, alcohol intoxication or other harmful substances in fetal gestation provoke the development of hearing loss in children.

Diagnostic methods

For the correct diagnosis, speech audiometry is used, at which the patient recognizes whisper and spoken speech at a certain distance. Using this method allows you to determine the degree of deafness.

Apply tonal audiometry - hearing test for the tones of the speech range, so the damage to the hearing is determined more accurately.

Diagnosis of hearing loss with the help of tuning forks is justified when it is necessary to make a diagnosis at home. In outpatient clinics this method is used only as an additional method.

Parents observe the child, and they themselves can assess his hearing abilities. Only it is necessary to know the norms of development of children at a certain age:

  • 1 month - the baby trembles or stops at loud sounds;
  • 4 months - turns his head toward the sound, there is a hum, turning into babbling;
  • from 8 to 10 months pronounces new sounds.

If parents report abnormalities at the child's development stages, their actions are not appropriate, hearing tests are necessary.

Treatment of hearing loss 3 degrees

Treatment of hearing loss depends on the type of disease and its degree. With conductive hearing loss, only surgical intervention is possible. If there are contraindications to the operation, it is possible to apply hearing aids.

Sensorineural hearing loss has options for conservative treatment. In the chronic form of neurosensory hearing loss treatment can be with the use of hearing aid.


For neurosensory hearing loss, medications with the ability to improve blood flow in the inner ear, nootropic drugs with antihypoxic function( piracetam, cerebrolysin, etc.) are recommended. Antihistamines relieve edema and reduce pressure in the labyrinth. Take drugs that relieve dizziness( betagistin).

Physiotherapy and gymnastics

Physiotherapy and electrostimulation( massage of points) improves blood circulation in the hearing organ and normalizes the conductivity of sounds. In the pressure chamber treatment is carried out under pressure, which helps restore hearing.

Folk remedies

Noises in the ears are treated with a decoction of hops, it is enough to drink 1 glass each day. Bury almond oil 3 drops a month, alternating one ear with another.

See in our video how to treat and diagnose hearing loss:


With hearing loss of 3 degree a person can get a disability of 3 degrees. The disability is more often given to people with bilateral deafness, when the disease is too neglected and not treatable.

There were restrictions for the work of disabled people on hearing in such positions: turner-universal, machinist of a wide profile, milling machine. Now these restrictions are removed.

After passing special training and choosing a hearing aid, people with a problematic hearing can get access to work related to climbing, lifting mechanisms, at height, using isolating personal protective equipment.

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