Amazing properties of the STIOTRON!Non-pharmacological therapy!

It has long been known about the negative effects of drug treatment on the body. It is enough to take the instructions of the medication to make sure that there are side effects. Some physical phenomena have a curative effect on the body. This is fully implemented in the STIOTRON device, which works with electromagnetic pulses. Let's consider in more detail

About the device STIOTRON

The device was created thanks to the use of nanotechnology in medicine.

Such a device, weighing up to 100 grams, is successfully used in the home environment. It affects the body at the cell level, which is the source of wave radiation, because of biochemical reactions. The vibrations of the cells of a healthy organ differ from the vibrations of the patient.

The device uses the ability of the eye to influence various organs.

If a light stream hits the eye, the signal is sent to the diseased organ, which has changed the vibration frequency of the cells. From the impact of the signal, the frequency is restored and the organ recovers.

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The device consists of two LED blocks and a control unit, which selects the frequency, sequence and polarity of the light pulses.

"Styotron" spectra of such colors are formed:

  • Red. Increases working capacity, physical strength and optimism.
  • Orange. Improves mood, goes through depression and a sense of fear.
  • Yellow. Increases working capacity, a feeling of fatigue and drowsiness disappears.
  • Green. The mental balance is restored, negative emotions leave, there is a fast falling asleep.
  • Blue. Relaxes, decreases nervous tension, slows down the pulse.
  • Blue. Reduces swelling and inflammation, pain and neuroses are removed.
  • Purple. The nervous system calms down, the feeling of hunger decreases, eyesight worsens.

The main advantages of

The large demand for the device, thanks to such advantages:

  1. efficiency for a large list of diseases;
  2. simple use;
  3. complex effect on the whole organism;
  4. possibility of use with other types of treatment;
  5. possibility of obtaining a positive effect after one session;
  6. security;
  7. compactness;
  8. possibility of a refund;
  9. high quality, warranty period is 4 years.

Contraindications to the use of

As with any medical device, STIOTRON has contraindications:

  1. of eye inflammation;
  2. use of pacemaker;
  3. of the brain.

About the manufacturer

Full information about the STIOTRON device and its manufacturer is available on the site Here is the certificate of quality of the device.

The company has been researching non-drug treatment since 1986.In this work, good results have been achieved, including the creation of a compact STIOTRON device.

Positive feedback about the device comes from users from the territory of Russia and from abroad.

Without a doubt, the STIOTRON device has many supporters. It is inexpensive, takes up little space, and heals against many diseases.

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