Causes and treatment of pulsating pain in the left temple and eye

1 Etiology of the disease

When a headache, a person experiences constant discomfort, disrupting the routine of the day, which becomes a real problem. And the pain in the temple is considered a common problem, the percentage of complaints that reaches 80%.These indispositions put pressure on the eye and the temporal region. After experiencing at least such symptoms, with repeated signs, a person automatically stretches to the temples to get rid of discomfort with the help of massage movements.

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Pains can spread to different parts of the head. Often the center of the negative impact is the frontal, occipital or mixed part of it. If the area of ​​exposure is in the temples( right or left), additional pressure is created on the eye, where most of the unpleasant sensations are concentrated.

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Painful conditions are characterized by rare manifestations of pulsating pain or for a long period of time they bring torment to a person.

Therefore, even the most patient people have to use medicines to alleviate these symptoms. However, it is important to understand that the headaches( however, like any) pain can not appear without a reason. Painkillers have only a temporary effect and after a while the headache returns. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the true cause of their occurrence.

Pain in the left temple - most often it is with this complaint that they seek medical help from a neurologist. From chronic or episodic pain in this temple, with spread to the eye, affects about 70% of the population of many countries. However, not all attach importance to temporal pain and prefer to be treated with drugs that remove these symptoms only for a while. Sometimes such improper therapy causes complications, and even, in rare cases, can result in a fatal outcome. It is important to realize that the throbbing pain that appears in the temporal part can be caused by the impact of completely different factors. And to get rid of the true cause will require a correct diagnosis and competent therapy.

2 Symptoms of

Characteristic signs for left-sided temporal pains:

  1. Sharp pain is localized in the temples and gives into the eye of that side of the head that suffers from pulsating pressure. It happens very strong, it occurs regularly or it is repeated occasionally.
  2. Sometimes there is pressure in the temples due to tilts and turns, which leads to an increase in symptoms.
  3. Memory impairment and coordination problems are observed.
  4. In rare cases, there is nausea, noise in the ears.

3 Migraine

Migraine is the main and most common factor explaining why the temple hurts. This condition is characterized by pressure on the eye and the temporal region, the spread of unpleasant traits on the upper jaw( its left part).When a person overtakes an attack, pain knocks in the temples, flashing "flies", intolerance of sunny or bright colors and loud sounds. By the way, when the left temple hurts the duration of such an attack lasts from 30 minutes to 2 hours. After that, the patient feels lethargic, is drowsy and quickly tired.

Osteochondrosis is one of the causes of left-sided pains in the temples due to constriction of the cervical artery, which performs the function of supplying the brain with blood. This is due to the postponement of a large number of salts in the spine. As a result, there is a shortage of nutrients and a lack of oxygen. There are drawing, aching pains and there is a violation of intracranial pressure, which provokes painful pulsation in the left side of the head.

Meteosensitivity is a painful sensation in the temples, accompanied by sharp spasms, pressure spikes caused by meteorological changes. At the same time, irritability of the eyes is observed, the bones of the skull and teeth begin to be broken. In the temporal part there are mild but prolonged pains.

With various infections, dental diseases or colds. Temporal pains( pulling or drilling) are observed when they only begin to progress. In this case, inflamed and aching muscles in the field of the temple become especially troubled when turning and moving the head.


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Trauma and curvature of the spine - due to an incorrect distribution of the load on the musculoskeletal system. Excessive tension of neck and shoulder muscles is observed, which leads to constant pressure in the eye area and headaches.

Brain tumor is a very serious disease, the signs of which are pulsation in the temples, the general condition is complicated by deterioration of memory, sight, and hearing. The patient is disturbed by sleep and loss of appetite. All these symptoms are manifested in the morning.

Stroke is a dangerous disease in which the headache is so severe and burning that a person urgently needs medical care followed by hospitalization. Often when a stroke occurs, it is the left hemisphere that takes the shock, which causes troubling pain in the ear or back area, and the sensitivity of the eyes increases. Sometimes fainting occurs, speech is disturbed and orientation in space is lost.

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Causes of psychological nature. Stress and depression, great emotional stress at work, constant stress - all this causes unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the left side of the head.

4 First aid at home

If the pains in the temples have appeared once, at home, you can try to relieve these symptoms as follows:

  1. Spasmolytic drugs provide timely first aid to improve your condition you need to take a few tablets.
  2. The use of massage of the head, neck, back relieve pain from the eyes and relieve the pain that presses and interferes with normal life.
  3. You can put a cold compress on the forehead or overlay the painful area of ​​the head with crusts of citrus. The analgesic effect is possessed by white cabbage leaves.
  4. A strong, full-fledged sleep and walks in the fresh air are important.
  5. When pain in the temple is caused by reduced pressure, strong tea or coffee is recommended.
  6. To reduce the unpleasant sensation in the temple to the left helps a well-heated towel, which is wrapped around the head.

5 Correct treatment and prevention

Frequently repeated unpleasant and severe head pain is typical for some serious disorders in the body. In these cases, the use of anesthetic alone does not bring the expected effect. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, accurate diagnosis and correct treatment are necessary.

For colds or infectious diseases, consultation with ENT is needed. After carrying out special procedures and proper therapy( taking antiviral and antipyretic drugs, antibiotics), it is possible to defeat the disease and get rid of headaches in the temples.

When the cause of recurring pains are the cramped muscles of the neck or back, you can use special ointments with a warming effect, as well as mustard plasters. These methods help with the initial manifestation of painful symptoms. But if they do not give relief, you should consult a therapist. He will appoint stopping the inflammatory process of injection and special physiotherapy.

Special attention should be paid to the condition of your teeth. When the caries begin to develop in the oral cavity and the fluxes become inflamed, you can not postpone visiting the dentist. Unfortunately, many relieve pain only by using pain medications, avoiding visiting a doctor. It is dangerous that the pus from the inflamed gingiva can enter the general bloodstream of a person and provoke the development of blood poisoning. In addition, the nerve from the damaged tooth sometimes causes bacterial destruction in the tissues or bones of the skull.

For back pain or if the patient has recently suffered an injury, consult an osteopath. With its help blood circulation improves, which facilitates headaches. To do this, you should regularly use massage, acupuncture and perform special physical training.

If the cause of the disease is migraine, painkillers are not helpers here, you need a visit to a neurologist. He will appoint special medicines, which will normalize the tone of the vessels of the brain and normalize the process of metabolism.

To treat a tumor or stroke, immediate consultation of a narrow specialist( neurosurgeon, neurologist, or neurologist) is required. The doctor will definitely give the direction for diagnosis using ultrasound, MRI.

Sometimes, after examination and delivery of tests, no violations are observed, but unpleasant symptoms return regularly. In this case, a consultation with a psychotherapist or psychologist is recommended. It is necessary to get rid of stresses, depressions, rest more and try to avoid overwork at work.

So, if a person is concerned about the pain in the left temple, ignore it in any case impossible. After all, such symptoms are a signal of the body, warning of any violations. Therefore, it is important to prevent the development of the disease, and for this it is necessary to pay more attention to the state of health.

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