Causes, symptoms and treatment of acute serous otitis media

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1 Etiology of

The primary cause of secondary acute otitis media is a violation of one or more functions of the auditory tube. The Eustachian tube performs the following functions:

  • protects the inner ear from getting microparticles from outside;
  • serves as a kind of vent pipe;
  • is a drainage that does not allow penetration into the middle ear of bacteria and viruses.

If any of these functions are violated, the virus infection can easily enter the middle ear and provoke the development of acute serous otitis media. At the same time, a viral infection may not be the primary cause of the development of the disease, but only a basis. The disease can begin when you get into the ear of a large number of pathogens, if there is a viral infection in it.

The development of the disease can begin:

  • in the period of illness or recovery after colds, ARVI and influenza;
  • after a common cold and allergic rhinitis;
  • after ingestion into the ear of water;
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  • after being outdoors in strong windy weather;
  • after a trauma to the middle ear or any object falling into it.

2 Symptoms of

Disease Symptoms of acute serous otitis media can be differentiated depending on the stage of the disease.

1st stage. At this stage, a slight change in the position and color of the tympanic membrane begins. Due to changes in air pressure in the Eustachian tube, the eardrum can be drawn in, from the neutral, its color becomes slightly pink. Determine such changes can only be a doctor, with the help of a special device. Due to the violation of the position of the tympanic membrane, the patient's hearing deteriorates;

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2nd stage. During the second stage, active multiplication of pathogenic microflora cells begins in the middle ear region, and secretion begins from the ears. Allocations are serous. They have a glassy, ​​opaque-transparent color. At this stage, a large amount of fluid is formed in the middle ear, which presses on the tympanic membrane. A person's hearing deteriorates even more, a feeling of pressure and fluid appears in the ear;

3rd stage. At this stage, a typical symptom appears, which doctors called "gummy ear syndrome".In the cavity of the ear canal is a lot of serous fluid. It is rather viscous and sticky. When you touch a liquid, it can stretch a few centimeters and form a specific "thread";

Stage 4.The release of serous substance practically ceases or becomes very insignificant. In the region of the tympanic membrane begins fibrous transformation, which affects the small bones of the inner ear. A person begins to have severe hearing loss.

3 Treatment measures

Treatment of acute serous otitis media, is most effective in the early stages of the disease. It includes the restoration of the protective and ventilation functions of the Eustachian tube, as well as the complex treatment of concomitant diseases of the nose, ears and eyes.

To treat the disease, a special catheter is placed in the cavity of the patient's ear, through which the necessary medicaments are delivered to the middle ear: anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. To reduce the amount of mucus in order to improve hearing, vasoconstrictive drugs are administered to the affected eustachian tube.

If the cause of the disease is an allergy, especially allergic rhinitis, the patient needs treatment with antihistamines. They can be used both in the form of drops, and in the form of tablets.

If improvement in the patient's condition is not observed within two weeks, the question of the need for surgery is raised. It is necessary and with a significant deterioration of hearing due to accumulated fluid in the ear. During the operation, the doctor cuts the eardrum to pump out the fluid beyond its limits. Then a special shunt is introduced into the area of ​​the membrane, which is made of plastic or ceramics. Such drainage should be worn for one or two years, until the middle ear recovers completely.


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