Pancreatic calcification and treatment

Calcium in the pancreas indirectly indicates that there are calcium deposits inside the body that can indicate malignant or benign neoplasm. To identify this disease, specialists use X-ray examination. Consistency of calcite is similar to bone, so on an x-ray it looks like a dense stone-like formation. For more detailed recognition of the disease, computer or resonance tomography can be used.

It should be noted that the pancreas, exactly, like the liver, can hardly be calcified. Symptoms of stones in it can be varied. Stones can be located in the ducts themselves or in the parenchyma. Very often there is a combination of two types of arrangement. The doctor suspects the presence of calcification in the pancreas if the following symptoms occur: the appearance of nausea with an admixture of bile, excessive salivation, yellowing of the skin, pain between the shoulder blades, in the lumbar region, the left side of the abdomen, etc.

Treatment of calcification in the pancreas is a very laborious process and does not always give positive predictions. It can be both conservative and surgical. Often there is a combination of two methods of treatment. It is also taken into account that the formation of stones in the pancreas is a consequence of another pathological process.

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The choice of tactics for surgical treatment depends on the severity of the disease, the location of the stones, the general condition of the patient, etc. After the operation, therapy is mandatory. The indications for the operation are the following signs: a long course of the disease with the presence of a large number of pain syndromes, deterioration of the pancreas, inflammation and many others.

With an option without an operation, the ERCP procedure can be performed. Formations from the pancreas are removed without surgery using a thin and flexible endoscope. Conservative treatment of calcitans consists of the patient's security regime, diet, therapy of existing complications, normalization of metabolism, use of traditional medicine. With a conservative variant, one should not forget to treat 1 underlying disease.

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