Pseudomembranous enterocolitis and its symptoms

Pseudomembranous enterocolitis has symptoms similar to those of other types of disease. If there are any negative signs, you should immediately contact a specialist. As the first signs of the development of pseudomembranous enterocolitis may come:

  • Diarrhea, which occurs 3-5 to 20-30 times a day. It is worth noting that the last value of the amount of defecation with diarrhea will be observed only in the most severe cases. The chair has a watery characteristic, sometimes with blood and mucus impurities. Some patients suffer from alternation of a normal stool with a liquid one. At this time in others, diarrhea is of a permanent nature, it can last several weeks or even months.
  • Painful sensations, the localization of which is rather vague. Patients say that the entire abdomen hurts, but with palpation, such sensations can manifest symptoms from the left or right side.
  • Increased body temperature. The indicator can be, as with a cold 37-37.5 degrees, and rise to 40 degrees. In the latter case, this phenomenon is observed in the severe form of pseudomembranous enterocolitis.
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These symptoms are the most common, and all others are detected only through diagnosis, or are individually characterized. It should be noted that such signs are mainly manifested after treatment with antibiotics or their cancellation, and also due to antibacterial drugs for the therapeutic manipulation of infections. In children under one year pseudomembranous enterocolitis does not occur. This is due to the fact that they lack special receptors that are responsible for sensitivity to toxins.

With pseudomembranous enterocolitis, a large amount of fluid is lost, which leads to dehydration and disturbances in water electrolyte metabolism, which in the clinical picture will manifest itself as tachycardia, paresthesia, decreased muscle tone and convulsions. In a particularly severe case, feces can detect the presence of blood impurities.

In addition, pseudomembranous enterocolitis is accompanied by common signs of intoxication: headaches, loss of appetite.

Along with all of the above, you can name the following symptoms of pseudomembranous enterocolitis:

  • Diarrhea, with greenish or yellow mucus, blood or red stools.
  • Strengthening of the urge to act of defecation.
  • Anorexia.
  • Painful sensations in the abdomen with a cramping characteristic. When palpation, the localization of pain is revealed: on the top or bottom of the abdomen.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Gastrointestinal upset.
  • Increased body temperature. Chills and fatigue.
  • Weight Loss.

If persistent vomiting or diarrhea is present, this is evidence of dehydration. Signs of dehydration in mild degrees of pseudomembranous enterocolitis:

  • Low urination.
  • Urine acquires a darker shade.

Signs of dehydration in an average degree of pseudomembranous enterocolitis:

  • Low urination.
  • No urination more than 8 hours. Dizziness and general weakness.
  • Dryness of tissues.
  • Fainting.
  • Weakness.
  • Increased thirst.
  • Nausea.
  • Increased heart rate.

Signs of dehydration in severe degree of pseudomembranous enterocolitis:

  • Drowsiness.
  • Coma.
  • Convulsions.

It is worth repeating once again, if you have any doubts about the presence of pseudomembranous enterocolitis, it is worth immediately contacting a specialist for diagnosis and possible treatment. Timely treatment is a guarantee of health.

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