Probiotics for constipation, beneficial bacteria for the treatment of the intestines, what are the best prebiotics for children and adults, whether to drink Normobakt?

More and more often in the treatment of constipation as part of complex therapy, probiotics and prebiotics are used. These are drugs and nutritional supplements, which contain live bacteria that can restore the intestinal microflora and inhibit opportunistic microorganisms. Each medicine has its own chemical formula, it can consist of one type of bacteria or from several colonies. Proceeding from this, with constipation an appointment is made, so to say unequivocally which one is better is very difficult. It is important for a common man to know what probiotics and prebiotics differ from each other, what bacteria can form the basis of food additives. About this and talk in the article.

It is prebiotics that are most often prescribed for the treatment of constipation in adults and children. Unlike probiotics, they are based on biological structures that are not destroyed by gastric juice and are not absorbed in the small intestine, getting further into the large intestine, they create a favorable environment for the growth of useful microflora. To boost the restoration of the body with constipation is possible, including in the daily diet of sour-milk products, corn, beans, garlic or peas. Many food manufacturers produce prebiotic-enriched beverages, their availability is always indicated on the label. With chronic forms of constipation, adjusting the diet does not help, so it becomes necessary to take medication. They are sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets, powders, active additives. To say which of them is better, can only an experienced doctor, gastroenterologist or proctologist.

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Which probiotics are better for constipation?

The story of what probiotics are best to drink with constipation in adults and children, you need to start by describing the action of such drugs. If prebiotics are dietary supplements that contain live bacteria( lacto-, bifidobacteria, their combinations) that help restore the microflora, then probiotics are components that can stimulate the growth of microorganisms inside the large intestine. Do you feel the difference?

Inside the capsules can be a food substrate, coarse fiber, which, entering the hollow organ, interacts with water, swells, pushes out stagnant stool, and with it toxins and slags that interfere with the process of reproduction of beneficial microorganisms. This removes constipation. Other probiotics help maintain a certain pH environment inside the hollow organ. With it, the microflora feels well, and the opportunistic pathogen slows down its development.

Given the principle of the described medications, often in the treatment of constipation in adults and children, many doctors first prescribe the use of probiotics that help to inhibit the opportunistic environment, and then recommend drinking prebiotics. Their assortment is great, the choice takes into account the severity of the patient's condition and age. So, for example, when it comes to treating a child, the best option is to use Normobakta, a drug that combines the action of both probiotics and prebiotics. Such symbiosis prolongs the life of positive bacteria, contributes to an increase in their number, allowing to reduce the time of treatment of chronic constipation in children up to ten days. Normobakt with constipation today is appointed and adults, if they are eliminated using antibiotics. Normobakt is not a medicine, and this is taken into account when developing an effective therapy strategy.

Bacteria with constipation

When prescribing probiotics and prebiotics for constipation, their generation is taken into account:

  • The first generation of drugs contains one kind of beneficial bacteria. This group includes Lactobacterin, for example.
  • In the second generation of prebiotics are bacteria that do not live in the intestine of an adult. Synthetic components were developed that can actively suppress the conditionally pathogenic environment.(Enterol, Sporobacterin).
  • The third generation of prebiotics boasts several types of colonies at once( Linex, Acilact).These funds are most often assigned to adults and toddlers.
  • The fourth generation - symbiotics - means, which include prebiotics, and probiotics. The Normobakt mentioned above is the best representative of the described class.
  • The funds of the latest fifth generation are polycomponent tablets, which contain different biological colonies.

Solving the dilemma, what useful bacteria to take with constipation, it is important to learn to distinguish their groups.

Bifidobacteria suppress the growth of putrefactive microorganisms, promote rapid digestion of carbohydrates, create a protective environment that prevents the penetration of pathogens and toxins into the blood and then into all internal organs. This is why probiotics are effective in constipation. Their components are involved in the utilization of food substrates, in the formation of amino acids, proteins and vitamins, increase the percentage of absorption necessary for the normal functioning of the body of various chemical compounds. The microflora of the intestines of the nursing babies is 90% composed of the bacteria described, therefore, in the treatment of constipation of infants, first-generation drugs are often prescribed.

Lactobacilli, which are in probiotics, create an acidic environment in the intestine, in which all opportunistic microorganisms perish. At the same time, the described microorganisms participate in strengthening local immunity, they help fight allergies, stimulate the contractile function of the intestine, so drugs containing lactobacilli are often used for constipation. Also on sale there are probiotics, which include E. coli, bacilli, saccharomycetes and enterococci. They, too, can be useful in the fight against the indicated malaise.

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