Chronic hypomotor colitis

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Dyskinesia of the large intestine can develop in different ways, so this pathology is of two types: hypermotor dysfunction and hypomotor colitis. Symptoms of dyskinesia depend on whether the peristalsis is lowered or strengthened. The diagnosis of colitis by hypomotor type is set when it is lowered. Decreased peristalsis leads to stagnant phenomena, to the formation of constipation, it is often observed expansion of veins of the small pelvis. In the abdominal cavity formed excessive pressure, which provokes the formation of secondary hemorrhoids. But this is not all the symptoms that the disease has.

Features of hypomotoric colitis

Movement of intestinal contents from the upper parts to the lower ones ensures smooth muscles of the intestine. They also form peristalsis. Normally, within one minute, a separate bowel site commits 18 cuts. Decreased rhythm provokes hypomotor colitis: the digestive process is disrupted, stagnant phenomena are formed, chyme begins to rot, toxins are actively released, which cause intoxication of the body. This and this type of inflammation is dangerous.

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The following signs may indicate its development:

  • The patient has constipation.
  • The stool becomes very dense, the water is completely absorbed from it, the stool masses are stony.
  • Digestive disorders lead to the formation of gases, they try to break out, so there is a constant feeling of abdominal distension and false defecation.
  • Flatulence and bloating are often accompanied by pain. They are localized in different parts of the abdominal wall.
  • Intoxication causes fever, nausea, dizziness.
  • The vegetative picture is supplemented by sleep disorders and the appearance of severe weakness.
  • Over time, the patient's skin becomes pale.
  • Because the intestines do not absorb iron, anemia develops.
  • Not only does hemoglobin fall, but a person begins to lose weight rapidly.

Similar symptoms help to easily suspect colitis by hypomotor type. If there is an alternation of acute phases of the disease and remissions, during which the clinical picture is greatly erased, a chronic hypomotor colitis is diagnosed. Cure it is possible, but only if the causes of the disease are identified and eliminated. Therefore, it is so important not to engage in self-medication, using folk remedies. They usually help to remove only the symptoms, leaving a problem that sooner or later will return again and begin to significantly worsen a person's standard of living.

Features of treatment of hypomotoric colitis

Can chronic chronic hypomotor colitis be cured? It is possible if you apply complex therapy. It consists of four components:

  1. Therapeutic diet.
  2. Physical load.
  3. Medication therapy.
  4. Sessions of the psychotherapist.

The right diet, together with exercise therapy, restores the necessary rhythm of peristalsis. The patient is recommended to exclude fatty, spicy and salty foods from his diet, organize meals so that there is no long hungry pauses, it is important to eat at the same time, redistributing the bulk of food between the three methods and between them to arrange a snack.

There should be daily physical and physical loads, the usual half-hour walk can help to cope with the indicated problem.

Drug treatment of hypomotoric colitis can help to eliminate the cause of the disease, remove painful symptoms and improve the smooth muscle of the intestine:

  • Enhances the peristalsis drug Metoclopramide.
  • Has a mild laxative effect of Regulax.
  • Improves neuromuscular transmission of impulses Amiridin( taken only under medical supervision).
  • Improves digestion of food Pancreatin.
  • Eliminates the bloating of Espumizan's stomach.

Then, when chronic colitis by hypomotor type develops due to psychological disorders, a psychotherapist is connected to the treatment of the patient. With the help of autogenic training and behavioral sessions, he returns work capacity and eliminates vegetative symptoms.

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