What is a lipoma and how to treat it folk remedies at home without surgery: reviews

Lipoma is a neoplasm developing in the subcutaneous-connective tissue. Lipoma can be single, or multiple, but regardless of the type of tumor has a benign growth pattern.

The main method of treatment of lipoma, used in modern medical practice, tumor removal. The operation is performed both in a classical surgical way, and with the help of a laser, a radio-knife and other methods.

Because lipoma usually does not disturb the patient and can resolve with time, doctors do not always recommend surgical removal. As a treatment, ointments and preparations, as well as methods of traditional medicine, can be prescribed.

How to cure a lipoma at home without surgery: folk recipes

Folk recipes, for the most part, are aimed at removing the symptoms of the disease, as well as maintaining immunity.

  • infusions on herbs can be used as a remedy;
  • compresses;
  • plant juices;

The use of methods of alternative medicine, for example, massage, acupuncture, manual therapy and others is noted.

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It is also worth noting the ineffectiveness of dietary supplements with a natural composition. Despite the promises of sellers and distributors, the biologically active additives by the result are comparable with conventional folk recipes, however, cost 4-10 times more expensive than the latter.

Depending on the location of the lipoma, the recipes may differ in composition.

Mammary gland

The most common folk recipe is a tincture of burdock rhizomes. The plant really has an antitumor effect, it has an analgesic effect.

To make the tincture, it is necessary to grind half a kilogram of dried burdock roots in a blender or meat grinder, and then pour them with vodka( 0,7-1 l).To insist the resulting composition is necessary for a month at room temperature and in a shaded place. Ready to use infusion 2 times a day.on 1 table.spoon.

Also for the treatment of lipomas of mammary glands it is recommended to use the following recipes:

  • Kalinovuyu tincture. Fresh berries need to be ground, mixed with flower honey and cognac in a proportion of 2: 2: 1.Ingredients for 4 weeks, periodically shaking. Take 3 times a day.on 1 table.spoon.
  • Vegetable tincture. From carrot, garlic, beet and black radish squeeze juice, mix with Cahors( in equal proportions).The received tincture to save in a cool atmosphere, take on 1 table.spoon three times a day.

The onion compress can also be effective. To make it, you need to bake 2-3 onions, then grind them with a blender. Mix the resulting porridge with 1 bar of households.soap, ground on a large grater. Apply to the location of the lipoma three times a day, wrapping the compress. Hold for 15-25 minutes.

Head, back and leg

Since in this case the tumor is located outside and is well diagnosed, compresses will be most effective.

The simplest in manufacturing and effective compresses based on.

  • Cleanness. Use with caution, as it can cause skin burns. Strong decoction of celandine is cooled and, along with gruel, is applied to the location of the tumor in the form of compresses 1-2 times a day. The compress should be kept for 15-20 minutes. Continue treatment until the moment when the lipoma opens, and the contents do not flow out.
  • Beets. One medium fresh beet should be grinded on a coarse grater. The resulting mass is applied to the wen, secured by a bandage and wrapped. Keep for the night. You can repeat every other day, however, you should be careful: the beetroot strongly colors the skin and clothes, it is badly washed off.
  • Ammonium alcohol. Alcohol is mixed with pure water in equal proportions. The cotton disc is wetted in the received liquid and applied 1-3 times a day. After several procedures, the cheesy mass should appear on the site of the lipoma, a cotton swab with 10% streptocid ointment is applied to it. The course of procedures is 20-30 days. After a seven-day break, you can repeat it if necessary.

Good effect, especially in raising immunity, has bee pollen. It can be taken without interruption daily for 1 tea.lies.before eating. It is recommended to combine reception of pollen with decoctions of herbs, for example from celandine, violets, calendula flowers, burdock root, mistletoe and immortelle.

