Why is ALT elevated, what does it mean?

Alanine aminotransferase( ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase( ACT) are enzymes that are active participants in the exchange of amino acids. They are able to be in the cells of the kidneys, liver, heart muscles and other organs.

If they get into the blood, this indicates the presence of any disruption of the work of the organs due to the destruction of cells.

When ALT rates are elevated, this most often indicates the development of a particular disease affecting the liver. Deciphering the blood test can show in more detail which organ is damaged, it will significantly increase the level of ALT or AST.

What is ALT in a blood test?

Why is ALT in a blood test elevated, and what does it mean? Alanine aminotransferase( ALT) is an endogenous enzyme belonging to the transferase group, a subgroup of transaminases, or aminotransferases. The determination of its level in the blood is widely used in medical practice with the purpose of revealing pathologies of the liver and some other organs. The study of blood on ALT practically always conducts in a complex with definition of level AST.

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Evaluation of these two laboratory indicators allows the doctor to assume the localization of the pathological process and determine the likely severity of the disease. To evaluate the , the Ritis coefficient( AST / ALT ratio) of the is applied, which is normally 1.33.With acute viral hepatitis, this coefficient decreases, whereas in myocardial infarction and alcoholic liver damage, it increases.

Where contains ALT :

  1. Liver( most);
  2. Kidney;
  3. Light;
  4. Pancreas;
  5. Muscles;
  6. Heart.

The main function of alanine aminotransferase is associated with the exchange of amino acids. This substance acts as a catalyst in the transfer of certain molecules. When the energy metabolism is disturbed, the permeability of the cell membranes increases, which leads to the destruction of cells and the release of the enzyme into serum.


The norms in which alanine aminotransferase must be stored in the blood are:

  • children under 1 year of age: 13 to 45 U / L;
  • for men up to 1 - 60 years: 10 - 40 U / l;
  • women 1 - 60 years: 7 - 35 U / l.

In analytical studies on this enzyme, high accuracy is required, and it is directly related to the administration of certain drugs that can distort the analytical picture. Therefore, before checking the level of ALT, one should consult a doctor who either temporarily abolishes medication or will take into account the deviations in the results of the analysis related to drug therapy.

Increased ALT in the blood: the causes of

In simple terms, alanine aminotransferase is an enzyme that, in addition to the liver, where its concentration is particularly high, is found in virtually all parenchymal organs, occupying the cytoplasm of the tissue cells. ALT is not for nothing considered a kind of marker of liver pathology and is regarded as a reliable sign of the defeat of its parenchyma, because the activity of the enzyme in the blood plasma is directly dependent on the degree of involvement in the pathological process of the tissue of this important organ.

Given this high sensitivity of AlT, one can expect that alanine aminotransferase will be increased in cases of the slightest suffering of the hepatic parenchyma.

So, the increase in ALD results occurs in the following cases: :

  1. Hepatitis. This inflammatory liver disease can be presented in several forms. For chronic or viral hepatitis, the elevation of the alanine aminotransferase level in the blood is negligible.
  2. Occasionally, an increase in ALT may occur in cases of mechanical jaundice, but high values ​​of this indicator are extremely rare.
  3. Cirrhosis. This disease is dangerous because for a long time it may not have a pronounced symptomatology. Patients quickly become tired, feel tired.
  4. Liver cancer. This malignant tumor is often formed in patients with hepatitis. The analysis on ALT in this case is necessary both for diagnostics of the disease, and for making a decision about the operational decision.
  5. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease( steatosis): the level of ALT rises slightly - 2-3 times. When the disease passes to the phase of steatohepatitis, there is a marked increase in ALT, a high level of total and direct bilirubin, as well as indices of inflammatory blood activity.
  6. Pancreatitis. The presence of this disease is also indicated by the level of ALT.Its increased number indicates an exacerbation of pancreatitis.
  7. Myocarditis. It manifests itself in the defeats of the heart muscle. Its main symptoms are shortness of breath, rapid fatigue of the patient and elevated levels of ALT in the blood.
  8. Myocardial infarction. This disease is a consequence of a violation of blood flow, resulting in necrosis of the tissues of the heart muscle.
  9. Analyzes can show an increase in ALT levels with alcoholism and immediately after taking alcoholic beverages.

When the level of ALT is increased by 5 times, it is possible to assume myocardial infarction, if it reaches 10-15 times, one can speak of a worsening of the patient's condition after an attack. The value of the de Ritis coefficient also varies in this direction.

Acute hepatitis provokes an increase in the enzyme content in the blood 20-50 times, muscular dystrophy and dermatomyositis - in 8. About gangrene, acute pancreatitis says that the upper limit of the indicator is 3-5 times higher.

Reasons for increasing ALT not related to

diseases. Other ALT causes in the blood may cause other causes, for example, some medicines such as estrogens, oral contraceptives, cholestatics, steroids, iron salts, nicotinic acid, sulfonamides, methyldopa, azithromycin, aminoglycosides,cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, clofibrate, clindamycin.

In some cases, the cause of the increase in the level of alanine aminotransferase is the physiological causes of :

  1. Increased physical activity;
  2. Administration of dietary supplements containing components that adversely affect liver cells;
  3. Drinking alcoholic beverages one week before the blood test for ALT;
  4. Emotional stresses, which can lead to malfunctions in the nervous system, and as a consequence, the body's response to this;
  5. Improper nutrition - in particular, eating foods with harmful food additives: convenience foods, "fast food", sweet carbonated drinks, etc.- in this case, when adjusting the diet, the ALT index returns to normal.

Of course, basically the level of the enzyme is increasing because of other health problems, but it is for the reasons listed above that the indicator can be increased, but insignificantly.

What to do when the blood ALT is elevated?

If the ALT blood test is elevated, then a more complete examination is needed to determine the cause of this change. And the sooner this is done, the much better the outcome will be.

Most often, hepatoprotectors are prescribed to reduce ALT:

  1. Heptral;
  2. Essentiale H;
  3. Karsil;
  4. Tykveol.

These drugs have many effects. First of all, they protect liver cells from further damage, and also repair damaged cells that have not yet died.

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