Signs and course of HIV infection in men

1 Clinical picture of the disease

Since entering the body, HIV is aimed at destroying the immune system. As the defender cells are destroyed, any infection can easily "knock down" even a healthy man. At the initial stage, the signs largely coincide with the common cold or ARVI.This is, in the opinion of doctors, the danger of the disease.

Masking under common and non-dangerous diseases, HIV inspires a false peace of mind to the wearer. Man tries to cope with the disease on his own, while losing time. A timely visit to the doctor and the treatment started - a guarantee of minimal complications. With all the requirements and recommendations, people living with HIV continue to live without any serious restrictions.

As the virus progresses, the immunodeficiency virus continues to capture new territories. If the infection of a man shows signs of a harmless cold or ARVI, then after 1-2 weeks the body becomes defenseless. Bacteria and microorganisms that a healthy person can not harm at all, a man with HIV can cause a significant damage to health. A person may have:

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  • general weakness;
  • chills;
  • elevated body temperature;
  • nausea;
  • the inability to concentrate;
  • joint aches, etc.

Less time from initial penetration into the body before the onset of symptoms occurs during infection during blood transfusions or the use of non-sterile needles for injection. Once in the bloodstream, HIV as soon as possible travels throughout the body. What happens next depends on the care of a person and the regularity of visiting doctors. The list of possible manifestations of the virus makes it difficult to determine. Even an experienced doctor may find it difficult to correctly interpret a clinical picture. Characteristic features:

  • abdominal pain;
  • shortness of breath;
  • disruption of the bowel;
  • trembling in the hands;
  • chest pain, etc.

Less often with this form of infection, the clinical picture begins to manifest itself only after 2-4 weeks. This gives the immunodeficiency virus enough time for development. In this case, cope with HIV, even in this case it is possible. People who regularly undergo a regular check-up with mandatory tests are more likely to know in advance about what is happening in the body.

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2 The development of the disease

If the early diagnosis of HIV has not been carried out, then the virus will wait its time. As activator activates, the first symptoms will inform you about the need to urgently go to the doctor. It all starts with a sharp increase in body temperature to 37-38 ° C.After this, the man begins a prolonged headache. Over time, even taking painkillers can not help.

After 7-8 days, colorless areas of the skin or a characteristic rash appear on the body. This fact allows the doctor to make an assumption about the active development of HIV in the patient's body. If after this professional medical intervention does not happen, then after the rash, the lymph nodes begin to grow in size.

In most cases, the nodes under the armpits and in the inguinal area are affected. In this case, the enlarged and firm to the touch nodes do not cause pain. As HIV becomes chronic, the patient experiences constant fatigue, loss of appetite, and a sharp decrease in body weight. After a certain time, the above symptoms in men disappear as quickly as they appeared. This fact makes a man believe in healing.

Doctors do not get tired of repeating that the immunodeficiency virus can not just disappear. As the disease develops, there are asymptomatic stages. The duration of such depends on many factors and reaches several years. In this case, the person remains a carrier of HIV.A man poses a threat to himself and others. If you stop therapy at this stage, then this will give a huge head start for HIV.


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3 Timely diagnosis of

The diagnosis of HIV depends not so much on modern medical equipment as on the common sense of men. Everyone is aware that HIV without adequate attention from doctors turns into AIDS, but this does not force people to visit a polyclinic for a regular examination. Doctors state that the following factors play an important role here:

  1. The vagueness of the clinical picture. Unlike many diseases, HIV does not have canonical symptoms, which allow you to immediately diagnose. If one man has HIV in the form of a rash, then another has a sharp weight loss.
  2. The asymptomatic stage is the most dangerous part of the disease. Most do not even think to consult a doctor unless they feel unwell. As a result, the human immunodeficiency virus receives a good temporary advantage.
  3. Danger to yourself and others. No one even tries to protect himself from the disease, if he does not know about her presence in the body. As a result, throughout the latent period, a man is able to infect others. Medical statistics indicate that in this way the virus is transmitted from 2 to 3% of carriers.
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HIV is a dangerous disease that affects the immune system. It is impossible to get rid of it, however modern medical means can contain the human immunodeficiency virus. With due attention to one's health, men can reduce the risk of infection. If the pathogenic agent still penetrated the body, then if all the recommendations of the doctor are followed, one can live a full life. In medical practice, there are many stories about how people with HIV have lived more than 40 years from the time of the inconclusive diagnosis.

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