Dietary soups with gastric ulcer, chicken, pea, vegetable recipes

Soups with gastric ulcer recommended dietary nutrition, both in the stage of exacerbation, and in a less sparing menu. First dishes are easily digested, without loading zhedudok.

How to prepare soups for gastric ulcer?

1 . The concept of useful food does not allow roasting vegetables.

2 . Dietary recipes do not allow the use of spicy and spicy condiments: pepper, horseradish, mustard and garlic. Salt is also limited.

3 . Medicinal anti-ulcer dishes should take into account the effect of food on the function of gastric secretion. Therefore, remember, when preparing to make soup with an ulcer, the recipe for the dish should not contain ingredients that irritate the mucous walls of the stomach.

4 . Dietary soups with gastric ulcer that do not affect gastric secretion, are prepared on water, whole milk, mucous cereal broths.

5. Concentrated broths, cooked from fish and meat, strong vegetable, mushroom, bean noodles irritate the gastric glands, strengthening many times the secretory function. Therefore, such dishes popular in Russian cuisine as solyanka, cabbage soup, borsch, pea soup with stomach ulcer are inadmissible in medical nutrition.

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6. Meat and fish soup with an ulcer cooked on water, adding to the prepared dish chopped boiled meat or fish( with exacerbation) or a piece( with less sparing diet).

What soup is better to cook with a stomach ulcer?

In the acute phase of the disease, nutritionists recommend including a daily mucous soup menu. With an ulcer the prescription can include milk, oatmeal, rice, pearl barley, butter as a refueling.

Groats, boiling in water or milk, secrete the starchy mucus that envelops the walls of the stomach, which additionally protects the ulcer from the corrosive effects of gastric juice.

Here are a few delicious recipes for mucous diet soups for gastric ulcer:

Milk soup with oatmeal( wiped)

To cook this diet soup with peptic ulcer, which will be an excellent solution for breakfast, prepare:

  • 10 small spoons of oat flakes;
  • 150 gr.- Milk( pasteurized);
  • 2 full glasses of water( 250 g);
  • 1 small spoon of soybean oil;
  • the fifth part of a small spoonful of sugar;
  • the fourth part of the egg;
  • salt;

1. Pour the flakes into boiling water, cook over low heat until complete digestion. Wipe the broth using a sieve. Preheat the milk, but do not boil. Combine the oat broth, some milk, sugar, salt. Stir, bring to a boil.

2. Mix the egg, milk and butter in a mixer, add to the ready-made dish.

3. Warm soup served on a table with wheaten breadcrumbs.

In the acute phase of the disease, only the liquid portion of the dish is allowed, without any additives in the form of eggs, butter, biscuits.

Vegetable soup with an ulcer with rice and pumpkin

To prepare this slimy vegetable soup for lunch, you need to take:

  • a large spoonful of rice;
  • one third of a glass of milk( pasteurized);
  • 100 grams of puree, prepared from pre-baked pumpkin;
  • a glass of water;
  • a small spoonful of soybean oil;
  • parsley greens, salt;

Wash the dry rice with a coffee grinder and boil it in water. Add the pumpkin puree, previously whipped with a mixer. The resulting mixture is brought to a boil. Combine hot milk with egg and butter. Pour the mixture into a rice and pumpkin broth, add salt, mix thoroughly. Vegetable soup with stomach ulcer should be served warmly on the table. Before serving, add finely chopped greens to the plate.

The first dishes from vegetables

Vegetable soup with gastric ulcer is cooked on the basis of a weak broth prepared from foods allowed in a diet. For example, white cabbage is prohibited in recipes of the first dishes with stomach diseases. Cabbage broth strengthens secretion, causing discomfort and pain. Therefore borsch with stomach ulcer is not included in the category of dietary soups.

The most popular dishes ideally suited for their consistency for therapeutic nutrition are cream soups and creamy soups made from stewed vegetables.

Soup puree, cooked from zucchini

  • A fifth of a small zucchini;
  • A small spoonful of flour;
  • 2/3 cup of milk( pasteurized);
  • Glass of water;
  • Half a large butter spoon;
  • Quarter of egg yolk;A pinch of salt and sugar;

Slices of zucchini without rind, let it sit in boiling water, covered with a lid, for ten minutes. Finished vegetables wipe with broth, using a hair fine mesh. Heat the flour, grind with half the oil, dilute with milk, preheated to 40 degrees. Stir everything to a uniform consistency and cook until the mass becomes thick. After that, add the dressing to the squashed zucchini with broth, salt, pour sugar, boil. In the finished dish, add lezones and the remaining oil.

Lieson: milk, yolk cook with a water bath until thickened.

Is it possible to have chicken soup with an ulcer?

Chicken soup with stomach ulcer has no absolute contraindications. In the acute initial phase it should not be included in the diet of the patient. But during the period of remission, the chicken fibers perfectly neutralize excess acids in the gastric juice. Therefore, chicken soup with ulcer is included in the diet menu as an independent dish, served with white breadcrumbs for lunch. And chicken is added to the ready-made soup.

To prevent chicken broth in case of an ulcer, the following rules should be observed:

  • chicken is better to buy on the market. Meat grown at home will bring much more benefits than chickens from a poultry farm;
  • meat cook, after removing the skin. After all, it contains a large amount of fat;

Wiped chicken soup with rice:

For one portion of the dietary first dish you will need:

  • rice - 20 g;
  • water - one and a half cup;
  • a third cup of milk;
  • chicken without skin;
  • half of the egg( raw);
  • a small spoonful of olive oil, half a spoonful of butter;
  • salt;

Boil rice in water, then wipe with broth. Add the butter and mix.

1. Cook the chicken, cool, chop the blender or meat grinder.

2. Add the chopped meat into the rice broth, mix, boil.

3. Mix the egg, vegetable oil, hot milk.

4. Add the mixture to the prepared soup, season with salt and mix.

5. Soup diet for stomach ulcers, serve on the table cooled.

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