What to do if you are concerned about frequent headaches in a teenager

1 Causes of the disease

You need to know why the child's head hurts. Common reasons typical for this age include the following:

  1. In the school age of a teenager, at every step, situations that lead to an emotional reset are waiting. Collision with difficult life situations causes the child a constant headache, which is accompanied by tense, compressive sensations in this area and has a aching, pulsing character. Symptoms such as bouts of nausea, vomiting, and loss of strength may manifest.
  2. Rescue with medications only has a temporary effect, because it only damps the symptom, and does not cure it. In this case, it is necessary to teach the teenager how to properly cope with stress and overcome unpleasant situations, provide the necessary support. If these actions do not give the desired result, you need to turn to a psychologist. He will help to establish the causes of the disease and prescribe treatment.
  3. Excessive fatigue occurs mainly in school-age children. All the blame for modern education programs in schools, which contain a huge amount of information. To learn the material, many adolescents have to sit up late, spending time, reserved for rest and sleep, for studying the lessons. As a result of such mental reboots, there is a headache.
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  4. Another reason for excessive fatigue is the dependence on computer games. Unfortunately, most adolescents aged 14 years are dependent on them. Constant sitting at the computer carries many harmful consequences for the growing organism.
  5. Hormonal restructuring begins sometime in 14 years and is accompanied by disruption of the whole organism. Digestion is disrupted, the formation of muscle and bone tissues, changes in the functioning of the urinary system, acne, frequent outbursts of emotions, dizziness and a sense of frequent headaches. Teenagers who have good relations with their parents, go in for sports and physical labor, active and not losing interest in the world around them, easily experience this period.
  6. A teenager often has a headache due to a disturbance in sleep patterns. Since at this age to adhere to the right daily routine is important for a young developing organism. It is recommended to sleep at least 10 hours. It is this period that will help the child recover after a busy day.
  7. Involvement of pain in the head can and ignoring breakfast, dieting, hunger. All these causes are harmful to the young organism and can lead to serious illnesses.
  8. Scientists have proven that adolescents who smoke cigarettes or drink alcoholic drinks from time to time, are much more likely to have attacks of pain in their heads. All the guilt of the blood vessels in the brain, which severely narrow after another portion of nicotine, resulting in a headache.
  9. Abuse of energy and beverages that have caffeine, taurine in huge doses, also cause headaches in adolescents.
  10. One of the reasons why a child suffers from a headache is an elementary lack of fluid in the body. In adolescence, children are very mobile, so they need to consume a lot of water in order to restore their water balance.

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2 Migraine

In some cases, the causes that cause a headache are symptoms of diseases requiring immediate treatment.

Migraine is a hereditary disease, which in most cases manifests itself in the female part of the population. Its first signs appear somewhere in the 14 years, when the body of the child is hormonal changes. Migraine is manifested by unpleasant pain that extends only to one area of ​​the head in the part of the temple and can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to external factors: bright light, sounds, smell. The headache is like seizures that last for different periods.


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Migraine attacks are affected by children who have a certain kind of psychological characteristics. This is a child with leadership qualities, high social activity, good social adaptation, anxiety.

Migraine attacks can trigger the following factors:

  • sudden weather change;
  • stress;
  • period, including menstruation and ovulation;
  • lack of sleep or, conversely, excessive sleep;
  • taking certain medications;
  • different types of vestibular stimuli( flight in an airplane, a trip in a car, a bus, swimming on sea transport, riding on a swing);
  • eating chocolate, eggs, cheese, citrus, nuts, smoked products, tomatoes, canned food, fatty and spicy foods, alcohol;
  • constipation;
  • constant noise, bright light;
  • is an unpleasant, pungent odor.
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It should be noted: if a child experiences painful attacks more than once a month, then it is possible that this illness will accompany him throughout his life. Especially it concerns girls.

When meningitis, pain is accompanied by high fever, vomiting, and rash. With pressure on the special points on the skull of the head, the pain will intensify. Hospital treatment will help to cope with this disease.

3 Advice for adults

With frequent pain in the head, a teenager should always seek help from a doctor and conduct a survey. This will help to establish the true cause of the disease and choose further actions.

In most cases, the schoolchildren cause frequent pain in the head is a banal overwork.

Parents are required to schedule the child's time so that he has enough time to rest. Try to distribute the load evenly, not exceeding the capabilities of the teenager.

During seizures, more attention should be given to the child, helping him to cope with the problem. But it is important not to overdo it. Excessive care on the part of parents, indulgence of all moods of the patient can lead to the development of a pathological pain reflex.

Survey of a teenager begins with a thorough examination of a specialist, studying all complaints and symptoms of the disease. All these actions will help to establish the true picture of the disease, and if necessary, treatment will be prescribed.

Treatment of migraine consists in the elimination of irritants and the admission of special powerful drugs that only a doctor can prescribe. Drugs classified as dihydroergotamines are considered to be excellent agents that can alleviate the condition of adolescents. But here it is necessary to take into account the age of children, because they can be given only after 14 years.

Pain in adolescents with migraine, if it appears infrequently and is not very strong, can be treated with antidepressants and lifestyle adjustments. To its correct image is a stable daily routine, a full sleep, frequent walks in the fresh air, physical exercises, regular water procedures.

With hormonal reconstruction, it is necessary to help the adolescent survive this period. With pain, anesthetics, head and neck massage will help. The main condition during this period is care and attention, it will help to achieve rapid retreat of unpleasant sensations.

If a teenager has a headache, then do not let things go by themselves, but you should seek help from a doctor. This will help not only correctly cope with the unpleasant sensation, but also prevent the development of life-threatening diseases, such as inflammation and oncology.

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