Why sometimes the cervical spine and head ache?

1 Brief description of the symptom

The attending physician can not always determine the true cause of the pain syndrome. It is necessary to understand that the diagnosis can be established only in case of careful diagnosis. If the head is aching with osteochondrosis, treatment and preventive measures should be directed to the main cause - the spine.

The appearance of a headache is associated with a direct lesion of the spinal nerve roots. It is necessary to consider in detail the mechanism of the development of the problem.

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First, osteochondrosis develops in the cervical region. Degenerative processes begin to occur in one or more intervertebral discs. Inside the cartilaginous tissue, a gelatinous nucleus can be detected, which eventually begins to dry out. The cartilage gradually loses its initial elasticity, its compaction and cracking occur. In the future, it is possible to diagnose protrusion of cartilage between adjacent vertebrae, the development of vertebral hernia or protrusion.

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The bodies of the individual vertebrae begin to shift and interact closely enough. This process has a negative character, because the load on the joint increases. The surfaces of the joints begin to wear off and become covered with bone growths, the inflammatory process develops and dystrophic changes are observed.

After the bodies of the joints have moved closer and displaced, the spinal nerves are squeezed, which are located between them. This provokes pain syndrome, pain in the cervical spine becomes more active.

2 Headache

Headaches are directly related to ongoing changes in the spine. Disturbances in nerve conduction and cerebral vasospasm can increase intracranial pressure. The nature of the pain syndrome can be characterized by the following features:

  1. Pain in the cervical spine can occur suddenly and occur in the form of frequent attacks. Average duration: from 6 to 10 hours. In some cases, there is a constant pattern of pain.
  2. Unpleasant sensations can be sharp and amplified when moving the head or eyes.
  3. Place of localization - occipital or temporal region, in some cases - the entire head.
  4. There are "shooting pains" in the neck, aching - in the shoulder, as well as nausea, vomiting, numbness of individual parts of the face or neck, unstable ka, dizziness and fainting.
  5. Most often occur in the morning and can intensify with careless turning of the neck and head.
  6. Seizures can be chronic. In some cases, pain may not stop even after taking pain medications.

Pain syndrome can affect general activity, cause irritability, nervousness, provoke a pressure increase, etc. If the body temperature rises or the symptoms grow over time, we can say that the cause is not in osteochondrosis.

3 Cervical Migraine and Diancephalic Syndrome

It is often possible to diagnose cervical migraine - a kind of cranialgia, which is caused by damage to the spinal nerve.

Sidrom has nothing to do with a real migraine.

The name was obtained because there are a number of symptoms that are similar to pathology.

The main symptom that characterizes both syndromes is local pain in a certain part of the head. Cervical migraine flows avalanche. The pain syndrome can gradually move into the temporal region, from one side to the other. It can increase with blinking and is often accompanied by vomiting and nausea.

This condition can last from 2 hours to several days. If the patient lies down and fixes his head in one position, one can expect relief.


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In some cases, develops a diencephalic syndrome, which is formed when blood flow is disturbed in certain parts of the brain. The average duration of an attack does not exceed 20-30 minutes. Pain sensations can be localized not only in the head, but also in the heart. In this case, the patient is visited by panic attacks, there is a chill and an intensified heartbeat.

The patient can paler skin, the forehead becomes covered with sweat and the pressure rises.

If seizures continue for a long time, and anesthetics do not bring relief, you should immediately seek medical help from a doctor.

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