Rashes at a dysbacteriosis, an eruption and maculae on a skin, dermal displays on the face and arms or hand, a urticaria at adults

The appearance of rash in adults with dysbiosis can be explained by the simple fact that this type of disease has a close relationship with an allergic reaction. The flow of a large number of allergic diseases will occur due to changes in the microflora of the digestive system.

Dysbacteriosis, which is caused by ingestion of an allergen into the intestinal cavity, will have symptoms such as hives, blemishes, rashes on various parts of the skin, for example, on the hands.

Causes of rashes in the dysbacteriosis

Rashes on the face, arms, spots and other skin manifestations of dysbiosis may appear due to various factors:

  • Constant patient taking antibiotics.
  • Previously infected in the cavity of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Flows along with the dysbacteriosis of pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers and gallbladder diseases.
  • Incorrect nutrition, too much consumption of floury, spicy, fatty. Also the cause of the rash may be the lack of nutrition in sour-milk products and plant products.
  • Problems with the immune system.
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Pathogenesis of the rash with dysbiosis

How can a rash appear on the face with dysbiosis? In the intestinal cavity, useful microorganisms are kept in a constant quantity, which ensures the normal state of the intestinal mucosa, which affects the digestion of food and the extraction of useful substances from it. When dysbiosis occurs, pathogenic bacteria begins the synthesis of toxins that penetrate the bloodstream and have an adverse effect on human organs. So, with strong intoxication of the body with secretions of pathogenic bacteria, the skin condition is broken, that is, there are rashes, because it is the most important for it to load metabolic products.

With dysbacteriosis, the intense activity of sweat and sebaceous glands first begins. The skin begins to fade, becomes greasy, there is an inconspicuous rash, and the smell of sweat becomes sharp and unpleasant. When the glands can no longer fight with pathogenic bacteria, all skin pores begin to be involved in the process, especially in the most tender places: folds, perineum, limbs. Thus, with a dysbacteriosis, there is a rash on the face and on the hands. These sites are the thinnest and most sensitive, and can not quickly get rid of a large number of toxins, and thus the inflammatory process begins, manifested as a rash. Infection begins quickly enough, and hives and spots appear.

Eruptions on the skin with dysbacteriosis

Allergic reaction for dysbacteriosis, manifested by a rash on the skin, mainly has an acute course, that is, after a few hours there may be a urticaria. In addition, along with them, the onset of mild symptoms of an allergic reaction - itching, swelling of the Quincke, bronchospasm, lowering of blood pressure.

Also symptoms of the onset of the inflammatory process in dysbiosis, is the appearance of acne, mostly painful and having a red tint. In addition, the appearance of a rash on the face with dysbiosis will be accompanied by exfoliation of the skin, that is, signs of beriberi.

It should be noted that the rash may appear not only on the skin, but also on the cavity of the rectum. Symptomatic of such a rash is itching and burning in the anus, and with visual examination you can see redness and irritation of the rectum.

Treatment of manifestations of dysbiosis on the skin

Treatment of urticaria with dysbacteriosis should first of all be aimed at eliminating the cause of skin problems, that is, it is necessary to cure the disease itself. To remove acne on the face, prescribing prebiotics and probiotics, which allow the intestinal microflora to recover normally and fight against pathogenic microorganisms, is prescribed. After the start of taking such drugs, it will immediately be noticeable how the rashes and stains on the skin will gradually begin to disappear.

Along with this, do not forget about the use of antiallergenic drugs that get rid of the allergen itself and, consequently, the cause of the appearance of rashes and spots in dysbiosis. They can be treated with various ointments and creams, which, although they can not completely cope with skin problems, but help to eliminate even a small part of them.

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