What is conjunctivitis and the code of the disease according to ICD-10

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1 Classification of pathology

ICD-10 is an international document that includes the classification of various diseases and other health problems. This document is recognized in every country. Every 10 years it is revised and supplemented. This is the responsibility of the World Health Organization. Now the document is in effect after the tenth revision.

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Conjunctivitis in the ICD-10 system is also listed. This disease is numbered H10. However, conjunctivitis has many varieties. For example, if conjunctivitis differs with mucus and pus, then the code will be H10.0.If the disease is acute atopic form, the cipher will be H10.1.Other acute forms of the disease are listed under H10.2.If the conjunctivitis is acute, but not specified, its number is H10.3.With the chronic form of conjunctivitis, the number H10.4 is set. For blepharoconjunctivitis there is a code numbered H10.5.For other forms of this disease code H10.8 is used. And if the disease could not be specified, then the number H10.9 is written.

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Other disorders of conjunctiva also need to be considered. They have the code H11.For pterygium there is code H11.0.If the patient has conjunctival deposits or even degenerations, this pathology has the number H11.1.If the patient has conjunctival scars, then the code is set to H11.2.For hemorrhage of the conjunctival type, there is code H11.3.Other conjunctival vascular diseases and the presence of cysts are numbered as H11.4.for other specified diseases of the conjunctiva, the code H11.8 is put. If the disease of the conjunctiva is not specified, then it is necessary to put the code H11.9.

There are other diseases of the conjunctiva, which are classified by the code H13.For example, the invasion of the filariasis type has code H13.0.For conjunctivitis of infectious or parasitic origin, which refers to other classification clauses, code H13.1 is established. If conjunctivitis develops in the presence of other diseases that belong to other headings, then the code in this case is put H13.2.If the patient has a pemphigoid eye, then it is required to put the number H13.3.If there are other skin lesions, which are provoked by diseases of other classification categories, then the number H13.8 is established.

2 Forms of the disease and characteristic

The clinical picture depends entirely on the causes of the disease and its shape. There are two main forms. First, the acute form, it is characterized by a sudden appearance of symptoms of the disease. Eyes quickly turn red, there is severe pain and itching. Sometimes spot bleeding is noticeable. Eyelids swell, there are discharge from the eyes. Secondly, a chronic form, with it usually inflammation spreads to both eyes. The course of the disease is very sluggish, the clinical picture develops gradually. Usually this form is found in other chronic diseases in the human body. In addition, several types of disease are distinguished:

  1. Viral. It usually develops with herpes or other viral diseases. Frequent symptoms are pronounced itching and lacrimation. By the way, the mucus that is secreted from the eye is purulent in most cases. Inflammation quickly spreads to both eyes. In addition to such symptoms, you can still notice a runny nose, sore throat, subfebrile condition.
  2. Bacterial. Usually caused by staphylococcus, streptococcus, gonococcus, pneumococcus. The peculiarity is that the secretions have a gray or muddy purulent hue. They have a very viscous consistency, which causes the eyelids to stick together, especially after the patient has slept. The skin around the eyes is also affected.
  3. Fungal. It develops due to the effect on the mucous membranes of fungal microorganisms. Usually it is actinomycetes, molds and yeast mushrooms.
  4. Allergic. It appears as an allergic reaction to anything. It is characterized by severe pain, burning and itching. Usually, additional symptoms are bronchial asthma and runny nose. If you do not contact the allergen, these symptoms quickly disappear on their own.
  5. Chemical. In this case, conjunctivitis is caused by toxic or chemical substances that enter the person's eyes. He will complain of severe pain in the eyes, but other symptoms are simply absent.
  6. Medicinal. This form is caused by the use of various medications that caused side effects. Usually symptoms of conjunctivitis appear in the first 6-8 hours after taking the drug. The clinical picture develops quickly enough, there is a burning sensation, abundant discharge of mucus.


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3 Treatment activities

Before starting treatment for conjunctivitis, it is required to find out the causes of the disease. Thanks to this, therapy will be more effective. This disease can be treated by an ophthalmologist. In no case can one resort to self-treatment, becausethis can worsen the situation. The main means for treatment are drops, so that therapy will have a local character.

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  1. Treatment of viral conjunctivitis. If a person has conjunctivitis caused by a viral infection, then it is necessary to use drops with antiviral properties. Most often used drugs from the group of interferons. If the disease has a generalized form, then drugs in the form of tablets must be prescribed. If you suffer from severe itching, the doctor prescribes corticosteroids in the form of drops. Unpleasant sensations due to such a drug will quickly pass. In addition, to remove the pronounced symptoms, special drops of an artificial nature are prescribed. If a bacterial agent has joined the virus infection, antibiotics can not be avoided.
  2. Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis. If the disease is caused by an allergic reaction, then it is necessary to use drugs from the group of steroids. However, they are only used if the patient's condition is very difficult. To eliminate the feeling of severe itching, drops with antihistamine properties are used. To relieve inflammation, it is necessary to use non-steroidal preparations with anti-inflammatory properties. If you suffer from severe dryness in the eyes, then synthetic drops are used. It is necessary to take funds from the anti-allergenic group. For example, Claritin, Tavegil, Suprastin fit. For topical use, hormones such as hydrocortisone or prednisolone will work.
  3. Treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis. In general, antibacterial therapy is used. The doctor must choose for the patient antibiotics of topical application - these are drops and ointments. For example, it is suitable erythromycin, gentamycin or tetracycline ointment. In addition, preparations from the group of fluoroquinolones are used.

Conjunctivitis code in ICD-10 is H10.However, it is necessary to take into account the various forms of this disease, which have a more detailed code. Almost everyone knows this disease. Unpleasant sensations in the eyes, lacrimation, discharge from the eye, photophobia - almost every person at least once in his life experienced such symptoms. The causes of this disease are very different. It can be a viral or bacterial infection, an allergic reaction, etc. The treatment is quite simple. It is prescribed depending on the causes and symptoms. It is best to consult a doctor before taking medication.

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