Medicinal herbs can be purchased at the pharmacy, but it is better to collect it yourself. Mix in equal proportions, pour boiling water, in the ratio of 2 table.spoons of herbs for 0.5 liters of boiling water. The broth is allowed to brew for a day, and then take with pollen, washing down the latter.

of the Brain

With brain lipoma, you need to be more careful and apply to folk remedies only after a detailed consultation with the doctor. The most effective recipes are recognized:

  • Decoction of calendula flowers. Prepare a decoction from the flowers of calendula, adding there the wiped berries and the branches of the Kalina, from the calculation: 1 table. Spoon the ingredients in 250 ml of hot water. The broth is boiled for 5 minutes, then cooled and stored in a refrigerator. Take 1 table.lies.before eating.
  • Tincture of wormwood. Collect wormwood should be in mid-May, when it is juiciest. The grass is poured with alcohol in the ratio: 15 grams per 100 ml. The tincture should stand for a week in a cool and shady place. After that, it should be taken 3 times a day for 20 drops, diluting with a small amount of water.
  • Herbal decoction. Fresh herbs of nettle, golden rod and bedrock are ground. One cay.spoon of the resulting raw material is poured a glass of boiling water, allow to stand for 15-20 minutes. Take 4 glasses a day, before meals. After a month of taking it is important to take a break of 14 days, and then repeat the procedure.


Patients note the excellent effect of perg and honey in the treatment of lung lymphomas.

For preparation it is important to mix in a proportion 1: 1 pergus and flowery honey and take 1 teaspoonful.spoonful in the morning. Treatment takes place at the rate: 10 days reception, 2 days break.

Also good for decoction of pine cones.10 cones need to pour 1.5 liters of boiling water, and then cook over low heat for an hour.

After, give the mixture to brew for 24 hours, and then take it by adding 1 table.a spoonful of honey, a glass of knocking. Treatment last 4 months.


The most effective, among folk remedies, is the juice of burdock. Collect the leaves best in May, when they have the most juice. Squeezed juice is stored in the refrigerator and is drunk at this rate:

  • 2 days - 2 times a day by a teaspoonful;
  • the next two days - 1 teaspoonful.spoon 3 r.per day;
  • other days - 1 tablespoon 3 r.per day;

The course lasts a month, then you need to take a short break, and you can repeat the treatment.

A good antitumor effect has an infusion of walnuts. It can be prepared by 2 recipes:

First. Grind the shell 15 nuts, pour the resulting powder 0.5 liters of vodka. Infuse 2 weeks.in a shady place. Take 1 teaspoonful.spoon daily 4 weeks. After a break of 7 days, the course can be repeated.

Second. A glass of chopped walnut shells should be poured with clean water and left over low heat. Cook for an hour, stirring occasionally. The received infusion to drink on 50 ml three r.per day. After a week of reception, you need to make a three-day break, and then continue the reception.


Reviews about the treatment of folk remedies are ambiguous. On the one hand, some really help herbs and ointments:

My daughter in grade 5 found a lipoma on her back. The operation at this age I was afraid to do and decided to try Vishnevsky's ointment. Surprisingly, the ointment worked fine: the swelling was gone!

I treated a lung lymoma with a burdock. Did decoctions and tincture. Saw, probably, month 3. Then inspection has shown, that from a lipoma to me it was possible to get rid.

On the other hand, many people deny this method of treatment:

People, do not believe charlatans! I only than did not treat lipomas: and travkami, and poultices, and compresses. Nothing helped. Only the laser removed, then the tumor no longer.

Ointment of Vishnevsky from lipoma

Balsamic liniment is an ointment developed by the surgeon Vishnevsky. It consists of castor oil, elements of xerogen and birch tar, which provides efficacy in the treatment:

  1. lime;
  2. boils;
  3. corns;
  4. wound;
  5. lymphadenitis;
  6. abscesses;

With regard to lipomas, ointment is effective on soft and hard tumors, and can often help with large tumors. There are many variations in the use of ointments with lipomas, but this is considered to be the optimum:

  • Apply liniment to a cotton pad or bandage.
  • Attach to the neoplasm.
  • If necessary, secure with adhesive tape.
  • Wear for 24 hours.

If necessary, the procedure can be repeated. Usually, by day 4, the grease begins to dissolve, sometimes it passes completely.

Be careful! Because of the tar, the ointment has a darker shade, that's why it gets dirty clothes and badly laundered!

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