Code on the ICD 10 about headache and tension?

1 Mechanism of occurrence of

Psychoemotional stress causes reflex tension of all muscles of the body. There are spasms of the muscles of the neck and head. As a result, strong sensations of pain, discomfort and tightness in this zone often extend to the temporal and occipital muscles.

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Cramps of facial muscles are noted. These abnormal physiological processes cause tension headaches, which are often very protracted. Patients with such pain are constantly in a state of stress. This significantly reduces the quality of life.

2 Causes and factors of pathology

Physical, psycho-emotional overstrain is the cause of such a headache. The energy of the body is spent on maintaining the muscles of the head in a stressed state.

Situations that contribute to the development of painful sensations:

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  1. During the patient's stay in a noisy room, headaches are greatly amplified. People are doing hard work. A person is sitting at the computer incessantly.
  2. Pupils, drivers often suffer from this ailment due to emotional stress. In patients with organic neurological diseases, this type of pain is one of the symptoms of the disease.

3 Clinical features of

Symptoms of pathology have features:

  1. With HDN, there is a sensation of constricted spasmodic vessels of the head, stiffness of the occipital and temporal muscles.
  2. Nerves of the neck muscles. Sensation of pressure in the external eye muscles.
  3. Two-sided tension headaches. This is the difference between this pathology and migraine, in which painful sensations are concentrated only on one side.
  4. Constant throbbing pain in the head area, above the eyes, which usually lasts no more than 24 hours. Painful sensations most often occur in the daytime.
  5. They are not accompanied by nausea, vomiting. The patient is not irritated by light or sounds. The patient can maintain daily physical activity, do the usual work. But the painful symptom significantly reduces the quality of the action.
  6. Headaches are oppressive, constrictive, constrictive or bursting.

What is the danger of such a sensation:

  1. When the tension headaches can become addictive to this state. The patient with GBN alone often takes analgesics. However, these drugs are not recommended for a long time, as there may be side effects.
  2. If a patient with a tension headache takes Citramon, Pentalgin, Analgin, Paracetamol uncontrollably, he receives a daily dose of a substance that carries a serious health risk. Such drugs very badly affect the kidneys and cause toxic damage to the body with prolonged use.
  3. If the patient uses analgesics more than 10-15 times a month, he is at risk of developing headaches associated with an overdose of these medications. Thus the headache becomes constant. After a while, these analgesics stop helping the patient with a headache. A person with such a disease is in a desperate situation.
  4. A patient with constant headaches of this type develops an anxiety disorder. The person starts to worry constantly because of the morbid condition. Because of this, panic attacks can occur. Attacks of palpitation, sensation of shortage of air are noted. Depression very often accompanies these headaches.

4 Treatment of

If there are tension headaches, it is important to contact the neurologist in time to determine precisely and as soon as possible the causes of the disease.

Diagnosis of pathology. The tomographic method of investigation helps to determine the source of pain. Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography of the brain make it possible to accurately diagnose a tension headache with code G44.2 for ICD 10, which passed the tenth revision.


  1. Analgesics help to get rid of painful sensations in the head area. Urgent medical care is needed, if there is vomiting, there is a double vision in the eyes, a severe headache does not go away within a day.
  2. Exercises for relaxation, yoga can be useful. With their help, you can achieve a stress correction. In the case of more serious violations, doctors prescribe anxiolytics. Antidepressants are prescribed for patients with depression.
  3. If a person has severe type of pain, they should immediately call a specialist, because the patient can not get out of this state on his own. He needs serious treatment.
  4. When should I see a doctor? If headaches occur 1-2 times a month, after a while they may become frequent. A person has increased anxiety level associated with psychoemotional stress or he is constantly overworked physically. The International Classification of Diseases contains the GBN code.


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5 Prevention

Effective complex of curative gymnast:

  1. It is important to keep the head straight during the exercise. It needs to be tipped forward for a short time after performing motor actions to relax the muscles.
  2. The palm should be pressed to the forehead, then alternately to the zone of the temples, overcoming the resistance of the muscles of the neck and head. With the palms of both hands press on the back of the head. When performing exercise therapy, isometric muscle contraction occurs.
  3. Therapeutic massage. With a headache, you can do in a circular motion a point massage of the temporal muscles, the bridge of the nose.
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If your head hurts, do not self-medicate. Only a specialist can establish the causes of HDN with code G44.2 for ICD-10 and prescribe the right treatment.

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