Is it possible to cure a stomach ulcer quickly? Does it cure completely?

Many patients with pathological formation of the gastrointestinal tract are often interested in the question - is it possible to cure a stomach ulcer?

Today there are effective drugs, methods and methods that, in complex, will help to completely get rid of the disease, or to remove severe exacerbations and complications in the chronic phase of the disease.

The stomach ulcer can not be completely cured in rare cases( only the manifestation of her symptoms is muffled).In this case, the gastroenterologist takes the patient for special control. It prescribes a course of drug-assisted treatment and a number of preventive measures related to strict adherence to prescribed dietary nutrition and a change in lifestyle.

Is the stomach ulcer cured? According to statistical studies, many patients( about 40%) can be cured by conservative methods alone( use of medicines).This is possible in case of timely diagnosis of the disease. It should be remembered that this is a rather complicated and lengthy process of and curing stomach ulcers in a week is almost impossible, but if you adhere to all the prescriptions of a gastroenterologist, the recovery period can be shortened to several weeks. After analyzing the findings, the doctor prescribes an effective course of treatment based on the use of modern therapeutic regimens, thanks to which the ulcer can be cured. They involve the combination of a number of drugs:

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  • H-2 histamine receptor blockers. Drugs that reduce acidity.(Ranitidine, Famotidine, Kwamatel).Proton pump blockers. Reduce the production of hydrochloric acid( Omeprazol, Zero-Paz, Omez, Lansoprazole).
  • Antacids. Assigned to suppress the increased acidity of the gastric juice and, thus, the heartburn, as well as to eliminate pain( Almagel, Maalox, Fosfalugel, Rennie, Vikalin).
  • Spasmolytics. These are effective pain medications that relieve spasm( Metacin, No-shpa, Papaverin, Drotaverin, Buskopan).
  • Hangleblockers. The funds of this group block the pain syndrome( Quataron, Benzohexonium).
  • Antiemetic. Restoration of gastric motility( Cerucal and Motilium).
  • Preparations based on bismuth. They envelop the walls of the stomach, protecting it from harmful microorganisms and increased acidity( De-nol, Bismol, Vikalin, Vikair, Vis-Nol).
  • Antibacterial agents. Designed to fight the bacterium Helicobacter( Amoxicillin, Tetracycline, Clarithromycin).

Complex schemes allow in 90% of cases to completely get rid of the digestive apparatus disease.

With recurrent ulcers, integrated treatment regimens help to eliminate the disease in 27% of cases. This is possible only if clearly adhere to the recommendations of the attending physician.

In 6% of patients, the ulcer is cured only after surgery. This is due to the later detection of pathology, which was asymptomatic and manifested as complications.

How to cure a stomach ulcer forever? It should be noted that 96 patients out of 100 get rid of the ulcer completely. This became possible due to modern drugs and regimens. They make up the first and second line therapy, as well as the combined one.

Some peptic ulcers mark the effectiveness of traditional medicine. It is used both for disease prevention and for accelerating the therapeutic effect. How quickly can the ulcer of the stomach be cured by using traditional medicine? Doctors advise to use sea buckthorn oil, decoction from the seed of flax and barley. They have enveloping and regenerating properties. Adjusted diet regimen will quickly cure stomach ulcers. Food should be predominantly proteinaceous, not greasy and without sharp seasonings. Food is prepared solely for a couple. Also, you should try to avoid the stressful situations, which can be the cause of the aggravation of the disease.

Affirmative answer to the question - is it possible to cure completely the stomach ulcer, gastroenterologists give in 96% of cases. The remaining 4% manifestations of the disease are not completely cured due to a number of unfavorable conditions( complications, chronic course of the disease with frequent relapses, concomitant diseases).

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