Deafness in children: causes, symptoms and signs, treatment of neurosensory and conductive form

Hearing loss is a condition that is characterized by hearing impairment. As a result, communication with people is often violated. This pathology is often detected in children of different ages, including newborns. Such anomalies can lead to disruption of speech development and other problems. Therefore, it is so important to take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

Hearing loss in children, classification

Hearing disorders in children can be different. Depending on the origin of the disease, it is customary to isolate the congenital and acquired form of hearing loss. On the localization of pathology in the auditory meatus there are such types of illness:

  1. Sensorineural hearing loss - develops as a result of disruption of the sound-receiving apparatus. In this case, there are problems with the functioning of the auditory nerve, inner ear, or central areas of the auditory analyzer.
  2. Conductive hearing loss - observed when the sound transmission system is affected. It includes auditory ossicles, a tympanic membrane, and also an external ear.
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  4. Mixed deafness - in this case there are problems with both carrying out and with the perception of sounds.

Types of hearing loss and affected areas

Depending on the severity of the ailment, hearing loss can have such varieties:

  1. First degree - the child can perceive spoken language at a distance of 4-6 m. He can hear a whisper speech for 1-3 m.perception of sounds on the background of noise or distant speech.
  2. The second degree - the baby can hear spoken speech at a distance of 2-4 m. Whisper he can recognize only with 1 m.
  3. Third degree - the conversation can be heard only from a distance of 1-2 m, and whisper speech is not perceived.
  4. Fourth degree - the child can not distinguish between spoken language.

Depending on the time of occurrence of problems with hearing, these types of hearing loss are distinguished:

  • prelingual - formed before the development of speech;
  • postlingual - appears after the child has started to speak.

Causes of hearing loss in children

The following are the main factors that can lead to hearing disorders:

  1. In newborns, hearing loss often results from abnormalities during pregnancy. These include severe toxicosis, gestosis, nephropathy. Anemia often leads to such problems.
  2. Hearing problems often result from pathologies that a woman suffers during pregnancy.
  3. Some pathogens may be caused by certain drugs or chemicals that act on the pregnant woman's body.
  4. The cause can be covered in birth complications. This category includes severe bleeding, surgical interventions, premature birth, placental detachment, complex or rapid delivery.
  5. In young children, hearing loss often develops after some diseases. These include measles, otitis, herpetic infection, rubella, parotitis.

Symptoms of

The doctor should definitely consult when such problems occur:

  • the child does not respond to loud sounds;
  • baby up to 4 months does not turn to sound sources;
  • the child does not say a word for a year;
  • the kid does not react to people when they appear and does not respond to the name;
  • child only hears individual sounds.

At an older age, the following problems may appear:

  • the child learns to speak too slowly or his speech is muffled;
  • the kid often asks;
  • the child can speak too loudly;
  • tries to turn on the TV louder.


To identify the disease at an early stage, you need to contact the otolaryngologist in time. The specialist will perform the inspection and give directions for such studies:

  1. Timpanometry - consists in the examination of the middle ear, which is based on the formation of different pressures and the evaluation of the reaction to it.
  2. Audiometry - with the help of this technique it is possible to determine the functioning of the hearing aid. This procedure is based on giving sounds of different volume and frequency. This study is usually performed by a hearing adjunct.

Treatment of

If you have symptoms of hearing loss in your child, it is very important to begin treatment as early as possible, as hearing impairment can occur very quickly. At the same time, coping with pathology of 1-2 degrees is much easier.

Therapy directly depends on the form of the disease. So, two-way conductive hearing loss is usually treated operatively. With the help of surgery, the structure of the membrane and auditory ossicles is restored, which allows achieving positive results. With minor damage, procedures such as pneumomassage of the membrane and ear purging can be effective.
Sensorineural hearing loss is eliminated by conservative methods. To do this, use medicines. To normalize blood circulation in the inner ear and brain, such drugs as piracetam, cerebrolysin, etc. are used.

Some drugs need to be administered intramuscularly. In some cases, an intramimpanal administration is indicated, which implies the delivery of the substance directly to the inner ear. For this purpose, shunts are usually used, which are placed in the membrane.

To eliminate the neurosensory form of pathology, often use antispasmodic and vasodilator funds - no-shpu or papaverine. Also shown is the use of drugs that improve the transmission of impulses along nerve fibers. They include dibazol, oxazil. To improve metabolic processes in tissues, you need to use vitamin complexes. Highly effective are such drugs as cudesan, evitol.

Sensorineural hearing loss is not hard to treat with physiotherapy. The doctor may prescribe reflexotherapy and electrophoresis. If the treatment does not help, but the disease progresses, the specialist prescribes the use of a hearing aid.

Speech therapy methods

The goal of the treatment of hearing loss is not only improvement of hearing, but the proper development of speech. That is why children with similar problems must prescribe classes with a speech therapist-defectologist.

Developing techniques help to expand the horizon of the child, improve fine motor skills and thinking. With their help, the baby gets acquainted with the help of cartoons with such concepts as size and shape. He also has the skills of reading, writing, counting.

Children with minor hearing problems can practice without using a hearing aid. If the hearing loss is of a pronounced character and interferes with the full development, it is necessary to wear this device.

Dr. Komarovsky about hearing loss:

Prevention of

To prevent the development of hearing loss in a child, it is very important to exclude the impact of perinatal risk factors. Importance of timely vaccination of children, prevention of pathologies of ENT organs, refusal to use ototoxic drugs is of no small importance.

Bradyacuasia is a rather serious problem, which is often observed in children. It can lead to pronounced disturbances in the development of speech, which will cause difficulties with the adaptation of the baby in society. Because it is so important to start treatment of this pathology in time and clearly follow all medical recommendations.

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