Small hemorrhoids, small hemorrhoidal nodes the size of a pea, how to treat, if you got out, what to do, how to get rid?

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What is hemorrhoids, know everything. Moreover, it is established that every third inhabitant of the planet suffers from this disease. First of all, it is caused by the modern way of life, which creates all the conditions for the development of this disease.

In case of an illness, a circulatory disturbance occurs in the region of the small pelvis, which leads the vessels and the venous wall to loss of elasticity and propensity to inflammatory processes. As a result, hemorrhoidal nodes increase.

There are small hemorrhoids in every person. In a normal state, they do not cause harm. A small hemorrhoidal nodule is a plexus of blood vessels the size of a pea, which is located at the base of the rectum. With adverse factors, inflammation of the small hemorrhoids occurs, it increases, which gives the person pain.

The plexus can be enlarged by:

  • difficulty in defecation,
  • discomfort, pain in the area of ​​the anorectal zone,
  • bleeding during bowel evacuation.
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If you ignore these processes, the disease goes into a chronic form. Small hemorrhoids, significantly increased, begin to fall out of the anus first at defecation, and after - even with little physical exertion. Absence of treatment or incorrectly selected means contribute to the further development of pathology, the consequences of which can be of a sad nature.

Should a little hemorrhoids be alerted?

"What if a little hemorrhoids got out? How to get rid of it? "- quite popular questions. Even with a small nodule size, with a pea, you need to start taking immediate action. In the first stage, when a small hemorrhoid and a slight discomfort in the anus are the main symptoms of the development of pathology, to remove inflammation and stop the development of the disease can be at home. Rectal suppositories, ointments and gels are often used for this. When a small cone increases rapidly, and discomfort as a result of its appearance increases with each passing day, one should seek professional help. These symptoms indicate that the disease has moved to the next stage, and without a proctologist's control, measures can not always be effective.

How to treat a small hemorrhoids?

The size of the inflammation does not affect the overall course of the disease. Small hemorrhoids or large, the patient still feels discomfort and is asked by questions: "What to do? How to get rid of this disease? ".Medicines for inflammations of the rectum are available in the form of tablets, injections, ointments, gels, suppositories. According to the effect of the drugs can be divided into two categories: local effects( quickly remove symptoms, act on inflammation directly) and internal( fight the cause of the disease, prevent subsequent exacerbations).

The disease implies a comprehensive treatment. In addition to pills and local remedies, the patient must adhere to a certain diet. It is recommended to exclude from the daily diet fried, flour, sweet or any food that provokes malfunction in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Do not think that a small hemorrhoid is not dangerous. With inflammation of any size during therapy, it is necessary to refrain from lifting weights and excessive physical exertion. However, little activity does not interfere. The patient should walk more in the fresh air, and also perform special exercises.

With the right approach, unpleasant symptoms of a small hemorrhoid disappear after the first medications. In order to completely get rid of the disease, it may take from 5 to 15 days. If there are no improvements within two weeks, you should urgently consult your doctor to determine the exact diagnosis and treatment adjustments.

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