Constipation with intestinal dysbacteriosis and its treatment

In a large number of people, dysbacteriosis causes associations with intestinal disorders. In fact, such a disease is characterized by a violation of microflora, which mainly leads to diarrhea. However, constipation, although not a frequent symptom of a dysbiosis, can also be manifested. Constipation is accompanied by torture, as he is able to poison the body, saturate it with toxins and cause a weakness, dizziness and weakness.

Treatment of constipation with dysbacteriosis should be carried out simultaneously with the therapy of the disease itself. The fundamental aspect of therapy in both cases is proper diet compliance.

In the case of constipation with intestinal dysbacteriosis, the diet is designed in such a way that in addition to adequate nutrition, the patient is provided with the elements to restore the normal functioning of the digestive organs. Bile and organic acids, sugary substances are suitable for stimulation of peristalsis. Also, the required effect in this case also has substances that can contain or form carbon dioxide, fats, fiber and connective tissues.

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In order not to delay intestinal peristalsis in dysbacteriosis, which affects the appearance of constipation, it is required to abandon food that is rich in tannin, that is, strong tea, cocoa on water, cereals, kissels, hot dishes.

Indifferent types of substances can be considered dishes that are cooked on the basis of meat with low fat content, soufflé, cutlets, mashed potatoes and others.

From the diet for dysbacteriosis it is also necessary to exclude products that enhance the processes of fermentation in the intestinal cavity and stimulate bile secretion. These include food that is rich in essential oils, cholesterol, as well as products with cholesterol digestion, which are formed during frying.

Food is taken at a temperature of no more than 60 degrees, and at least 4 times per day.

Treatment of constipation with dysbiosis

Now it is worth mentioning about laxatives, which immediately come to mind when a dysbiosis occurs, accompanied by constipation. As a natural type of laxatives, black bread, raw vegetables and fruits, dried fruit, buckwheat, bean cultures, and sour-milk products are spoken.

Regarding the drug treatment of constipation with dysbacteriosis, it is still imperfect, as it is often due to the use of such laxatives that it becomes addictive and addictive. In addition, such agents for the treatment of constipation in the case of dysbiosis are not spared from the occurrence of side effects.

As osmotic laxatives, where the basic active substances are magnesium or sulfate ions, there are agents that have the property of provoking nausea. Contact medications for dysbacteriosis will act with direct contact of the mucosa with irritation of its receptors, which will enhance intestinal peristalsis. However, in some cases, the treatment of dysbiosis can lead to spasmodic painful sensations.

As a stimulant for dysbacteriosis, drugs with anthraglikozide, phenolphthalein, hay, aloe are used. It should be noted that such drugs are prohibited for children. In addition, the normal effect of taking a laxative for constipation is redness of the urine.

In the treatment of dysbacteriosis prebiotics have a very good effect. They are cleaved by the microflora of the colon with the formation of organic acids, which increase the osmotic pressure, which contributes to water retention, softening of stool and increasing their volume. Such funds will begin to operate within 24 hours. Classical representatives are Dufalac syrup and Exportall powder.

An excellent tool for the occurrence of constipation in the case of dysbiosis is to conduct simple exercises that are done before the act of defecation. You must take a deep breath and stick out the peritoneal wall. Hold your breath for 5 seconds. Completely exhale and draw in the wall of the peritoneum, and hold your breath for 5 seconds. Such an exercise is repeated several times, after which a deep breath and strong strain are made.

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