Treatment of hemorrhoids with oil - linseed, camphor, creamy, ethereal, olive, fir, vegetable, sunflower

Hemorrhoids - a pathology of cavernous tissue inside the rectum and near the anus. This is a very unpleasant disease in its first stages and is dangerous with a neglected form. Particularly severe cases can lead to oncology.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with oil is an effective technique. Each type of product affects the disease in different ways, but all of them greatly alleviate human suffering.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of hemorrhoids, including oils, are numerous. This is a natural method that heals anal tears and cracks, reduces pain, restores elasticity to the vessels and cleans inflammation. There are cases of recovery after their application.

How to take flaxseed oil with hemorrhoids?

Flaxseed oil from hemorrhoids was used in antiquity. Its useful properties are promoted by the content in it:

  • proteins;
  • carotene;
  • linolenic acid;
  • enzymes;
  • palmitic acid.

When used internally, the drug normalizes stool and digestion, eliminating frequent constipation, which is very important in the fight against hemorrhoids. It is advisable to drink it 10 ml each day after eating for 2 weeks. If necessary, the course can be repeated.

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Flaxseed oil for hemorrhoids is used externally and with other medicinal ingredients. It helps to heal ruptures, reduce swelling and inflammation, and also nourishes damaged tissue.

Recipe for ointment. Ointment Vundehil( freely sold in pharmacy kiosks - a tool to accelerate the healing of ulcers and other injuries) to mix in equal parts with linseed oil and smear hemorrhoids. It is better to use this balm after special baths, for example, saline so as to remove strong irritation and help the process of tissue repair.

You can prepare ointment with sea buckthorn oil. Composition:

  • 2 spoons of linseed and sea buckthorn oil;
  • powder Anestezin - 1 gr;
  • calendula ointment - 3 medium spoons.

Thoroughly mix and gently lubricate the inflamed areas.

Camphoric oil for hemorrhoids

The use of camphor oil in hemorrhoids helps to relieve inflammation, restore elasticity to tissues, fight infections and heal lesions in the internal form of the disease.

After cleaning procedures, insert gently into the anus with a cotton towel with a finger that is wetted with this product. Hold for about 20 minutes. Discomfort and pain will go away through 3 applications, but it is recommended to perform 6 procedures.

Recipe for potato candles with camphor:

  • Cut a candle out of potatoes. Put the billet in camphor oil for 24 hours. Before going to bed, carefully insert the candle into the anus until morning.
  • After 3 applications, relief will begin and healing will begin.

Butter from hemorrhoids

Treatment of hemorrhoids with butter is used because of its high content of nutrients - proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates. It removes cracks, relieves inflammation, stops severe bleeding, reduces pain.

Recipe for douching:

  • 250 g.mix the oil with 1 spoon of honey. Immediately after cleansing procedures, add the mixture into the anus with a syringe.
  • Do this procedure 6 times. If required, the course of treatment can be repeated.

You can make candles, composition:

  • 250 gr.the given oil;
  • 2 medium spoons of flax and chamomile flowers;
  • 10 gr.wax.

Preparation: melt the butter and put herbs into it, strain, insist and add melted wax there. Pour the heated mixture into molds in the form of candles. Keep the remedy in the refrigerator. Apply as a medical candle at night.

Essential oil from hemorrhoids

The treatment of hemorrhoids by these agents is used because of their ability to reduce and stop severe bleeding, to remove inflammation and swelling, to heal cracks and tissue damage, to anesthetize and to prevent infection. And also improve blood flow in affected areas.

Some essential oils used in the treatment of hemorrhoids:

  • cedar;
  • coriander;
  • pink;
  • is cypress;
  • Muscat;
  • incense.

They are used for massage and medical baths, for the preparation of candles and are part of many ointments. Several recipes:

  • Drink for normalizing the stool.3 drops of oil mixed with a small spoon of honey and a mug of warm boiled water. Use at least 4 times a day. When choosing a remedy, consult a doctor.
  • Sitting bath. Baths remove inflammation and severe discomfort with hemorrhoids. Mixture of oils to 4 drops( cypress, roses, lemon, lavender) pour into clean warm water in the pelvis and, immersing the rectal zone, sit for 20 minutes. It is preferable to do this facilitating procedure before night rest.
  • Anesthetic. Stir 25 gr.sea ​​buckthorn oil with any of the listed( 11 drops) and smear the rectal area.

Healing remedies for hemorrhoids:

  • Stir 5 drops of geranium oil, 4 drops of lavender, 3 drops of bergamot and 40 drops of coconut. The resulting mixture must be smeared with an inflamed zone. This contributes to the anesthesia and recovery of inflamed tissues. Ointment must always be stored in a container of opaque glass.
  • Mix the oils of cypress - 8 drops, roses - 4, lemon - 5, lavender - 4 with boiling water and, moistened with a cotton ball, apply to the inflamed place.
  • Mix 45 drops of cypress or rose oil with water and rinse the problem areas after going to the toilet.

