Cytological examination: types of procedure, indications and contraindications for use, preparation, price

In medical diagnostics a special place is occupied by bacteriological, cytological and histological methods of research. Due to the fact that uterine cancer ranks third among the diseases of the female half of humanity, the primary task is the early detection of pathology, and even better - the prerequisites for the disease. Cytological research is the method that can cope with such a task.

What is a cytological study of

An investigation that takes into account the state of cells is called cytological. This procedure has many advantages over other methods due to the informative nature of the results and the absence of traumatic tissue and organs when taking material for analysis.

The difference between histological and cytological research is described in this video:

To whom it is assigned

  • The study is included in the preventive examination of the female half, beginning at the age of 18.
  • There may also be a doctor's appointment in connection with the need for diagnosis in case of suspected pathology.
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Why do you need a cytological examination of urine, blood, sputum, etc.?in women and men.

Why go through it

Cytology can detect the presence of cancer cells at a time when the body does not show any symptoms that indicate a beginning pathological process. And as you know, in the early stages of cancer are completely curable.

In addition, the procedure provides information:

  • about a possible inflammatory process in the uterus,
  • about the presence of infection,
  • about changes in the hormonal background.

The examination is recommended for preventive purposes at least once a year, and if there is a pathology, then according to the doctor's prescription the analysis is taken for cytological testing several times during the year.

For research methods in cytological diagnosis read below.

Types of procedure

The method of cytological examination involves a laboratory study of a material taken as a smear from the surfaces of organs of the uterine region.

Cells can be examined using methods:

  • The centrifugation method is used, if necessary, to obtain the result, separating the cell membrane from the general structure.
  • The method of microscopy is light and electronic.
  • In-life study of makes it possible to observe the processes taking place in the cell.
  • The method of labeled atoms - the biochemical processes taking place in a cell are monitored by the introduction into the cell of a radioactive isotope.

On what the cytological test shows, read below.

Indications for

Assign cytological examination under such circumstances:

  • in a patient with infertility,
  • is supposed to erode the cervix,
  • the patient is preparing to conceive a child,
  • a woman takes long hormonal preparations,
  • from the vagina, excretions are observed,
  • is suspected of infection of the genitals, manifestations are visible:
    • herpes,
    • condyloma,
    • warts;
  • in the patient irregular menstruation,
  • examination occurs on the eve of the installation of the spiral.


  • Pemphigus vulgaris;
  • pemphigus;
  • of dyskinesia of the stomach;
  • rubromycosis;
  • leukoplakia tongue.

How the cervical cytology is performed, the video below will show:

Contraindications for

The study may show inaccurate information if it is carried out:

  • during the course of the inflammatory process in the uterine region, an increased number of leukocytes can affect the accuracy of determining the presence of atypical cells;
  • menstrual bleeding is also not a favorable time for analysis.

Is it safe to take a material for a cytology test, read below.

Safety of the

method The biological material, taken by methods not injuring the organs and not violating their integrity, is investigated. Therefore, the procedure is completely safe.

Further on how to prepare, if you received a referral for a cytological diagnostic study, read below.

Preparation for analysis of

In order for the manipulation to be successful and the material to be used was suitable for research, certain conditions must be fulfilled:

  • No special training is required.
  • Before taking a smear, it is necessary that the woman avoid sexual intercourse for at least 24 hours.
  • If the patient is treated for an acute infection, then the material for the study will be correct after 60 days after the end of treatment.
  • If there is any doubt about the result, it is recommended that the biological material be repeated several times.
  • It is important that the production of the biomaterial is correctly correlated with the menstrual cycle of the patient. Do not take a fence later than five days before the anticipated beginning of the cycle, and during menstruation it is recommended to do the analysis, starting from the fifth day of the cycle. This rule must be followed if the purpose of the study is to determine precancerous conditions or diagnose cancer.
  • When testing is performed to determine the effect of hormonal treatment, it is recommended that the material be taken two weeks after the end of the course.
  • If a patient is examined to understand the cause of problems with the menstrual cycle, a stroke for analysis is prescribed every three days.
  • In case of clarification of the question of inflammatory processes in the uterine zone - a smear can be performed on any day, except for the period of the menstrual cycle.
  • To obtain non-distorted results of the study, no procedures should be performed three days before:
    • syringing,
    • application of candles, creams;
    • participation in other studies of the area of ​​the uterus, for example, ultrasound diagnosis;
    • drink less fluids to urinate for about three hours before taking the smear.

Features of

  • The procedure is painless, because there is no implantation in the uterine tissue. Feelings during the sampling of the material are somewhat unpleasant, but this is a very short time.
  • The patient is located on the gynecological chair, the specialist takes a brush on the surface of the uterus, from the cervical canal, at the discretion of the doctor, from the channel of urination. Decoding of results and norms of cytological examination of smear, described below.

    Decoding of results

    Specialists assess the condition of cells lining the surface. It is known that the vagina and cervix have a different type of basic lining cells:

    • on the cervix, the upper layer is represented by cylindrical cells, the
    • vagina has a multilayer epithelium on the surface.

    When analyzing data, many factors are taken into account, any changes in the ratio of cells and also their internal structure.

    The standard interpretation of the results can have a cytological examination output in the form of one or more of five variants:

    • Cells are unchanged.
    • The changes found in a cytological study indicate the presence of an inflammatory process.
    • There is an indication of dysplasia( some cells with enlarged cores).
    • Pre-cancerous condition( some cells have abnormalities in the state of chromosomes and cytoplasm).
    • The presence of cancer cells has been detected in biological material.

    The average cost of the procedure

    The cost of the procedure depends on the pricing policy of the clinic, where the patient addressed, the set of works to be performed and other certain features. On average, cytological examination will cost 780 rubles.

    The technique of taking material for cytology is shown in this video:

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