Retasol: reviews, prices, instructions for use, analogues, composition

Being a potent drug for external use, Retasol has established itself as a means of a wide range of applications without a large number of adverse events. Due to the well-thought-out composition, Retasol has an effect even for long-term inflammatory processes on the skin, restoring the upper layer of the epidermis and gently eliminating the causes of the lesion. Thanks to the detailed instructions for use, applied to the drug, you can study the principle of its action, calculate the dosage of taking into account the characteristics of the course of skin lesions in a particular case.

Knowing the composition and specific application, it is possible to use the drug with the greatest effect and improve the skin condition. So, let's find out more about the instructions for use and the price of Retasol for acne and other problems, its analogues and reviews of doctors and patients about it, we will also look at the photo with the participation of Retasol.

Features of the preparation

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The balance of the composition of Retasol will cause a mild effect on the affected parts, without traumatizing the tender healthy skin and not causing an allergic reaction even with a special sensitivity. Thanks to the active substance that is part of Retasol, you can expect a significant improvement in the overall condition of the epidermis, even with severe and numerous skin lesions, for its rapid recovery from trauma, seborrheic manifestations, acne and frequent inflammation.

Rich in composition, this drug has proven itself in the fight against acne: with regular application, it perfectly eliminates inflammation, and even pinpointing helps to quickly and permanently get rid of skin lesions.

About retasol and some other acne remedies will tell this video:

Composition of Retasol

The active substance in the preparation of Retasol is isotretinoin propylene glycol, which actively affects the skin: not only on its surface layer, but also on deeper layers, thereby eliminatingthe root cause of inflammatory phenomena. Also the composition of Retasol includes the following components:

  • butyl hydroxy anisole;
  • butylhydroxytoluene;
  • purified ethyl alcohol.

Externally, the drug resembles, in the opinion of those who have already applied it, an oil solution. Retasol has a characteristic bright orange color, a liquid consistency and is similar to oil. A significant content of vitamin A, which positively and very actively affects the upper layer of the epidermis, allows you to expect a quick result even with severe skin damage. Indeed, reviews of the action of the drug is only positive.

Prices for ointment and solution, Retasol lotion are indicated below.

Dosage forms

The product Retasol is available in the form of a liquid solution having an oily consistency. Can be used only for external use.

The concentration of the solution is 0.025%.It is produced in glass bottles made of dark glass. The bottle is packed in a cardboard dense box, on the side surface of which there is the necessary information: the name of the drug, the manufacturer( Retinoda, Russia), and the volume of the bottle( 250 ml) and the expiration date.

The cost, depending on the margin of the seller, can vary from 410 to 485 rubles.

Pharmacological action

The drug begins to affect the upper layer of the skin in the first minutes after its application. Simple application allows using the product Retasol several times throughout the day without any difficulties, and you can make the application yourself.

Removal of the remnants of the drug and its decay products is produced by the kidneys, and the absence of severe allergic manifestations makes it possible to use it also for people with particularly sensitive skin.


The action of Retasol is manifested as follows:

  • cleanses the skin and the pores of the pores;
  • removes the residue of sebum and speeds up the process of its evacuation afterwards;
  • restores the skin after various micro-injuries, inaccurate effects on the skin during its cleaning;
  • normalizes the process of evacuation of sebum;
  • reduces the production rate of sebum, which makes the skin less oily, eliminates the tendency to develop redness, acne and boils.

With regular use of the drug, the process of epithelialization of the sebaceous gland ducts is stabilized, the increased fat content of the skin and its oily shine are eliminated. Retasol has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, regenerative effect.


Rapid penetration of the drug into the skin is due to fast binding of constituent components to blood proteins, excretion is carried out with the help of kidneys and intestines: with urine and calves. Rapid absorption from the gastrointestinal tract ensures that there is no possibility of drug poisoning, the degree of bioavailability of the drug is low enough.


The use of the drug is due to its properties to quickly restore the skin. Its appointment can be performed by a dermatologist after carrying out the necessary examination of the affected skin.

The following symptoms may be considered indications for the use of the drug:

  • frequent purulent abscesses on the skin;
  • Deep acne;
  • carbuncles;
  • often appearing pimples;
  • inflammatory processes in the thickness of the upper layer of the epidermis.

With success, the drug is used in the complex therapy and treatment of pink and black acne, with the formation of congestion in the channels of the pores of the skin, frequent inflammatory processes.

Instruction for use

Since this drug has a pronounced effect on the skin even with significant and frequent lesions, the main requirement for its use should be considered regular: apply the drug in a thin layer on the cleansed skin in the lesions three to four times a day, flush the productdo not do it. Skin cleanser should not contain ethyl alcohol. For convenience, a cotton swab can be used.

Duration of use - from 3 to 8 weeks. After the course of application it is necessary to take a break for one week. Also, the drug should be discontinued if there is an allergy or the appearance of new rashes and inflammations.


The following conditions can be named as contraindications for the use of Retasol:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • children under 2 years;
  • marked allergy to any component of the agent.

It is also not recommended to use this drug in the treatment of antibacterial drugs, with renal and heart failure, as well as alcohol poisoning and general intoxication of the body.

Side effects of

In the presence of an allergic reaction to any of the components of the drug, the appearance of characteristic manifestations in the form of reddening of the skin, a slight itching and burning of the treated area, probably the appearance of new skin rashes. With more severe manifestations, an allergic rhinitis, skin swelling, headache, increased fatigue and a depressed state can also occur.

Special instructions

  • During pregnancy, any medication should be used with maximum caution. And Retasol, containing concentrated vitamin A, should be used with caution in this period to prevent the emergence of allergies to both the future mother and the newborn baby.
  • For the same reasons, you should carefully use Retasol during breastfeeding.

Interaction with other drugs

The use of the drug is possible with other drugs of similar effect. For this reason, Retasol is often prescribed in complex therapy for the treatment of the skin. However, the appearance of increased dryness of the skin is possible with the parallel use of products containing ethyl alcohol.

The following information on interaction with other dosage forms should also be kept in mind:

  1. When joint use of drugs with a high content of vitamin A is likely the development of hypervitaminosis.
  2. To prevent the increase in intracranial pressure, joint use with tetracyclines of all types should be avoided.
  3. Also, this drug reduces the effect of contraceptives on a hormonal basis.
  4. Due to the high content of vitamin A, prolonged exposure to sunlight is not recommended to prevent sunburn.

Next, you read reviews about Retasol from wrinkles, pimples and other applications of the solution.


  • According to the majority of buyers, the preparation of Retasol perfectly copes with many types of skin lesions. This makes it affordable and in demand, and the cost is considered quite democratic for all buyers.
  • Ease of use, noted by many in the reviews, is also considered an advantage of this tool. So, some women use retasol as a peeling at home.
  • Due to the fast effect, the skin improves its condition already during the first week from the beginning of application.


Retinol ointment, Isotrexin, Roaccutane and Dermoretin are similar to those of Retasol. The listed medicines also help to eliminate inflammations on the skin, stabilize the process of sebum production and significantly improve the overall appearance of the skin.

This video will tell you about Retasol and its analogues:

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