How do malignant and benign moles look like: photos, signs

Birthmarks are congenital or acquired skin defects. They arise everywhere: on the trunk, fingers, face, etc. For moles there is a variety of shapes, shades and sizes. Often they are called nevi. Such neoplasms are flat and convex, with a smooth or hairy surface.

They can show up at birth or occur during life. The presence of an excessive number of nevi indicates a negative influence of ultraviolet or hereditary predisposition to the formation of moles.

In themselves, nevi are safe for the body, but in the presence of some negative factors they are able to malignantize or form into malignant tumors that subsequently lead to skin cancer. Such nevi are called melanomopods.

Dangerous species

Oncologists identify 5 dangerous moles:

  1. The border nevus looks like a spot with the same color throughout the surface, which can reach almost black hue. Similar moles do not react to the influence of UV rays, do not change color, size and parameters;
  2. Blue nevus is a fairly dense neoplasm with a smooth, hairless coating. This mole is much higher than the skin, does not exceed 2-cm diameter, prefers to be located in the limbs, face and buttocks;
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  3. A giant birthmark is considered to be the most dangerous formation, since in half of cases it is reborn. This nevus is characterized by a heterogeneous, loose surface and increases yearly in size;
  4. Nevus Ota - is a dark brown or blue-gray birthmark of a large size. Such education requires compulsory treatment;
  5. Doucherayle melanosis - is considered a precancerous formation with an uneven contour. Such formation upon detection requires removal, since in most cases it undergoes malignancy.

An experienced physician will be able to identify the danger of a nevus by its external appearance.

Causes of the degeneration of a birthmark into a malignant

Nevi are prone to degeneration in the presence of irritating factors. To such changes can cause excessive ultraviolet irradiation , so it is extremely important to avoid long-term exposure to the open sun, especially at 11-16 hours.

This statement is supported by the fact that melanoma is diagnosed more frequently in sunny states where residents are exposed to ultraviolet radiation all year round, rather than in the northern regions.

Prove the ultraviolet conditioning of malignancy and recent studies. With every sunburn in childhood, the risk of malignant nevus develops in adulthood. No less dangerous and various damages of moles, in the event of which it is recommended to consult with a specialist.

The genetic factor plays an important role in the malignancy of nevi. If a person at the genetic level lacks the ability to adapt to an aggressive environment, then he is considered to be at risk of malignization of moles.

Main features of

If you are a happy owner of birthmarks, then it's a rule to periodically inspect them to identify possible rebirth in a timely manner. For ease of memorizing, dermatologists have come up with such a diagnostic rule "chord", which reveals the symptoms of the degeneration of a birthmark into a malignant:

  • A - asymmetry. Benign neovuses are characterized by a symmetrical structure( except for congenital), and if the mole has begun to acquire asymmetric outlines, this may serve as a signal for the onset of rebirth;
  • K - contours. If the edges of the nevus become uneven, blurred, unclear, then a similar fact should become a cause for concern;
  • O - shade. If the color of the mole has acquired any inclusions, dots or stripes, this may indicate the development of rebirth;
  • P - dimensions. Nevus can change its size only during adolescence, when puberty occurs. The remaining cases of sudden growth of the birthmark require the intervention of a specialist;
  • D - the dynamics of pathological changes. Sudden appearance of cracks, crusts, bleeding is evidence of malignancy of the mole.

In the photo you can compare how the malignant and benign moles of

look. In addition to the above, the characteristic signs of a malignant mole are:

  • Unreasonable flaking, changes in surface texture;
  • Seal nevus against its rapid growth;
  • It is dangerous if the mole begins to itch, there will be a burning sensation or tingling sensation;
  • Unexpected appearance of spots around a nevus, similar to a rash of allergic origin.

If there is at least one sign, it already requires medical consultation and makes you think about malignization nevus. Therefore, you should not allow any changes in the mole to drift, because the violation of the integrity of the surface layer of the nevus is dangerous by contaminating the blood with a very unfavorable outcome.


Only a doctor can determine the malignant nature of the mole after a dermatoscopic procedure. Such a study does not cause painful sensations and takes about 3 minutes for one nevus.

What to do if nevus turns out to be a malignant

If the malignancy of the birthmark is confirmed by specialists and diagnostic procedures carried out, the patient is usually referred to an operation that involves the removal of the mole in an operative manner.

Indications for the removal of

Not all birthmarks need to be removed. There is a list of indications for the removal of nevi:

  1. If the birthmark has degenerated into a malignant formation( malignant);
  2. Large dimensions of the nevus or its unaesthetic appearance;
  3. Presence of permanent trauma of mechanical or chemical origin. If the birthmark is injured about clothes, causes discomfort and pain, bleeds, it must be removed in order to prevent infection of blood or malignancy.


Malignant moles are removed in a variety of ways. There are 5 basic techniques, most commonly used to remove nevi.

  • Cryodestruction. Such a method presupposes elimination of neoplasm by freezing with liquid nitrogen or a mixture of carbonic acid. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and takes several minutes. The disadvantage of this technique is the lack of the ability to control the degree of nitrogen or acid exposure.

After cryotherapy, it is impossible to obtain biomaterial for histological examination. If the nevus was large, then after freezing, there is a possibility of scars or scars.

  • Laser treatment. It suggests the removal of the birthmark through laser burning. The method has many advantages. One of them is the simultaneous sealing of blood vessels, which makes it possible to successfully apply such treatment to moles, characterized by bleeding. There is also a minus - the impossibility of carrying out a histology.
  • Radio wave therapy. This technique is acceptable for small nevi, located on the surface of the skin. The procedure is carried out by a special apparatus( Surgitron, etc.), after which a rapidly healing wound remains. Radio therapy does not damage nevus tissue, which allows subsequent histological examination. After the procedure, there are no scars left, and the postoperative wound quickly disappears.
  • Electrotherapy. Such therapy involves burning nevus with low-frequency electricity. The procedure is very traumatic, there is a high probability of postoperative scarring, so this method is rarely used. But electrocoagulation has pluses - the possibility of histological examination.
  • Surgical removal. A similar method is used to remove large moles or when melanoma grows deep in the tissue on which it is located. Also, this operation is applicable for flat nevuses, tumors of malignant nature and for malignization of the mole. Cancerous tumors are excised along with the surrounding skin.

If the patient wishes to get rid of the nevus for aesthetic reasons, it should be borne in mind that it is possible to permanently remove the birthmark only if it does not exceed 5 mm. If the size of the nevus is large, the scar remains after removal.

Survival prognosis

The level of survival is usually determined by the thickness of the malignant mole. A similar criterion is called the depth of Breslow. It is taken into account when predicting and the depth of penetration of the oncological process - the Clark level.

Prevention of

Prevention of the degeneration of a benign mole into a malignant mole is not yet developed, although there are several recommendations that can help prevent the malignant process:

  • To be attentive to the status of moles already available, and if there are changes, contact the oncologist in a timely manner;
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation( solarium, beach), use anti-UV rays;
  • Avoid contact with chemicals.

You can not try to cut or tear off a mole yourself. This should be done only by the specialist and with the use of the necessary inventory.

Video on how to recognize malignant formation on the skin, diagnosis and treatment of a tumor:

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