What injections, injections and droppers are indicated for peptic ulcer( stomach ulcer)?

One of the unpleasant symptoms of gastric ulcer is pain. Especially dangerous periods are spring and autumn, when the disease worsens. To quickly eliminate the severe pain syndrome doctors often prescribe anesthetic injections of an ulcer.

Injections begin to act almost instantly( after about 15-20 minutes), this allows the timely reversal of acute symptoms, thereby easing the patient's condition. The type of injection used depends on the characteristics of the human body, the phase of the disease, the severity of pain.

One of the most powerful pain relievers is Novocain. It is capable of quickly blocking impulses that are transmitted along the neural pathways to the brain. As a result, a person, for a while, does not feel painful manifestations. This time is enough to take the patient to the hospital for further therapeutic activities. Novocaine, in most cases, is used by ambulance doctors.

The most effective injections for peptic ulcers:

  • No-spindle .It is used as an antispasmodic. It is administered intramuscularly for 40-240 mg. In acute manifestations of the disease - intravenously for 40-80 mg.during a strong spasm of smooth muscles of the stomach.
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  • Papaverin .It is an antispasmodic( opium alkaloid) that relaxes the smooth musculature of the stomach, eliminating spasm. Injections in the stomach ulcer are made intramuscularly and intravenously.
  • Oxygenfercicron sodium .The drug for intramuscular injection. Has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is available in the form of a powder in an ampoule with a capacity of 0.03 grams. The sodium oxyferriccobon is diluted before administration of sodium chloride solution. The product perfectly combines with novocaine or atropine sulphate. Mix it with other medicines is not recommended.
  • Atropine .This drug in the form of injections belongs to the group of m-holinoblokatorov( reduces the stimulation of parasympathetic nerve endings).It is used for peptic ulcer of the digestive organ in the acute stage to relieve severe pain.
  • Kwamatel, Ranitidine .Injections from gastric ulcers, which belong to the blockers of histamine receptors( H2).Their main effect is to inhibit the production of hydrochloric acid. Used for frequent relapses of the disease with severe acute symptoms.
  • Cerucal ( Metoclopramide).The drug, which has a pronounced antiemetic effect, increases the tone of the musculature of the stomach and improves the intestinal peristalsis.

Droppers with gastric ulcer are used for acute manifestation of the disease for rapid relief of symptoms and recovery of the body.

Each of these medicines is prescribed by a gastroenterologist after appropriate diagnosis and a complete history of the disease.

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