Syndromes of ulcerative colitis: pain, constipation, bleeding

For such an inflammatory disease of the digestive organs, as ulcerative colitis, there is a whole galaxy of severe syndromes. They are expressed in disorders of the stool( for the most part, the disease is accompanied by diarrhea, but there may be constipation), pain and hemorrhagic( profuse and frequent bleeding).

The patient with this bowel pathology also has persistent stool disorders, which are usually expressed by diarrhea. Constipation occurs at a later stage of the disease. At the same time, such general physiological syndromes as anemia, febrile state, weakness and anorexia join.

Intestinal bleeding with ulcerative colitis

With constant presence of the syndrome, the patient's condition worsens severely, general weakness and paleness appear, tachycardia. As a result of all this, there can be a collapse. Bleeding also indicates the most severe complication of ulcerative colitis, which is the perforation of the large intestine. In case of its appearance, there is a sharp pain syndrome with muscular tension on the front wall of the abdomen, as well as other signs of irritation of the peritoneum.

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But in the case when the patient has a pronounced intoxication, the perforation for the most part appears atypical. She has no acute onset, no symptoms of irritation of the peritoneum. This is very dangerous, since perforation of the intestinal wall, which proceeds imperceptibly and therefore does not receive appropriate treatment, leads to the development of peritonitis and strongly worsens the prognosis of the disease.

The occurrence of the syndrome of intestinal bleeding, always associated with ulcerative colitis, depends on the fact that inflamed defects located on loose due to illness and full-walled intestinal walls are traumatized by calves. In the case where ulcers are located in the epithelium of the sigmoid colon and have necrotic plaque, hemorrhagic syndrome of colitis is associated with the release of purulent masses from the rectum, as well as toxic depilation of the large intestine.

To reduce the bleeding associated with ulcerative colitis due to mechanical damage to the inflamed areas of the mucosa, besides medicamental therapy, remove all foods that have a rough structure from the diet. The consistency of the food used by the patient should be light and liquid.

Constipation for ulcerative colitis

This intestinal pathology is always accompanied by a syndrome such as diarrhea with the presence in the stools of a large amount of blood, mucus and pus. But in some people, the symptomatology of this disease can be expressed and constipated. Most often, this phenomenon occurs when the rectum has been affected by the rectum.

The appearance of this syndrome of ulcerative colitis is facilitated by the fact that due to the presence of defects on the walls of the digestive organ, its obstruction is formed. In this regard, even the soft stool begins to move away with considerable difficulties, causing the patient to feel constipation, pain during the defecation process and additional damage to the inflamed mucosa.

In the event that the disease is accompanied by difficulties due to constipation during defecation, you should increase the number of vegetables and fruits in the diet. But they should be well boiled and wiped, so that the coarse fibers contained in these products could not cause mechanical damage to the weakened intestinal mucosa.

Abdominal pain - ulcerative colitis syndrome

With this pathology of the digestive organs, any processes occurring in the intestine, manifestations of both diarrhea and constipation, are accompanied by severe cramping pains that are caused by spasms of its walls.

Pain syndrome with ulcerative colitis is located in the lower abdomen, the left iliac region or hypogastrium. It intensifies before the act of defecation because of pressure on the walls of the intestine of stool. Most patients also have tenesmus. During palpation with this disease on the anterior abdominal wall, there may be a defensive muscle.

If the serous, muscular and submucosal layers of intestinal walls are involved in the process, the pain sensations are significantly strengthened. In the event that ulcerative colitis is complicated by toxic dilatation, the pain syndrome acquires a constant growing character, and irritation symptoms appear in the peritoneum.

This symptom of ulcerative colitis, which breaks the patient's habitual way of life, can be reduced with self-massage. It well removes any intestinal spasms. Such therapy is performed by applying palms on the navel and performing circular movements with a slight pressure.

Only with observance of all the rules, it is possible to alleviate the concomitant syndromes available in ulcerative colitis and to improve the quality of life even during the relapse of the disease.

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