Four-component regimen for the treatment of gastric ulcer

In the practice of medicine, the treatment of ulcers is based on the mandatory use of an antibiotic as a preparation for the destruction of the Helicobacter microbe, strict adherence to technical regulations and tools that increase the overall effectiveness of therapy. In a clear language, this is an individually selected set of medications to combat specific pathogenesis.

Most patients seek help from a doctor already in the acute course of the pathological process of the mucous membrane. Therefore, the treatment of stomach ulcers is characterized by dynamic principles of care, after which already follows preventive therapy with the use of pharmacological and folk remedies.

As a rule, strengthened regimens for treating peptic ulcer are designed for 7-10 days, during which the patient is obliged to comply with bed rest and a strict diet. The list of drugs is selected based on the presence of pathogenic microorganisms and to eliminate external or internal irritating factors. Usually prescribe drugs of the following pharmacological groups:

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  • Antibiotics - for the complete destruction of infectious microorganisms. Effective antiulcer drugs that do not lose their medicinal qualities in an acidic environment are recognized as antibacterial agents - Clarithromycin, Tetracycline, Metronidazole, Azithromycin and Levofloxacin;
  • Means based on the active substance of bismuth. Preparations Vikalin, De-Nol, Pilorid have astringent and antiseptic effect and inhibit excessive production of hydrochloric acid;
  • Antisecretory drugs. Omeprazole, Almagel, Ranitidine, Kwamatel - these drugs are concentrated in the cells of the gastric mucosa and activated with an excess acid pH.

Four-component regimen for the treatment of peptic ulcer

Everyone understands that intensive antibiotic therapy can lead to serious complications, but the specialist's task is to assess the patient's condition and make an adequate treatment plan. Taking into account the ability of the patient's organism to transfer medicines, the patient may be prescribed quadrotherapy. This is a regimen for the treatment of gastric ulcer with simultaneous administration of 4 drugs, 2 of which will necessarily be antibiotics.

The following list contains widely used and effective four-component regimens for the treatment of gastric ulcer:

  1. The ten-day course contains - Omeprazole 20 mg in the morning and in the evening, Metronidazole 250 and Amoxicillin 500 4 times a day, De-Nol 120 mg 4 times a day.
  2. Therapy is designed for 7 days: Metronidazole 250 and Tetracycline 500-4 times a day, Omeprazole 20 mg - 2 times a day, De-Nol at 120 mg every 4 hours.
  3. Omeprazole is given a two-week course of 20 mg only in the morning, Clarithromycin and Tinidazole 500 mg dosage, De-Nol 240 mg in the morning and evening for 7 days.

For a positive result, it is important to follow the technical rules for taking medicines, that is, try to take them at the same time, and be sure to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of mineral water a day.

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