The size of the pancreas is normal, normal for an adult, what are the correct parameters?

Not everyone knows what pancreatic size is normal in a healthy, adult human or child. Even more often ask a question about what should be all the same normal sizes of a pancreas. Let's try to determine the optimal parameters of this healthy body and find out whether they affect its condition and whether it can indicate the onset or development of the disease.

The pancreas is normal in most healthy people and has an elongated shape with a slightly curved tail. At birth, it has a normal length of not more than 5 -5.5 cm. During the first 5 months of the baby's life, its pancreas increases by about 1 cm in length and slightly increases in volume. By the year its length already reaches 7 cm, and the thickness of the head can be about 1 cm. Then its development goes more systematically and not so noticeably. It grows together with the whole organism and by the age of 10 its dimensions increase approximately 3 times, reaching 15 cm. A sharp jump in its increase occurs in adolescence about 14 years. And by the time of adulthood, this healthy gland reaches its regular size. Its normal length( on average) is from 16 cm to 22-23 cm. At the same time, it consists of three divisions, gradually converging into each other. The head surprises with its fairly large dimensions. In width, it can be up to 5 cm, and its thickness can vary from 1.5 to 3 cm. It is most subtle in the region of the tail. Its dimensions are much more modest. The width and thickness of the organ here is approximately 2 cm. The rest of the organ, enclosed between these two parts, is the body.

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The size of the pancreas in humans can vary throughout life. However, a significant increase in even a single part usually indicates a pathology. Please note, if after the examination and ultrasound the doctor ascertains a head increase of up to 3.5 cm, a tail up to 3 cm and a body - up to 2.5 cm or much higher, one can assume the presence of the disease of this organ.

Thus, the normal parameters of the pancreas speak of her health and excellent work for the benefit of her own organism. Increased size - look for the cause and do not delay treatment, because then it's always too late.

In order for the gland to be healthy, a woman during pregnancy must take care of the health of the baby's future. After all, at the 5th week of pregnancy many internal organs of the fetus, including its pancreas, are actively forming. Maybe this is the moment that will affect the child's health in the future.

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