Contraindicated use these drugs to people with allergies to their components.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with vegetable( sunflower) oil

Treatment of hemorrhoids with this means involves taking it with drinking, as a remedy for constipation. It also serves as the basis for candles, ointments and creams. It removes inflammation and swelling, and also relieves discomfort in case of exacerbation of hemorrhoids. They can also wipe anal fissures. Here are a few ways:

  • Vegetable oil mix with honey in equal parts and smear the inflamed zone. Apply 2-3 times during the day.
  • Enema. Mix 15 gr.sunflower oil with decoction of chamomile and carefully inserted into the anus with a syringe. Maintain the mixture for up to an hour.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with fir oil

Fir oil from hemorrhoids is used as an antibacterial and good anti-inflammatory agent. It has the following actions:

  • immunomodulatory;
  • regenerating;
  • antiviral;
  • is warming;
  • toning;
  • soothing;
  • is an analgesic.

This product has good penetrating power, so it is desirable to apply it many times. It is used for compresses, ointments and as a component of candles. Massage of the inflamed zone with this remedy is a good way to relieve acute inflammation of external nodes. It is recommended to do it during exacerbation several times a day.

This is a universal tool that helps to remove the itching and sharp pain, both with internal and external hemorrhoids:

  • Compress with internal hemorrhoids. Equal parts of fir and sea-buckthorn oil mix and, moistened with a solution of cotton, insert gently into the anus. The product effectively removes the discomfort and inflammation of the internal nodes. You can use it 4 times a day.
  • Enemas.5 drops of fir oil mixed with 200 gr.warm clean water. Increase, keeping the proportion, the amount of liquid to the desired volume. The resulting solution is carefully inserted into the anus with a syringe. The product perfectly removes inflammation, discomfort and helps against constipation. Applicable within 20 days.
  • Candles. Mix 3 medium spoons of beeswax and the same fir oil, adding 200 grams to the solution.ordinary butter. Pour the mixture into the mold. Keep preferably in the refrigerator. To apply it is necessary day and night. After the fifth application, the patient will feel better.

When using this tool, a person can feel a burning sensation. This is absolutely normal.

Olive oil from hemorrhoids

Treatment of hemorrhoids with olive oil is very effective because of the large number of biologically active substances in it. Apply it preferably without mixing with other medicines. The remedy heals tears, reduces pain syndrome, relieves acute inflammation and even swelling. If you take the drug inside, it stops constipation. It is desirable to drink it on an empty stomach for 2 teaspoons. You can also add it to salads and other dishes.

Olive oil has a strong choleretic effect, so be sure to consult a doctor before using it. In no case it can not be taken to people with liver disease, gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder. Recipes:

  • Compress. The product and honey are mixed in equal parts. Wet in a mixture of cotton and apply to the place of injury. It is necessary to repeat these actions up to 4 times a day.
  • Enemas. At 150 gr.warm clean water 3 small spoons of the remedy. The solution is used for enemas, which will ease defecation, soothe inflammation and heal wounds with internal hemorrhoids.
  • Douching of internal hemorrhoids also helps to remove the symptoms of the disease.

Oil of milk thistle from hemorrhoids

The product is used because of its anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. It contains vitamins B, E, K and D, fats, proteins, alkaloids and saponins, tyramine and histamine. Compresses are used to fight the disease. For their preparation, moisten cotton wool in this product and apply gently to inflamed hemorrhoidal veins for 30 minutes. Do the procedure several times a day, but not more than five. And necessarily after defecation.

Coconut oil from hemorrhoids

This remedy for the treatment of hemorrhoids is used due to its excellent regenerating properties. It is used to create candles. And also inside before taking food to improve the quality of digestion and prevent constipation.

To make candles you need to melt the coconut oil, pour it into a small syringe and put it in a cold place. After freezing the agent, cut off the upper part of the syringe and squeeze out the finished candle. Then insert it gently into the anus. The procedure is carried out at night. The medicine very well helps with exacerbated internal hemorrhoids.

Almond oil from hemorrhoids

Almond oil helps to remove acute inflammation, severe pain and resolves hemorrhoids. To make a compress, you need to wet a cotton ball in it and apply it to the inflamed area. The procedure should be performed after each defecation, cleaning the surface. Relief with the use of the remedy comes after 30 minutes, and recovery in a few days.

Can sesame oil be used for hemorrhoids?

The product has many useful properties. Among them:

  • antiseptic;
  • painkillers;
  • healing.

It is very often used in domestic conditions. There are several recipes for its use:

  1. In warmed form, apply to the inflamed rectal zone for 20 minutes 3-4 times a day. This helps to relieve inflammation and healing of anal fissures.
  2. Compress. The tissue impregnated with the agent should be applied to the inflamed zone for 20 minutes.
  3. Enema in the internal form of the disease. Injection of syringe 200 gr.sesame oil in the anus.
  4. The agent is used as a component of ointments. It does not cause burning and other discomfort.

Burdock oil from hemorrhoids

The product is used because of its unique properties to heal wounds and moisturize damaged cavernous tissues. In its composition:

  • organic acids;
  • inulin;
  • fatty acids;
  • different vitamins.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, it is sufficient to apply it to the swollen hemorrhoidal nodes for 20 minutes several times in the afternoon. You can apply compresses or make baths.

The use of oils in hemorrhoids is a very old method of treatment, proving its effectiveness for centuries. It is best to combine non-traditional and medicamental medicine under the supervision of a doctor. In the first stages, of course, people's ways of using it are most accurate. This helps to remove the dangerous symptoms, and in some cases even get rid of the disease. Subject to compliance with preventive measures( diet and special exercises).

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