Spasmodic colitis of the intestine and its treatment

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Spasmodic colitis is an inflammation of the large intestine mucosa. There are 2 forms: acute and chronic. The causes of the appearance of spasmodic colitis are many, several factors influence its development at once. For this type of disease is characterized by the fact that when it develops, the intestinal mucosa becomes very sensitive. It starts to irritate, like food, and drugs, and fatigue, and a heavy nervous and stressful condition.

There are a lot of reasons for spasmodic colitis, but they can be distinguished from the main ones, which in one way or another contributed to its appearance:

  • Parasites;
  • Work and permanent contact with heavy metals for a long period;
  • The presence of a large number of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Not the right diet and diet;
  • Prolonged treatment with laxatives;
  • Recently transferred operations.

In addition to the causes can be attributed and gastrointestinal diseases. Diseases that contribute to the development of spasmodic colitis: gastritis, allergy, pancreatic inflammation, dysbiosis, inflammation of the gallbladder. Such an impact they have due to the fact that in the case of problems with functioning and the inability to perform their work well enough, they bring a lot of discomfort to other bodies. For example, if there are problems with the stomach, digestion of the food will not be good enough, and, therefore, going to the large intestine in this form, it will irritate the mucosa and provoke further pathology.

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After determining the main causes of spasmodic colitis of the intestine, specialists identified a list of people who are most at risk:

  • People with chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
  • People who very often, and most importantly, for a long period resort to taking medications.
  • People working on chemical production with poisonous reagents and heavy metals.
  • Persons susceptible to allergic reactions.
  • People with disorders of the formation of the digestive tract, obtained as a result of the influence of the gene data of parents and relatives.

Symptomatics of intestinal spasmodic colitis

Symptomatic for spasmodic colitis is clear, therefore, only on the basis of patient complaints the doctor can correctly orient.

Symptoms of spasmodic colitis:

  • Excessive gassing, with strange and incomprehensible sounds being heard in your stomach.
  • Sluggish condition, malaise and poor health.
  • Nausea.
  • Pain sensations in the epigastric region of the abdomen. Most of all, the discomfort is visited by the patient after eating.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Violation of defecation, usually constipation is replaced by diarrhea and vice versa. In a stool it is possible to find out pieces of badly digested food and mucous secretions.

Sometimes constipation with spasmodic colitis can not go away for a long time, while a person feels a swelling, heaviness and pain in the abdomen. As a rule, constipation stops after 3 days. In connection with such dramatic changes, a person begins to lose body weight, and as a result, avitaminosis and anemia also come. Such a symptomatology does not allow you to live and work calmly, and so the patient begins depression, frequent changes of mood and so on.

Diagnosis and treatment of spasmodic colitis

To accurately name the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed a prescription surgeon and fibrocolonoscopy. With the help of such diagnostics the doctor will easily detect foci of inflammation of the mucous membrane, determine the tone and evacuation power of the large intestine. Such changes and inflammations can tell a lot about the disease. According to the sigmoidoscopy and fibrocolonoscopy, the doctor will accurately determine this or that kind of colitis.

It is also necessary to analyze the condition of the microflora of the large intestine. And in order to not be able to find fault with the diagnosis, as a fixative material in the treatment of spasmodic colitis take blood tests, feces, appoint ultrasound and coprogram.

The first step after the diagnosis is made is the normalization of the defecation process and the elimination of symptoms of spasmodic colitis. When the disease is at its peak, antiseptics should be taken as a cure. Their action does not take long to wait, only the problem is that the reception should be no more than 2 weeks, otherwise the microflora will suffer greatly. As an antispasmodic, choose No-shpu or Decitel. In order to protect the mucosa from further disorders, enveloping agents are prescribed. To mitigate the output of feces it is better to use non-laxative drugs, and natural remedies that are in no way inferior to drugs.

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