Causes and methods of treatment of a heavy, cotton head

1 Symptom

Some patients come to the doctor and the first is called a complaint of heaviness in the head. It can be felt like dizziness, show pain, blurred vision, constant drowsiness, be the result of increased or decreased pressure. This state can not be called ordinary and safe. Firstly, the heaviness in the head prevents a person from doing the usual things, work, and secondly, it can have very serious consequences, since it is sometimes a symptom of the latent development of the disease.

There are times when these discomforts go away by themselves, if a person has a good rest, walks in the fresh air, is distracted from work and sleeps. But if all of the above methods do not help remove the symptom of a severe head, this is a sign of serious impairment associated with blood vessels or the brain.

2 Diagnosis

If you constantly observe a symptom of a severe head, you should consult a doctor who will determine the causes of such a phenomenon. After all, feeling every day fatigue, weakness and malaise is dangerous to health.

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Often doctors when examining such patients come to the conclusion that the cause is the problems with the cervical spine. It is this site that is responsible for the appearance and cessation of headaches and feelings of heaviness. Because of osteochondrosis, normal blood circulation in the brain is disrupted. If the disease is in an exacerbation stage, then an increase in intracranial pressure and the onset of headache and severity are possible.

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In addition, with age, the disease progresses, changes occur in the vertebral disks, the nerve roots move, which sometimes leads to their jamming. In order to avoid painful sensations, a person tries to keep his neck in a certain position. But despite this, the blood flow worsens, the metabolic processes lose stability, and the oxygen starvation begins in the brain. This is the reason for the complaint of a heavy head and constant weakness.

There is such a thing as "fog in the head".Among the main causes of this condition, except for osteochondrosis, we can name the following:

  • stressful situations;
  • daily long work behind the computer;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • development of infections;
  • effects of traumatic brain injuries;
  • manifestations of allergic reactions.

Meniere's disease can manifest itself with symptoms such as heaviness in the head, dizziness. The essence of the disease is the damage to the organs of hearing.

The patient may complain that he has a "wadded" head with light bruises, but the most dangerous in this case are the so-called whiplash injuries. There is a great chance to get them when traveling on public transport or on a private car. At the same time, a sharp jerk is enough, which will entail a trauma to the muscles and a possible dislocation of the spine in the neck.

After the received traumas the person can feel difficulties in movements and turns of a neck, sensation of gravity in a head and the general delicacy that speaks infringement of a blood flow in a brain. In this case, the symptoms can increase when trying to bend over or turn the neck.

3 Hypermedia

According to the Stanford University medical school, almost every tenth inhabitant of the planet complains of persistent drowsiness and the associated weight in the head. This condition is especially intensified in winter. A person can wake up in the morning, while already feeling tired, not getting enough sleep, it is difficult for him to coordinate his movements, to orient himself in space.

With this discomfort, mental activity suffers: it's hard to remember the events that happened the day before, to build thoughts in a logical sequence. In the medical language, this condition is called awakening with confused consciousness.

This symptom, like an unclear head, is known to almost everyone. But for some it passes quickly, and someone accompanies the whole day. The second option is observed in people who are constantly depressed, suffer from panic attacks or bipolar disorder.


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There is increased drowsiness in different ways. This condition is called hypersomnia and is characterized by excessive drowsiness. He can be subjected to completely healthy people who for a long time did not sleep, experienced stress or experienced severe trauma.

Well, if it's all about lack of the required amount of sleep. But there are cases when even after a long-awaited rest a person wakes up with a "cotton" head, drowsiness returns to him, mood and appetite are lost, metabolism worsens, sexual desire disappears.

4 Methods of struggle

The main methods of treatment are that first you need to determine how pronounced the symptoms, what degree of general malaise and the stage of neurasthenia on which the patient is. The next item is elimination of all irritating factors, decrease in physical activity and emotional load of a person. This can provide restorative therapy.

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It is important to strengthen the immune system, maintain the level of vitamins and nutrients in the body due to the rejection of bad habits and healthy nutrition, in some cases, psychotherapy is indicated.

Self-medication is out of the question, because cases where a non-serious attitude to one's health, constant lack of sleep and fatigue lead to significant complications are not uncommon. And here medical assistance of a completely different level will be needed. In neglected cases, there is a need to prescribe psychopharmacotherapy, which implies the use of restorative drugs, tranquilizers, antidepressants, sleeping pills.

Among the main signs that indicate improvement in the patient's condition, we can distinguish the following:

  • sleep normalization;
  • restoration of work capacity;
  • keeping a familiar way of life;
  • disposal of the symptom of the "cotton" head;
  • recovery of appetite and sleep regimen.

Any problem has different ways and methods of treatment. A patient with such a symptom as a severe head should receive a consultation from a therapist. Based on his conclusion and taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body, prescribe appropriate treatment and give recommendations.

There are about 80 factors that can provoke the syndrome of the "wadded" head, so in any case it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination and prevent an exacerbation.

If you promptly seek help and do not ignore your ailment, the specialist will be able to quickly cure your illness. The main thing that you must do to avoid relapse is to exclude irritating factors from everyday life that can provoke it.

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