Levamisole hydrochloride: instructions for use, price in Russia, reviews, analogs, trade name

When chemotherapy or radiotherapy is performed, the body's immune system is seriously affected, therefore, to normalize its function, patients are given immunomodulatory medications. One such is Levamisol, which also has antihelminthic activity.

Composition, form and packaging

The drug Levamisol( trade name Dekaris) is available in tablet form and as an injection solution. The latter form is used in veterinary medicine.

Auxiliary components are:

  • Corn starch;
  • Calcium hydrogen phosphate;
  • Magnesium stearate;
  • Sodium starch glycollate;
  • Lactose;
  • Colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • Talc.

The tablets are placed in blister packs, which are packaged in cardboard packs of 1, 2 and 5 tablets.


The product is manufactured in several countries:

  • SC Balkan Pharmaceuticals SRL / Moldova;
  • Nita-Fram, veterinary pharmaceutics / Russia;
  • Pharmaceutical company "Health" / Ukraine.

Indications for use

The main indication for taking Levamisol is treatment from round worms.

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The agent is effective against:

  • Necatose;
  • Ascaridosis;
  • Ankylostomidosis;
  • Strongyloidosis;
  • Trichostrongyloidosis and other forms of helminthic invasions.

Because the drug has an immunomodulatory effect, it is actively used in anti-infective therapy in pathologies such as:

  • I and II type of recurrent herpesvirus infection;
  • of Hepatitis of viral origin;
  • Active chronic hepatitis B;
  • Reuters pathology;
  • Hodgkin's Pathology in the period of remission;
  • Malignant ferrous, colonic and bronchial tumors after surgical treatment, radiation or chemotherapy;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, etc.


Levamisol is contraindicated in:

  • Agranulocytosis mediated by drugs;
  • Acute leukemia form;
  • Insufficiency of renal or hepatic activity;
  • Cerebrovascular insufficiency, which consists in disturbance of cerebral circulation;
  • An opiate hematopoietic function;
  • for women during pregnancy;
  • For children under 14 years of age;
  • During breastfeeding;
  • Patients who are hypersensitive to medication.

Pharmacological action of

Levamisole is a preparation of anthelmintic and immunomodulatory action.

The mechanism of anthelminthic effect is due to the ability of the drug to block the production of the enzyme substance fumarate reductase. As a result, serious disruptions in the bioenergetic structures of helminths begin - the muscular system is paralyzed, the neuro-impulse transmission is inhibited.

As a result of taking the drug, increased production of antibodies is activated, monocytic, macrophage and neutrophil functions are increased, activity and proliferation of T-lymphocytes is stimulated.

Instructions for use Levamisole: dosage

For children, the drug is produced in a reduced dosage of 50 mg.

  • Levamisol tablets for adults with helminthic invasions are prescribed as a single dose( 150 mg) before bedtime. The child's dosage is 2.5 mg per kilogram of body weight, also once a night.
  • In oncopathologies, Levamisol therapy is usually started 7-30 days after surgical removal of the tumor. Single dose - 50 mg three times a day. Reception takes three days every two weeks. This treatment lasts for a year.
  • With the immunomodulating purpose, Levamisol is taken on a daily tablet, taking 3 days every two weeks. The duration of therapy depends on the clinical situation and is determined by the doctor individually.
  • Dosage for children under 6 years of age is not more than 50 mg, and for 6-14-year-old age - 50-100 mg of the drug.

Injection solutions are used in veterinary for the treatment of animals( domestic, cattle, etc.).

Side effects of

Some patients with Levamisol show adverse reactions such as:

  • Diarrhea;
  • Nausea-vomiting reaction;
  • Pain in the epigastric zone;
  • Ulceration in the oral cavity;
  • Pancreatitis.

Overdosage of

When excess of the above dosages exceeds 600 mg, intoxication develops, accompanied by nausea and unrestrained vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea and spasms, severe headaches and confusion, a high likelihood of lethargy.

For the treatment of patients carry out a comprehensive cleaning of the gastrointestinal tract, including gastric lavage and enema, as well as carry out systematic therapy, monitoring all vital signs of the patient.

If an anticholinesterase reaction develops against an overdose, then atropine is indicated.

Special instructions

  • With a single dose of Levamisol in a laxative or supplemental diet therapy, there is no need.
  • It is strictly forbidden to drink any alcohol while treating the drug.
  • In the composition there is lactose, therefore, in the presence of intolerance to sugars, the drug is administered with increased caution.
  • During treatment it is necessary to control the leukocyte content in the blood.
  • With anticoagulant therapy, it is necessary to select the dosage of Levamisol with particular care, by monitoring their condition.
  • Caution should be taken tablets with drugs that affect hematopoiesis.

Drug interaction

The drug has many limitations in the field of interaction with other medicines:

  1. It can not be combined with Pirantel, because the likelihood of an overdose and toxic reaction is high;
  2. At simultaneous reception with phenytoin the preparation strengthens its action;
  3. Increases the severity of side effects, toxic effects and the risk of complications when combined with Penicillamine, Pegasparcase and Doxorubicin;
  4. Simultaneous reception with Amphotericin-B increases the risk of bronchospasm and lesions of the kidney structures;
  5. When combined with busulfan, the probability of veno-occlusive hepatic pathology is high;
  6. Increases the toxicity of myelotoxic medicines;
  7. It is forbidden to combine fat-dissolving agents like tetrachlorethylene, ether, carbon tetrachloride and chloroform, because Levamisol increases their toxicity;
  8. The drug is able to enhance the effect of indirect coagulants;
  9. Contraindicated combination with drugs that reduce the content of leukocyte cells;
  10. Enhances hepatotoxicity of fluorouracil;
  11. In combination with Chloroquine can cause complications in the form of skin lesions and bone marrow aplasia.



Summer vacation in Taiwan ended in trouble in the form of worms. The doctor appointed Levamisole. At night I took a pill and woke up in the morning without any discomfort. There were no pills. And after taking the tests, I was sure that the worms were gone. The result is satisfied.


My father was prescribed this drug after chemotherapy to improve the immune status and resistance of oncology. It is difficult to say about the pills, because along with Levamisol he was given a bunch of other means. But the immunomodulating effect was unambiguous.

How much does Levamisole cost in Russia?

The average price of the drug is about 67-132 rubles.

Analogues of

Analogues of Levamisol are: Derinat, ADS-anatoxin, Neovir and Lycopid.

Synonyms of medication

A similar active substance is contained in the preparations:

  • Ascaridil;
  • Decaris;
  • Ergamizole;
  • Levazole;
  • Levotetramizole;
  • Citra;
  • Diafor;
  • Casidrol;
  • Ketrax;
  • levoroperkol;
  • Nibutane;
  • Тенизол и пр.

Conditions of dispensing from pharmacies

Over-the-counter leave.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store the drug in a room temperature not more than 5 years.

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