Keratoacanthoma of the skin: photo, causes and symptoms, treatment, prognosis, microbial 10

Sometimes the appearance of an appearance similar to a pimple may not be so harmless. Knowing the signs and symptoms of keratoacanthoma will help to avoid the appearance of this pathology and give it due attention.

What is keratoacanthoma?

Benign formation of a rounded shape, with a pronounced core in the form of horny masses, is called keratoacanthoma.

This tumor is also called:

  • verrucoma epitheli-like Guzero,
  • mollusc greasy,
  • hornfish mollusc.

Photo of facial keratoacanthoma

Pathology is found mainly in older people, more often in men. But it happens in middle age and in children.

Localization of pathology:

  • on the face,
  • in the limb region,
  • location of the tumor that happens sparse:
    • on the nose,
    • under the nails,
    • in the sky,
    • in the lip area,
    • on the cheeks.

Reasons for the occurrence of

Specialists regarding the factors that may affect the formation of keratoacanthomas include:

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  • the action of ultraviolet irradiation,
  • smoking,
  • trauma of mechanical origin,
  • if the p53 gene mutates,
  • irradiation,
  • exposure to skin of some substances:
    • of carcinogens,
    • mineral oils,
    • such a reaction can be on tar;
  • viral infections( usually lead to solitary formations),
  • weakened immunity,
  • congenital predisposition, in these cases there is a tendency to multiple forms of keratoacanthoma.


The disease can manifest itself in a variety of forms:

  • single formation - solitary node,
  • subungual formation - tumor on top of which is the crust;
  • is a tumor with peripheral growth,
  • mushroom-shaped is a type of pathology where a tumor other than round can have a flat shape;the surface of formation has a top covering in the form of orthokeratosis masses;
  • multinodular is a type of tumor when the crater is not one but several, and they are located separately from each other or merge with each other;
  • giant keratoacanthoma is distinguished by its large size - up to 20 cm;
  • tuber-serpiginous variety is hemispherical, the skin on the surface is thinned and in the center has ulceration;Corn masses on the tumor a little.

Symptoms of formation

The first sign of a pathology is the detection on the skin of a very distinctive species.

The domed elevation has in the central part a well with marked edges that is filled with keratinized substance. The tumor is mobile, it does not have a rigid adhesion to neighboring tissues.

Pathology in its development goes through three stages:

  1. A small tight knot appears that does not cause painful sensations. Education is actively increasing in size.
  2. Tumor stops in growth and is in stable condition.
  3. At the last stage, education disappears, leaving a scar behind.

The third stage of development occurs, after a while: from six months to nine months from the moment the tumor began to manifest itself. There are times when this stage does not come.

In the case when the stage of stabilization has not come - formation can increase in diameter up to 20 cm. The multiple form of the tumor, according to its name, has several nodules.


Pathology is determined by external signs. It is important to distinguish keratoacanthoma from other similar tumors.

The crater form of education and the fact that atypical cells are absent will be a confirmation that the patient has keratoacanthoma.

To see if there are atypical cells, a biopsy is performed. Material for examination is taken from the area of ​​the roller.

Treatment of keratoacanthoma

When the tumor itself passes, then this is the case when no treatment procedures are required. But in connection with the fact that pathology can be transformed into squamous cell carcinoma, it is advisable, without allowing this, to remove them operatively at earlier stages.

Removal methods:

  • using laser therapy,
  • electrosurgery uses electric current to get rid of the tumor,
  • uses a traditional method - removal of pathology with a scalpel( done with a large tumor size)
  • cryosurgery uses liquid nitrogen to solve the problem in the early stages.

In the case of multiple keratoacanthoma, therapy with synthetic retinoids is recommended.


The tumor has three options for resolving the situation:

    • formation is removed by surgery,
    • pathology in the third stage of development disappears, leaving a scar;
    • the last option - a tumor degenerates into squamous cell carcinoma.

Video shows the removal of keratoacanthoma in the area of ​​the skin of the left eye:

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