Candles for hemorrhoids Neo-Anusole - inexpensive and effective treatment

Conservative( medicamentous) treatment of hemorrhoids is a very difficult task, both for the doctor and the patient. This is due to the fact that it takes a lot of attention to the disease, as well as the selection of not only a systemic but also a local method of therapeutic effect. At the phenomena of hemorrhoids Anusole in candles allows to eliminate the majority of symptoms both with external and internal form of the disease. The drug allows you to forget about the uncomfortable sensations in the rectal area.

Positive effect on the patient's well-being is achieved by a wide spectrum of action of the drug Anuzol:

  • analgesic( directly affects the pain receptors);
  • antispasmodic( reduces spasm as an additional cause of pain);
  • antiseptic( suppresses growth of pathogenic microbes);
  • astringent and drying effect on venous nodes.

The doctor should prescribe such a drug, after a careful rectal examination. This is due to the fact that in a number of cases, when complications of hemorrhoids develop, no conservative treatment can significantly improve the patient's condition. In other cases - correctly selected therapy, allows you to forget about this disease for a long time and lead a full-fledged way of life.

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Mechanism of action of anusole and neo-anusole in hemorrhoids

Anusole candles consist of a number of active compounds that affect the course of hemorrhoids:

  • belladonna extract, which has an antispasmodic effect on the digestive tract with maintaining the tone of the anal sphincter;
  • zinc compound with sulphate;
  • xeroform;
  • components with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Neo-Anusole hemorrhoids candles contain the following biologically active compounds:

  • bismuth nitrate is an anti-inflammatory drug;
  • zinc oxide - antiseptic;
  • tannin - a tanning agent for mucous membranes;Iodine and methylene blue are antiseptics.

Thus, like Anuzol, and the drug with the prefix Neo, are drugs with a similar effect, but with some differences directly attributable to their constituent components. Both drugs have anti-inflammatory effect in the rectum, tannic and drying components allow making the walls of varicose nodules less sensitive to trauma in hemorrhoids.

The drug Anuzol contains extracts of belladonna that act as anticholinergics, thereby leading to the elimination of a spasm of the rectum, which often occurs with a pain syndrome and breaks the stool. Spastic phenomena additionally increase the pain associated with irritation of the corresponding receptors of the rectum. Neo-Anusole does not contain antispasmodics, but contains a wider range of different antiseptic agents. Thus, this drug will be more effective in preventing and eliminating such a complication of hemorrhoids as infectious and inflammatory process. Therefore, before choosing which drug to use, it is important for the patient to consult a doctor who will tell you which particular drug will be more desirable.

Features of the use of Anusole from hemorrhoids

Both preparations are available in the form of suppositories for rectal use, usually in a package of 5 or 10 pieces. The use of such rectal suppositories does not differ from other similar preparations. However, with the first application there may be some difficulties, especially in men, who, however, are less likely to use candles, and not other dosage forms. For the male, the rectal route of administration is psychologically uncomfortable for various social considerations.

Ointment Anusole is extremely rare in the pharmaceutical market. Most likely, this can be explained by the weaker action of the ointment compared with suppositories, which required more frequent use of the drug.

Anusol suppositories with bleeding hemorrhoids are not recommended for use, as the risk of additional trauma to varicose node of the rectum increases and bleeding increases. In this case, a doctor's consultation and a change in the tactics of treating hemorrhoids are necessary.

Candles for hemorrhoids Anusol is used 1-2 times a day after the act of defecation. It is permissible to use up to 7 suppositories a day for especially severe disease. Candles are recommended to use only the number of times that the doctor established, because of the risk of side effects associated with the use of anticholinergics( thirst, tachycardia, drowsiness, visual impairment, etc.).If such symptoms develop, the use of the drug should be stopped immediately. When using these drugs with hemorrhoids, sometimes there may be a development of allergic reactions, which also requires discontinuing the use of the drug.

It can be noted that these drugs, nevertheless, remain one of the most inexpensive and effective solutions in the field of therapy of vascular pathology of the rectum, preventing the occurrence of complications of the disease( inflammation and infection of nodes, bleeding, pain, constipation, etc.).

Drugs Anuzol and Neo-Anusolum are contraindicated for use in women during pregnancy( regardless of the trimester, i.e. throughout the term) and breastfeeding. Therefore, these funds are almost never assigned to women with hemorrhoids immediately after the termination of pregnancy.

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